Recent Publications:
Irena Borovanska, Rumen Krastev, Rosario Benavente, Manuel Monleón Pradas, Ana Vallés Lluch, Vasil Samichkov, Mario Iliev, Ageing effect on morphology, thermal and mechanical properties of impact modified LDPE/PP blends from virgin and recycled materials, J. Elastom. Plast., 2014, Vol. 46(5) 427–447;
Strashimir Djoumaliisky, Yonka Ivanova, Georgi Kotzev, Irena Borovanska, Tsolo Tsolov, Multilayered sound absorbing panels based on waste materials, Technomer 2013, P2.2, 1-6
I. Borovanska, Yu. Tsekov, V. Angelov, E. Ivanov, R. Kotsilkova, Str. Djoumaliisky, Tribological measurements of polypropylene nanocomposites by scratch and friction tests, Tribological Journal BULTRIB, Vol. ІІІ, 2013 , Papers from the International Conference BULTRIB '12, 226-235;
R. K. Krastev, S. Djoumalijsky, I. Borovanska, Long-Term Strength of Polymer Blends From Recycled Materials, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2013, vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 59–66;
S. Djoumaliisky, I. Borovanska, A.A. Apostolov, G. Kotzev, Preparation, Characterisation and Application of Extrusion Foams, Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting ASPM’2013, April 3-5, Bled, Slovenia, Proceedings, 280-282;
R. Merijs Meri, I. Bochkov, A. Grigalovca, J. Zicans,J. Grabis, R. Kotsilkova,I. Borovanska, Nanocomposites Based on ZnO Modified Polymer Blends, Macromol. Symp. 2012, 321-322, 130–134;
A. Grigalovica, I. Bochkov, R. Merijs Meri, J. Zicans, J. Grabis, R. Kotsilkova and I. Borovanska, The effect of nanosize ZnO on the properties of the selected polymer blend composites, IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 01/2012; 38(1). DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/38/1/012053;
Strashimir Djoumaliisky, Yonka Ivanova, Irena Borovanska, Mihail Mihajlov, Multilayered sound absorbing panels based on secondary polymer materials, Sci. Announces of Sci. Tech. Union Mech. Eng. (ISSN 1310-3946), Proc. XXV Bulg. Conf. Int. Part. NDT-days 2012, year XX, № 1 (130), pp. 391-394 (2011) ( in Bulgarian);
I.Borovanska, V. Gaydarov, G. Zamfirova, E. Ivanov, R. Kotsilkova, Interlaboratory comparative tests applied depth-sensing indentation method for studying of epoxy nanocomposites with multiwall carbon nanotubes, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 2012 (Eds. E. Balabanova and E. Mileva), National Coordination Council on Nanotechnologies, BAS, Sofia, pp. 59-63.;
E. Ivanov, I. Borovanska, B. Milosheva, R. Kotsilkova, Experimental Nano and Micro Mechanics of Nanostructured Materials, Part IV-3, In: “Mechanics of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology”, (Baltov A.and Kavardjikov V, Eds.), Institute of Mechanics, BAS (2012), pp. 287-326;
I. Borovanska, T. Dobreva, R. Benavente, Str. Djoumaliisky, G. Kotzev, Quality Assessments of Recycled and Modified LDPE/PP Blends, J. Elastom. Plast., 2012, Vol.44, Issue 6, 479-497;
V.Florov, S. Djoumaliisky, G.Kotzev, I. Borovanska, ecological (waste-free) technologies for drip-irrigation products. recycling and using own reprocessable material, Sixteenth International Water Technology Conference IWTC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey May 7-10,2012;
Strashimir Djoumaliisky, Velizar Florov, Georgi Kotzev, Anton A. Apostolov, Irena Borovanska, Preparation and characterization of foams based on the secondary plastics stream in Bulgaria, 22. Fachtagung uber Verarbeitung und Anwendung von Polymeren, Technomer’2011, Chemnitz, Germany, Langfassungen, P.2.2. (S. 1-7). ISBN 978-3-939382-10-2;
