Roussislava Zaharieva-Georgieva
Position: Assist. Prof. Dr. |
Department: Solid Mechanics |
Room number: 303 |
Phone: +359 2 979 64 38 |
E-mail: |
Scientific degrees, institution, year:
B.S., Caltech, Pasadena, USA, 2001 M.S., Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA, 2004 Ph.D., Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA, 2011
Fields of Research:
Nanomaterials, Continuum mechanics, Atomistic and Multiscale modeling, Finite element method simulations, Ab initio simulations, Molecular Dynamics, Numerical methods, Mathematical modeling, Materials Science, Structural dynamics, Structural analysis, Optimization |
Extended Information
Recent publications: Journal publications and refereed conference proceedings:
1. Chalakova, G.; Datcheva, M.; Zaharieva, R.; Georgiev, M.; Dobrovolska, Ts.; Stoychev, D., Nanomechanical testing of thin composite layers – Application to Pd-In electrochemically deposited thin films. AIP Conf. Proc., “Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences” AMiTaNS’15, vol. 1684, 030002-1-030002-10, 2015.
2. Zaharieva, R.; Hanagud, S., Preliminary design of multifunctional structural-energetic materials for high density, high strength and release of high enthalpic energy. Intl. J. of Sci. Eng. and Tech., Volume No.3, Issue No.9, pp: 1189-1192, 2014. ISSN : 2277-1581
3. Vasenkov, A.; Newsome, D.; Verners, O.; Russo, M. F.; Zaharieva, R.; van Duin, A. C. T., Reactive molecular dynamics study of Mo-based alloys under high-pressure, high-temperature conditions. J. Appl. Phys. 112, 013511-1-013511-13, 2012. ISSN: 0021-8979
4. Hanagud, S.; Lu, X.; Zaharieva, R.; Wu, Z., Multi-Scale Models for Multi-Component Structural Energetic Materials. 50th AIAA SSDM conf., SDM-46: Fundamental Behavior of Composites; Palm Springs (California), 4-7 May 2009.
5. Hanagud, S.; Lu, X.; Zaharieva, R., Equation of state & failure criteria of dual functional structural energetic materials. 15th APS SCCM Conf., 24–29 June, 2007, Kohala Coast (Hawaii); AIP Conf. Proc. 955, 133 (2007).
6. Zaharieva, R.; Lu, X.; Hanagud, S., Synthesis, characterization, and modeling of reinforced Ni-Al dual functional energetic structural materials, Transition State. 48th AIAA SSDM conf., ASC-8: Active Materials; Honolulu (Hawaii), 23-26 April 2007.
Other publications:
1. Zaharieva, Roussislava. "Ab initio studies of equations of state and chemical reactions of reactive structural materials." PhD Dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology (2011).
2. Rosakis, A. J.; Owen, D. M.; Zaharieva, R.; Haberman, K.; Vardoulakis, I.; Exadaktylos, G., "Explosion at the Parthenon: Can we pick up the pieces?" Galcit SM report (1999): 99-3.
Recent Conferences:
1. Zaharieva, R.; Iankov, D.; Iankov, R.; Datcheva, M., Numerical simulation of nano-indentation of systems containing piezoelectric material layer, 10th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM (BGSIAM'15), Sofia, Bulgaria, 21-22 Dec., 2015
2. Zaharieva, R.; Bouzekova-Penkova, A., Modeling and characterization of reinforced Al alloys for space instrumentation. 9th Sci. Conf. with Intl. Participation SES 2013 "Space, Ecology, Safety", Sofia, Bulgaria, 20-22 Nov., 2013
3. Zaharieva, R.; Bouzekova-Penkova, A., Atomistic modeling of Al, W and UUDP interactions to study the effects of alloy additions on the properties of reinforced Al alloys. 15th Intl. Workshop on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Sofia, Bulgaria, 21-23 Nov., 2013
4. Zaharieva, R.; Bouzekova-Penkova, A., First-principles and quasi-continuum investigations of the material properties of two systems: dispersive-reinforced Al alloys and Ti/H2 system. 2nd IWPMEO: Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Antalya, Turkey, May 2013. JRC Technical Reports, p.62. doi: 10.2790/85872. ISSN: 1831-9424
5. Zaharieva, R., Ab initio molecular dynamics study on the effects of mechanical strain and temperature on the chemical reactions of W+CO and Ti+H2. Department of Aerospace at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA, Nov. 2012
6. Zaharieva, R., Ab initio molecular dynamics study on the effects of mechanical strain on the chemical reactions of W+CO and Ti+H2. 1st IWPMEO, Ankara, Turkey, Oct. 2012. JRC Technical Reports, p.13. doi: 10.2790/62830. ISSN: 1831-9424
7. Zaharieva, R.; Hanagud, S., Effect of strain on the reactivity of CO, C and O on W (111) and W (110). Jubilee International Congress Science, Education, Technologies "40 Years Bulgaria – Space Country", Varna, Bulgaria, 12-14 Sep. 2012
8. Zaharieva, R.; Hanagud, S., Ab initio studies of shock-induced chemical reactions of inter-metallics. 16th APS SCCF Conf., Abstracts vol. 1, p. 2004; Nashville (Tennessee), June 28–July 3, 2009.
9. Zaharieva, R.; Hanagud, S.; Reding, D., Synthesis and characterization of dual functional energetic structural materials. Fall 2005 MRS Symp. Proc. 896, 0896-H01-02, Boston, USA, 28-30 November, 2005
Recent Projects:
Membership: AIAA – American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
Modified date:18-04-2022