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Надя Антонова


Заемана длъжност Проф. д-р

Направление: Биомеханика

Стая №: 112

Тел: (02) 979 6413, (02) 979 6421



Научни степени, организация, година:



1978 –Софийски университет "Св.Климент Охридски", Факултет по математика и механика, Специализация механика на флуиди, Магистър по механика, 1978, 1985 – д-р по биомеханика (Механични ствойства на кръв) в Институт по механика и биомеханика при БАН, 1999 – ст.н.с. II ст. в Институт по механика и биомеханика при БАН

2012 – професор в Института по механика – БАН

Области на професионален интерес (ключови думи):

Биомеханика, биореология, хемореология, механика на биологични течности, електрореология, тънки течни филми от биологични течности, клинични приложения



Допълнителна инфомация


Избрани публикации: СПИСЪК НА ПУБЛИКАЦИИТЕ НА Н. АНТОНОВА ЗА 2014-2005


  1. N. Antonova, N. Koseva, A. Kowalczuk, P. Riha, I. Ivanov, Rheological and electrical properties of polymeric nanoparticle solutions and their influence on RBC suspensions, Appl. Rheol. 24, 2014, 35190 (ISSN. 1430-6395).

  2. N. Antonova, X. Dong, P. Tosheva, E. Kaliviotis, I.Velcheva. Numerical analysis of 3D blood flow and common carotid artery hemodynamics in the carotid artery bifurcation with stenosis. J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, (приета за печат през 2013) (ISSN: 1386-0291, DOI 10.3233/CH-141827).

  3. N. Antonova On some mathematical models in hemorheology, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 26(5), 2012, 3286-3291, ISSN 1310-2818

  4. N. Antonova, N. Koseva, A. Kowalczuk, P.Riha, I.Ivanov. Mechanical and electrical properties of RBC suspensions in polymeric nanoparticles soltutions. Proc. Int. Conf. on Bionics/Prosthetics, Biomechanics/Mechanics and Mechatronics/Robotics, 2013, 310-319 (ICBBM 2013) June 17–21, 2013, Riga, Latvia (ISBN: 978-9934-8409-0-6).

  5. N. Antonova, P. Riha, I. Ivanov, Y. Gluhcheva. Mechanical and electrical properties of blood and evaluation of RBC aggregation and deformability. Lecture notes of the ICB seminar Current trends in development of implantable tissue structures, R. Bedzinski and M. Petrtyl (Eds.), International Centre of Biocybernetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, J. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 2012, 28-32

  6. N. Antonova, Theoretical and experimental approaches to study mechanical properties of blood (minireview), Boletim of the Portuguese Society on Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 28(4), 2013, 5-17 (ISSN: 0872-4938).

  7. N. Antonova (Ed.), Scientific program and abstracts of the 4th Eurosummer school on biorheology and Symposium on micro and nanomechanics and mechanobiology of cells, tissues and systems, Varna, August 29 – September 2, 2012, Avangard Prima, 2012, 70 pages, (ISBN: 978-619-160-033-5)

  8. V. Kavardjikov, N. Antonova, M. Datcheva (Eds.), Scientific program and abstracts of the International scientific conference on mechanics (MECH2012), dedicated to the 35th Anniversary of the Institute of Mechanics – BAS and 50 years organized research on Mechanics in BAS, 19th - 22nd November, 2012, Sofia, Avangard Prima, 2012, 61 pages, (ISBN: 978-619-160-067-0)

  9. N. Antonova, P.Riha, I.Ivanov and Y. Gluhcheva, Experimental evaluation of mechanical and electrical properties of RBC suspensions in Dextran and PEG under flow II. Role of RBC deformability and morphology, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, vol.49, No.1-4, 441-450 (2011), ISSN1386-0291

  10. I. Velcheva , P. Damianov , N. Antonova , Z. Stoyneva , V. Dimitrova, Hemorheology and vascular reactivity in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, vol.49, No.1-4, 505-511, (2011), ISSN1386-0291

  11. I. Velcheva , P. Damianov , S. Mantarova , N. Antonova, Нemorheology and heart rate variability in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, vol.49, No.1-4, 513-518 (2011), ISSN1386-0291

  12. Y. Gluhcheva, I. Ivanov, V Atanasov, N. Antonova, Ju. Ivanova, M. Mitewa, Hematological changes in case of chronic cadmium intoxication and monensin detoxication. Relationship with rheological variables, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, vol.49, No.1-4, 417-422(2011), ISSN1386-0291

  13. N. Antonova , X. Dong , P. Tosheva, I.Velcheva. Numerical analysis of 3D blood flow and common carotid artery hemodynamics in the carotid artery bifurcation without stenoses. J. Series on Biomechanics, 28 (3-4), 2013, 50-60, Avangard, Sofia (ISSN: 1313-2458).

  14. N. Antonova, P. Tosheva, I.Velcheva. Numerical analysis of 3D blood flow and common carotid artery hemodynamics in the carotid artery bifurcation with stenosis, J. Series on Biomechanics, 27 (3-4) , 2012, 5-10, Avangard, Sofia (ISSN: 1313-2458).