Irena Borovanska, Strashimir Djoumaliisky, George Kotzev1, Sound absorption of foamed blends based on secondary polymers modifiedwith ethylene propylene- diene monomer (EPDM), Sci. Announces of Sci. Tech. Union Mech. Eng. (ISSN 1310-3946), Proc. XXV Bulg. Conf. Int. Part. NDT-days 2011, year XV, № 1 (121), pp. 295-299 (2011) ( in Bulgarian)
Desislava Pashkouleva, Irena Borovanska, Vasil Kavardzikov, Rumiana Kotsilkova, „Comparative interlaboratory test of three- point bending of thermoplastics samples”, Metrology and metrology assurance, 2010, Sozopol, September 9-13,2010, 407-410;( in Bulgarian)
Irena Borovanska, Strashimir Djoumaliisky, Tatyana Dobreva, George Kotzev, Indentification and quality assestment of polymers from Bulgarian plastic wastes flow, Sci. Announces of Sci. Tech. Union Mech. Eng. (ISSN 1310-3946), Proc. XXIII Bulg. Conf. Int. Part. NDT-days 2010, year XV, № 5 (115), 2010, 351-356 (in Bulgarian);
Irena Borovanska, Ekaterina Terlemesian, Мechanical properties of elasticized blends of secondary HDPE and PP, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Mechanics and Technology of Composite Materials, Varna, Bulgaria,September 22-24, 2009, 381-387;
Djoumaliisky Str., Dobreva T., Radeva T., Krusteva Ek., Kotzev G., Borovanska Ir., Krastev R., Djunova St., Recycling of mixed plastic waste from households, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Mechanical and Technology of Composite Material, Varna, Bulgaria,September 22-24, 2009, 177-182;
E.Terlemesian, I.Borovanska, S. Vasileva, “ Influence of compounding with elastomers on the mechanical properties of polyethlene/ polypropylene blends”, 5th Central European Conference Plastic Recycling and Recovery, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Wroslaw, October 18-20, 2006,173-177;
I. Borovanska, E. Terlemesian, S. Vasileva, M. Natov, Mechanical Propertiers of Toughed PE/PP Blends, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Mechanics and Technology of Composite Materials, Sofia, Bulgaria; October 2-4, 2006, 396-403;
А. Mitculov, I. Borovanska, Е. Тerlemesian, Structural Study of Elastified LDPE/PP Blends by X-Ray Difraction, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Mechanics and Technology of Composite Materials, Sofia, Bulgaria; October 2-4, 2006, 263-270;
- COST ACTION FA0904 "Eco-sustainable Food Packaging based on Polymer Nanomaterials"(2010-2014), participant
- FP7-INCO.2010-6.1 -CSА- 266529 / BY-NanoERA "Institutional Development of Applied Nanoelectromagnetics: Belarus in ERA Widening" (2010-2013), participant
- National Science Fund -MES/ DTK-02/7/Thematic Competition: Recycling of mixed plastic waste from householdsРециклиране на смесени пластмасови отпадъци от бита"(2010-2013), participant
- Bilateral Agreement BAS-CNR, Italy, Project title: "Design of polymer nanocomposites with carbon nanotubes and clay nanolayers"(2010-2012), participant
- National Science Fund -MES/ DО-02-202/Thematic Competition:"Разпенени полипропиленови нанокомпозити: получаване, структурно охарактеризиране, термомеханично поведение и приложение"(2009-2011), participant
- FP7-NMP-2007-CSA-1-218331 NaPolyNet "Setting up research-intensive clusters across the EU on characterization of polymer nanostructures", (2008-2011), participant
-National Science Fund -MES/ DO-02-53/Research Infrastructure Project: "Setting up an Open Laboratory on Experimental Mechanics of Micro-and Nanomaterials" (OLEM), supported by National Science Fund, Bulgaria, (2008-2010),participant
- Operational Program 'Human resources development' at the scheme BG051PO001/07/3.3-02- MES, "Support for the Development and Realization of PhD-students, PostDocs and Young Researchers in the Field of Polymer Chemistry, Physics and Engineering (2008-2010), participant