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Tihomir Vantchev Tiankov

Position Assoc. Prof.

Department: Mechatronics

Room number: 430

Phone: +359 2 979 6483


Scientific degrees, institution, year:

Doctor, Institute of Mechanics, 2007

Fields of Research:


Micro and nanotechnology, robotics, algorithms and software control of piezo-actuated robots, requirements specification and robotisation of micro and nano manipulation processes.

Extended Information

Recent Publications:


Publications related with Doctor’s thesis

  1. Tiankov, T., D. Chakarov, M. Al-Wahab, K.Kostadinov, “Modeling and simulation of mechatronic scanning system for measurement of electro-chemical impedance”, 7th Magdeburg Days of Mechanical Engineering “Virtual Development of Products and Processes, October 1112, 2005, Magdeburg, Germany , in R. Kasper et all (Eds.) “Virtuelle Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung”, pp.70-75, ISBN 3-929 757-83-4

  2. Tiankov T., A. Shulev, N. Elian, D. Chakarov, I. Roussev, M. Al-Wahab1, K. Kostadinov, Experimental Motion Study Of The Mechatronic System For Manipulation And Processing Micro/ Nano Operations, in Nanoscience & nanotechnology, ed. by E. Balabanova and I. Dragieva, November 24-26, 2005, Sofia, HERON Press Science Series, Issue 6, 2006, ISBN 10:954-580-205-7, ISBN 13:978-954-580-205-8, pp. 256-259.

  3. Kostadinov K., R. Kasper, T. Tiankov, M. Al-Wahab, D. Chakarov, D. Gotseva,, Unified Approach For Functional Task Formulation In Domain Of Micro/Nano Handling Manipulations, in W. Menz and St. Dimov (Eds.), 4M2006 Second International conference on Multi- Material Micro Manufacture (Grenoble, 20.09.-22.09.2006), Elsevier -, pp. 255-258.

  4. Тiankov, Т., Interactive operator self-learning approach for telemanipulation control utilizing the impedance scaling, Proceedings of the 5th Baltic-Bulgarian Conference on BPBMMR, June 5-6, 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, ISBN 9984-32-227-0, pp. 83-86.

  5. Tiankov, T., Shulev, A., Gotseva, D., Roussev, I., Kostadinov, K., “Investigation of piezo actuated micro/nano manipulators by digital speckle photography and interferometry”, International Conference “Autoamtics and Informatics ‘06”, 03-06.10.2006, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 47-50

  6. Тянков, Т., „Роботи за микро и нано манипулации”, автореферат на дисертация за присъждане на научна и образователна степен „Доктор” към СНС „Механични технологии и транспорт” при ВАК, 27.03.2007г., София, България.


Publications not related with Doctor’s thesis

  1. Kostadinov, K., Ionescu, F., Hradynarsky, R., Tiankov, T., “Robot based assembly and processing micro/nano operations”, 1st International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture, organized by: FP6 4M Network of Excellence, , 29.06-01.07.2005 Karlsruhe, Germany, Elsevier pp. 295-298

  2. Kostadinov, K., R. Kasper, T. Tiankov, M. Al-Wahab, D. Gotseva, „Telemanipulation Control of Mechatronic Handling Devices for Micro/Nano Operations“, 4M2007, Third International conference on Multi- Material Manufacture, 03-05.10.2007, Borovets, Bulgaria, ISBN 978-1904445-53-1, USA ISBN 978-1-4200-7004-0, pp. 241-244,

  3. Tiankov, T., Chakarov, D., Kostadinov, K., ”Synthesis and simulation of a robot for cell injection”, 6th Baltic-Bulgarian Conference on Bionics and prosthetics, biomechanics and mechanics, mechatronics and robotics, June 5-6, 2008, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 82-85

  4. Тянков, Т., „Подход за управление на микроманипулационна система за роботизиране на процеса инжектиране на клетки”, 79 издание „Механика на машините” 2008г., България, ISSN 0861-9727, издателство ТУ-Варна, стр. 71-74

Recent Projects:

  1. ТН-1308/03 “Robotised systems for micro and nanomanipulations” Ro-MiNa (01.07.2003-30.06.2006).

  2. FP6-500274-2 NoE 4M - Multi Material Micro Manufacturing” as a PhD student in the Institute of Mechanics core team (2004-2007) with 4M Co-ordinator - Prof. Stefan Dimov, MEC, Cardiff University (MEC), UK.

  3. DFG Project MecHaPiCs1 “Mechatronic hangling devices for micro and nano operations” co-operation with “Otto von Guericke” University - Magdeburg (01.10.2005 – 30.09.2007).

  4. DFG Project МеcHaPiCs2 “Mechatronic handling devices for micro and nano operations” co-operation with “Otto von Guericke” University - Magdeburg

  5. FP6-2004-NMP-NI-4 Project No: IP 026622-2 HYDROMEL “Hybrid ultra-precision manufacturing process based on positional- and self-assembly for complex micro-products” (01.10.2006-30.09.2010).

  6. Проект от Оперативната програма “Развитие на човешките ресурси”, Схема за безвъзмездна финансова помощ „Подкрепа за развитието на докторанти, постдокторанти и млади учени“, дог. BG051PO001/07/3.3-02/55/17.06.2008 г. Повишаване на качеството на обучение и изграждане на конкурентноспособен научен потенциал в областта на микро- и наномеханиката”.

  7. Проект, финансиран от Националния иновационен фонд на тема “Разработване на алгоритми и компютъризирана система за тримерно оптично сканиране на нано, микро и макро-обекти”.


IEEE Member to “Robotics and Automation” society – USA


Diploma – Second award for scientific and applied achievements of the young scientists’ competition during the report session 2005.

Diploma – for successful Ph.D. graduation in time and excellent presentation during the report session 2006.

First award for scientific and applied developmentRobots for micro and nano manipulations, presented to the young scientists competition during the report session 2007.

Certificate for successful participation in the training courseProgrammable logical controllers SIMATIC S7” 12 12-25.03.2006г., Kesselsdorf, Germany.

Diploma for participation in DTU-4M summer school 2007 “Micro mechanical system design and manufacture”.

Modified date:29-02-2016