  15. N. Antonova, Methods in blood rheology – from theoretical and experimental approach to clinical applications, J. Series on Biomechanics, 27 (1-2), 2012, 44-50, Marin Drinov Publ. House, Sofia (ISSN: 1313-2458).

  16. I. Velcheva, P. Damianov, St. Mantarova, N. Antonova, Cold pressor test: Effects on cardiac autonomic control and cerebral hemodynamic response in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, J. Series on Biomechanics, 27 (1-2), 2012, 64-69, Marin Drinov Publ. House, Sofia (SSN: 1313-2458).

  17. I. Velcheva I., Topalov N., Antonova N., Cerebral blood flow imaging. Relation to blood rheology, J. Series on Biomechanics, 27 (1-2), 2012, 84-86, Marin Drinov Publ. House, Sofia (ISSN: 1313-2458).

  18. V. Kostova, N. Antonova, N. Chaushev, I. Velcheva, I. Ivanov. Relationship between the rheological properties of the blood and changes of oscillations in skin temperature after cold test in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, J. Series on Biomechanics, vol28 (3-4), Avangard, Sofia, 2013, 96-101 (SSN: 1313-2458).

  19. I. Ivanov, N. Antonova, Y. Gluhcheva, E. Petrova, Ju. Ivanova. Blood rheological changes in rodents treated with metal salts, J. Series on Biomechanics, 27 (3-4), 2012, 45-52, Avangard, Sofia (ISSN: 1313-2458).

  20. A. Alexandrova, N. Antonova.  Rheological and mechanical aspects of leukocytes motion and adhesion. Series on Biomechanics, 27 (3-4), 2012, 74-79, Marin Drinov Publ. House, Sofia (ISSN: 1313-2458).

  21. V. Kostova, N. Antonova, I. Velcheva, I. Ivanov. Comparative analysis of the rheological properties of blood from patients with type 2 diabetes, J. Series on Biomechanics, 27 (3-4), 2012, 80-85, Marin Drinov Publ. House, Sofia (ISSN: 1313-2458).

  22. N. Antonova, P.Riha, I.Ivanov, Experimental evaluation of mechanical and electrical properties of RBC suspensions under flow. Role of RBC deformability, Series on Biomechanics, Vol. 25, No. 3-4 ( 2010), 45-52 ISSN1313-2458

  23. N. Antonova, Quantification and techniques of measurements of RBC aggregation and deformability (review), Boletim of the Portuguese Society on Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, vol.24(2), 2009, 5-17 ISSN 0872-4938

  24. N. Antonova, P. Riha, I. Ivanov, Experimental evaluation of mechanical and electrical properties of RBC suspensions under flow.  Role of RBC aggregating agent, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Volume 45, Number 2-4 / 2010, Pages 253-261, ISSN1386-0291  IF 2008: 1.814

  25. E. Zvetkova, N. Antonova, I. Ivanov, Y. Savov, Y. Gluhcheva, Platelet morphological, functional and rheological properties  attributable to addictions, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Volume 45, Number 2-4 / 2010 , 245-251, ISSN1386-0291  IF 2008: 1.814

  26. I. Velcheva,  N. Antonova, P. Damianov, N. Dimitrov, Common carotid artery hemodynamic factors in patients with cerebral infarctions, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Volume 45, Number 2-4 / 2010, Pages 233-238, ISSN1386-0291  IF 2008: 1.814

  27. I. Velcheva, E. Titianova, N. Antonova, Influence of hemorheological parameters and mean blood pressure on carotid blood flow asymmetry in patients with chronic unilateral cerebral infarctions , J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Volume 45, Number 2-4 / 2010, Pages 239-244, ISSN1386-0291  IF 2008: 1.814

  28. E. Kaliviotis, I. Ivanov,  N. Antonova and  M. Yianneskis, Erythrocyte Aggregation at Non-Equilibrium Flow Conditions: a Comparison of Characteristics Measured with Electrorheology and Image Analysis, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 2010,  44,1,43-54,2010 ISSN1386-0291  IF 2008: 1.814

  29. N.M. Antonova, Non-steady blood electrorheological measurements, Series on Biomechanics, Vol. 25, No. 1-2 ( 2010), 117-123 ISSN1313-2458

  30. E. Zvetkova, N. Antonova, I. Ivanov, Y. Savov, Y. Gluhcheva,  Main hemorheological problems in disorders of social significance, Series on Biomechanics, Vol. 25, No. 1-2 ( 2010), 61-67 ISSN1313-2458

  31. I. Velcheva, N. Antonova, E. Titianova, P. Damianov,  Blood viscosity, blood pressure and carotid pathology in patients with cerebral infarctions, Series on Biomechanics, Vol. 25, No. 1-2 ( 2010), 76-82 ISSN1313-2458

  32. P. E. Tosheva, N. M. Antonova, E. T. Toshev, A 3D blood flow analysis in carotid artery bifurcation, Series on Biomechanics, Vol. 25, No. 1-2 ( 2010), 157-160 ISSN1313-2458

  33. И. Иванов, А. Шулев, С. Константинов, Н. Антонова, Основни етапи при роботизирано инжектиране на клетъчни култури. Национална конференция с международно участие ''ММММЕТ'2010'' 25-27 Юни, 2010, м. Бакаджика., Механика на машините, година ХVІІІ, книга 7, 2010, 59-66 (ISSN: 0861-9727).

