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Нина Христова Пешева

Длъжност: Професор
Математическо моделиране и числени симулации
Стая: 304, 105
Тел.: (02) 979 6439, (02) 870 54 25

Научни степени, организация, година:




Магистър, СУ ”Климент Охридски”, София, България, 1981 Д-р, Вирджиния Тех, Блексбърг, САЩ, 1989

Области на професионален интерес:


Неравновесна статистическа механика, фазови преходи, принудени дифузни ситеми, самоорганизизрана критичност, методи Монте Карло, омокряне и разтичане

Допълнителна инфомация:


Избрани публикации:

  • Brankov J.G., Bunzarova N. Zh., Pesheva N. C., Priezzhev V. B.. A model of irreversible jam formation in dense traffic. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 494, 2018.


  • S Iliev, N Pesheva, P Iliev, Contact angle hysteresis on doubly periodic smooth rough surfaces in Wenzel's regime: The role of the contact line depinning mechanism,  Physical Review E 97 (4), 042801, 2108.


  • Pavel Iliev, Nina Pesheva, Stanimir Iliev, Roughness of the contact line on random self-affine rough surfaces, Dec 2018, Phys. Rev. E 98(6), 060801, 2018.

  • NZ Bunzarova, NC Pesheva. One-dimensional irreversible aggregation with dynamics of a totally asymmetric simple exclusion process, Physical Review E 95 (5), 052105J, 2017.


  • JULIAN ISERINGHAUSEN, BASTIAN GOLDLÜCKE, NINA PESHEVA and STANIMIR ILIEV, ALEXANDER WENDER, MARTIN FUCHS, MATTHIAS B. HULLIN, 4D Imaging through Spray-On Optics,  ACM Trans. Graph. 36, (4), Article 35 (11pages) 2017; DOI  10.1145/3072959.3073589


  • Bunzarova, N. Zh, Pesheva, N.C., Priezzhev, V. B., Brankov, J.B.. A model of jam formation in congested traffic. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 012026, 936, IOP, 2017

DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/936/1/012026, 012026; SJR:0.24

  • Iliev, S., Pesheva, N. , Contact-angle hysteresis on periodic microtextured surfaces: Strongly corrugated liquid interfaces,  Physical Review E - Volume 93, Issue 6, 20 June 2016, Article number 062801.


  • Bunzarova N., Pesheva N., Brankov J., On the appearance of traffic jams in a long chain with a shortcut in the bulk, Physica A 438, 645-656 (2015) ; IF 1.732; ISSN: 0378-4371 (available also as a preprint:


  • Bunzarova N., Pesheva N., Brankov J., Asymmetric simple exclusion process on chains with a shortcut, Physical Review E 89 (3), 032125 (2014) ; IF 2.313; ISSN: 1539-3755 (print) 1550-2376 (online)(available also as a preprint:


  • Pesheva N., Brankov J., Position dependence of the particle density in a double-chain section of a linear network in a totally asymmetric simple exclusion process, Phys. Rev. E 87, 062116 (2013); IF 2.313; ISSN: 1539-3755 (print) 1550-2376 (online) ( arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.2878 (2013)).


  • Iliev, D., Pesheva, N., Iliev, S., Contact angle hysteresis and meniscus corrugation on randomly heterogeneous surfaces with mesa-type defects, Langmuir 29 (19) 2013, pp.  5781-5792,  ИФ - 4.187; ISSN: 07437463; Web Edition ISSN: 1520-5827

  • Iliev, S, N. Pesheva. Dynamic meniscus profile method for determination of the dynamic contact angle in the Wilhelmy geometry, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 385, 2011, 144 - 151; ИФ - 2.108; ISSN: 0927-7757.

  • Pesheva N., Brankov J., Position-Induced Phase Change in a TASEP with a Double-Chain Section (a Model of Biological Transport), Biomath 1 (2012), 121121-01, ISSN 1314-7218 (online) ISSN 1314-684X (print) .

  • Iliev P., Pesheva N., Iliev S., Dynamic Contact angle on sinusoidally grooved surfaces: Numerical Analysis by the Contact line Dissipation Approach, University of Plovdiv „Paisii Hilendarski“ – Bulgaria, Sci. Papers, Vol. 38, book 4, 2013 – physics, 89-93.  (ISSN 0861-0029)

  • Pesheva N.,  Stefanov I., Slavchev S., Application of the Invasion Percolation Model to Water-Gas Flows in Artificial Soils with Plants, (DOI 10.1007/s11242-009-9441-y )Transport in Porous Media 83 (2), pp. 319-331 (2010); published online 8 July 2009. (IF 1.551) ISSN  1573-1634 (Online) 0169-3913 (Print) (2010).

  • Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva, Dimitar Iliev, Asymptotic solutions for the relaxation of the contact line in the Wilhelmy-plate geometry: the contact line dissipation approach, Phys. Rev E 81, 2010, 011607.

  • Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva Vadim Nikolayev, Dynamic Modeling of the Deformed Contact Line Under  Partial Wetting Conditions - Quasi-Static Approach , European Physical Journal 166, 2009, p. 181.

  • Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva Vadim Nikolayev, Dynamic Modeling of a Contact Line Deformation: Comparison with Experiment, Physical Review E 78, 2008, 021605.

  • Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva Vadim Nikolayev, Dynamic Modeling of the Deformed Contact Line Under Partial Wetting Conditions - Quasi-Static Approach, Proceedings of the 7th Coating Symposium: Recent advances in Coating, Drying and Dynamical Wetting, September 12-14, 2007, Paris, pp. 48-49.

  • Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva Vadim Nikolayev, Quasi-Static Motion of the Contact Line in the Wilhelmy Plate Geometry: Contact Line Dissipation Model, Proceedings of the 36 Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, April 2-6, 2007, pp. 246-251.

  • N. Pesheva, I. Stefanov, S. Slavchev, Application of the percolation theory to water-gas flows in artificial soils: Part II. Invasion percolation model with randomly distributed extraction sites, 11th Workshop on transport phenomena in two-phase flow, 2006.

  • Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva, Nonaxisymmetric drop shape analysis and its application for determination of the local contact angles, J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 301 (2), 2006, pp. 677-684.

  • Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva, On the quasi-static relaxation of a drop in a combined model of dissipation, Langmuir 22, 2006, p. 1580.

  • Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva, Asymptotic solutions of the quasi-static relaxation of liquid drops taking into account the dissipation during the contact line motion, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 35, 2005, pp. 101-110.

  • Jordan Brankov, Nina Pesheva, Nadezhda Bunzarova, One-Dimensional Traffic Flow Models: Theory and Computer Simulations, Proc. of the 10th Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna, 13-16 September 2005, pp. 442-456.

  • Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva, Asymptotic Solutions for the Quasi-Static Relaxation of Liquid Drops, Proc. of the 10th Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna, 13-16 September 2005. pp. 479-482.

  • Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva, Vadim Nikolayev, Quasistatic relaxation of arbitrarily shaped sessile drops, Phys. Rev. E 72, 2005, 011606.

  • Nina Pesheva and Joel De Coninck, Drop spreading on heterogeneous substrates via Monte Carlo simulations, Phys. Rev. E 70, 2004, 046102.

  • Jordan Brankov, Nina Pesheva, Nadezhda Bunzarova, Totally asymmetric exclusion process on chains with a double chain section in the middle: Computer simulations and a simple theory, Phys. Rev. E 69, 2004, 066128.

  • S. Iliev, N. Pesheva, Wetting Properties of Well Structured Heterogeneous Substrates, Langmuir 19, 2003, pp. 9923-9931.

  • N. Pesheva, S. Iliev, Numerical Verification of the Cassie’s Equation for Well Defined Heterogeneous Substrates with “Mesa” defects, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 33, 2003, pp. 29-40.

  • Nina Pesheva, Gleb Oshanin, Monolayer Spreading on a Chemically Heterogeneous Substrate, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physiochem. and Eng. Asp. 206, 2002, 2349. available also as a preprint: cond-mat/02045511.

  • Jordan Brankov, Nina Pesheva and Nikola Valkov, Exact results for a fully asymmetric exclusion process with sequential dynamics and open boundaries, Phys. Rev E 61, 2000, pp. 2300-2319. available also as a preprint: aps1999jun02_002 at

  • Jordan Brankov and Nina Pesheva, Exact Density Profiles for the Fully Asymmetric Exclusion Process with Discrete-Time Dynamics on Semi-Infinite Chains, Phys. Rev E 63, 2001, 046111. available also as a preprint: cond-mat/0011370.


  • Монография:
  • Илиев, С., Пешева, Н., Д. Илиев. Равновесие и квазистатична динамика на течност, частично омокряща твърдо тяло, Поредица „Приложна Математика и Механика” Том 1, Институт по Механика - БАН, София, 2011, 234 с.; ISSN: 1314-3034.




  • Повишаване на качеството на обучение и изграждане на конкурентноспособен научен потенциал в областта на микро- и нано-механиката, проект No. BG051PO001/07/3.3-02/55 с МОН, България, Оперативна програма ”Развитие на човешките ресурси” на ЕСФ, р-л на проекта: ст.н.с. II ст. Детелина Игнатова, 2008-2009.

  • Математическо моделиране на преноса на флуиди и хранителни вещества в капилярни порести среди, проект No. KI-1-02/03 с МОН, България, р-л на проекта: ст.н.с. II ст. Славчо Славчев, 2003-2007.


Последна промяна:13-11-2023