Assen Georgiev Nedev
Position: Associate Professor |
Department: Solid Mechanics |
Room number: 323 |
Phone: +359 2 979 6453 |
E-mail: |
Scientific degrees, institution, year: |
PhD, Institute of Mechanics-BAS, 1998 |
Fields of Research:
Sheet metal forming by technological process (rolling and deep drawing) - modeling, numerical simulation and experimental investigation, numerical modeling of drug release from 2D matrix. |
Extended Information
Recent Publications: Blagoeva R., Nedev A., Michailova V. An approach to modeling drug release from polymersome nanoparticles based on PNIPAM-G-PEO graft copolymer, International Journal BOIautomation, (2017), 2, ISSN:1314-2321, SJR:0.23. Blagoeva R., Nedev A., Michailova V. Numerical modeling of indomethacin release from polymersome nanoparticles solution in the presence of ethanol. Series on Biomechanics, 29, 2-3, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Society of Biomechanics and Bulgarian Society of Biorheology, (2015), 78-82, ISSN:1313-2458. Blagoeva R., Nedev A. Modeling of 3-N Butylphthalide Release from PEG Lipid Nanoparticles used for Brain Ischemia. IJSR: International Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 4, 6, (2015), 629-630, ISSN:2277-8179. Blagoeva R., Nedev A., Michailova V. Numerical Analysis of Indomethacin Release from Polymersome Nanoparticles. Efect of ethanol content. IJAR: Indian Journal of Applied Research, 4, 7, (2014), 462-464, ISSN:2249-555X. Blagoeva R., A. Nedev, V. Mihailova, Numerical Modeling of indomethacin release from PNIPAM-g-PEO micellar nanoparticles, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol. 4, 3, 433-435 (2014), (IF=2.165). Blagoeva R., A. Nedev, Numerical Modeling of Protein Drugs Release from Extruded Lipid Implants, Comptes rendus l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol.67, 1, 123-131 (2014), (IF =0.219). V. Mihailova, Blagoeva R., A. Nedev, On the Study of Indomethacin Release from PNIPAM-g-PEO Vesicular Nanoparticles, Int. Electronic Journal BIOautomation, Vol.17, 4, 1-9 (2013). Blagoeva R., A. Nedev, Numerical Analysis of Protein Drugs Release from Lipid Implants, Series on Biomechanics, Vol. 28, 3-4, 61-67 (2013). Blagoeva R., V. Mihailova, A. Nedev, Experimental and Numerical Study of Indomethacin Release from PNIPAM-g-PEO Vesicular Nanoparticles, Comptes rendus l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol.65, 5, 675-682 (2012), (IF =0.219). Blagoeva R., A. Nedev, Numerical modeling of Inteleukin-18 release from lipid implants, Comptes rendus l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol.64, 6, 875-882 (2011), (IF =0.219). Blagoeva R. R. & Nedev A., Numerical Modeling of Drug Release from HPMC Carriers with Erosion, Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, Vol.2, 1, 1-9 (2011). Blagoeva R., A. Nedev, An Approach to Modeling Protein Release from Lipid Implants, Int. Electronic Journal BIOautomation, Vol.15, 1, 25-32 (2011). Blagoeva R, V. Mihailova, S.Titeva, A. Nedev, Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Release Kinetics of Trimetazidine Hydrichloride from 2D HPMC Carriers, Comptes rednus l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol.63, No 5, pp.753-760 (2010). Михнев В., А. Недев, Д. Дилчовски, В. Камбуров, Експериментално и числено изследване на силовия режим на процес на дълбоко изтегляне на стомана, Инженерни науки, гд. XLVII, No.1, pp. 33-42 (2010). Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, Reliability of a Novel Model for Drug Release from 2D HPMC-Matrices, International Electronic Journal BIOautomation, Vol.14, pp.27-36 (2010). Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, Numerical Analysis of Swelling and Drug Release Kinetics from 2D HPMC Matrices, 11th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2-5 Sept. Borovets, Bulgaria (2009). Nedev A., R. Blagoeva, Numerical Analysis of Formability in Deep Drawing AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Sheets, J. of Materials Science and Technology, Vol.17, No2, pp.165-178 (2009). Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, Numerical Modelling of Drug Release from 2D HPMC-Matrices, International Electronic Journal BIOautomation, Vol.13, pp.19-26 (2009). Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, A numerical approach for solving problems for drug release from 2-D polymeric systems, 3rd Int. Conf. “From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering”, Athens 9-12 July (2008). Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, A Numerical Solution of a Drugs Dissolving in 2-Dmatrix System with Finite Rate, Mech. Res. Comm., Vol.35, І5-6, pp.344-349 (2008). Nedev A., A. Baltov, J. Genov, Numerical analysis of formability and contact friction in deep drawing of warm Mg alloy sheets, J. of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol.37, No 4, pp.35-44 (2007). Nedev A., Finite element analysis of contact friction in deep drawing process of magnesium alloy sheets, J. of Materials Science and Technology, Vol.15, No2, pp.93-104 (2007). Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, Finite Element Solution of a problem for slowly Dissolving Drugs in 2-D Matrix System, Comptes rednus l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol.60, No 7, pp.743-748 (2007). Mikhnev V., A. Nedev, D. Dilchovski, Numerical investigation of contact friction during deep drawing of steel blanks, Proceed. of V Int. Congress. “Mechanical Engineering Technologies’06, section II, pp.119-121 (2006). Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, Monolithic Delivery Systems: Part II. Basic Mathematical Models and Applications, International Electronic Journal BIOautomation, Vol.5, pp.106-117 (2006). Nedev A., Analysis of the blank-holder pressure in deep drawing process of magnesium alloy sheet, J. of Materials Science and Technology, Vol.14, No3, pp.173-183 (2006). Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, Monolithic Delivery Systems: Part I. Basic Characteristics and Mechanisms, International Electronic Journal BIOautomation, Vol.4, pp.80-88 (2006). Nedev A., Analysis of the blank-holder pressure for different blank thicknesses and materials during deep drawing process, J. of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol.36, No 2, pp.3-18 (2006). NIKOLOV N., D. PASHKOULEVA, A. NEDEV, V. KAVARDZIKOV, Experimental investigations of deep drawing process of steel blanks, Comptes rednus l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol.59, No 5, pp.499-504 (2006). Nikolov N., A. Nedev, Die roundness Radius Analysis for Different Metals Deep Drawing Process, J. of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol.35, No 3, pp.69-86 (2005). Nedev A. N. Nikolov and I. Altaparmakov, Blank Diameter Analysis for Different Metals Deep Drawing Process, J. of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol.34, No 2, pp. 59-74 (2005). Angelov T., A. Nedev, Numerical analysis of a hot strip rolling problem with Coulomb-Siebel friction, Engineering Computations, Vol.15, No 8, pp.1000-1010 (1998). Baltov A., A. Nedev, An approach to the modeling of contact friction during rolling, J. of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.53, pp.695-711 (1995). |
Modified date:19-07-2018