  34. N.M. Antonova, P.E. Tosheva, E.T. Toshev, A 3D flow analysis in an artery with symmetric and asymmetric stenosis, J. Series on Biomechanics, vol. 24, No.1, 2009 ISSN 1313-2458

  35. И. Велчева, Н. Антонова, П. Дамянов, Н. Дим. Димитров, Хемодинамични промени в общата каротидна артерия при болни с мозъчни инфаркти. Невросонография и мозъчна хемодинамика, 5 (2), 2009, 79-84 (ISSN 1312-6431).

  36. N. Antonova, P. Riha, I. Ivanov, Time dependent variation of human blood conductivity as a method for an estimation of RBC aggregation, докладвано на 14th Conference of the European Society for Clinical Hemorheology (E.S.C.H.M.), June 27th – 30th, 2007, Dresden, Germany. J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, vol.39, No.1-4, 69-78, 2008

  37. N. Antonova, E. Zvetkova, I. Ivanov, Y. Savov, Hemorheological changes and characteristic parameters derived from whole blood viscometry in chronic heroin addicts, докладвано на 14th Conference of the European Society for Clinical Hemorheology (E.S.C.H.M.), June 27th – 30th, 2007, Dresden, Germany. J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, vol.39, No.1-4, 53-61, 2008

  38. I. Velcheva, N. Antonova, E. Titianova, P. Damianov, N. Dimitrov, V. Dimitrova, Hemorheological disturbances in cerebrovascular disease, докладвано на 14th Conference of the European Society for Clinical Hemorheology (E.S.C.H.M.), June 27th – 30th, 2007, Dresden, Germany. J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, vol.39, No.1-4, 391-396, 2008

  39. P.S.Antonov, M. Antonova, N. Nikolova, N. Antonova, M. Vlaskovska, L. Kasakov, Age dependent changes of arterial wall viscoelasticity, докладвано на 14th Conference of the European Society for Clinical Hemorheology (E.S.C.H.M.), June 27th – 30th, 2007, Dresden, Germany. J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation vol.39, No.1-4, 63-68, 2008

  40. И. Велчева, Н. Антонова, Е. Титянова, Н. Дим. Димитров, В. Димитрова, П. Дамянов, Хемореологични нарушения и рискови фактори за мозъчно-съдова болест: корелативни проучвания, Невросонография и мозъчна хемодинамика, т.3, брой 2, 2007, 85-92

  41. N.M. Antonova, P.E. Tosheva, E.T. Toshev, A 3D flow analysis in an artery with symmetric and asymmetric stenosis, Series of Biomechanics, vol. 35, No.1, 2009 - ISSN 1313-2458

  42. N. Antonova, 2nd Eurosummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micromehanobiology of cells, tissues and systems, Varna, Bulgaria, Conference report, J. Applied Rheology, 17 (2007), 167-168.

  43. N.Antonova, Studies of blood electrorheological properties – device, results and applications, Proceedings of the 2nd Eurosummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micromechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems, Varna, 17th -20th September 2006, ed. N. Antonova, Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2007, 26-31

  44. L. Hadjikov, N. Antonova, Ya. Ivanov, Description of the nonlinear viscoelastic and thixotropic properties of human blood by the modified model of Maxwell-Gurevich-Rabinovich, Series of Biomechanics, 23(1), 2007, 66-82

  45. L.Hadjikov, N. Antonova, Ya. Ivanov, I. Ivanov, Мodeling the time-dependent properties of blood at rectangular and triangular change of shear rates, Proceedings of the 2nd Eurosummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micromechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems, Varna, 17th -20th September 2006, N. Antonova(ed.), Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2007, 85-89

  46. I. Velcheva, N. Antonova, I. Ivanov, P. Damianov, N. Dimitrov, S.Mantarova, Erythrocyte aggregation in correlation with risk factors for cerebrovascular disease, In : Proceedings of the 2nd EuroSummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micro Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems, Varna, Bulgaria, September 17-20, 2006, N. Antonova(ed.), Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2007, 46-50

  47. Y.Savov, E.Zvetkova, Y.Gluhcheva, I.Sainova, N.Antonova, I.Ivanov, I.Ilieva, E.Bichkidjieva, Thrombocyte count, platelet morphological properties and whole blood viscosity attributable to chronic heroin abusers, In : Proceedings of the 2nd EuroSummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micro Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems, Varna, Bulgaria, September 17-20, 2006, N. Antonova(ed.), Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2007, 39-41.

  48. Y. Savov, N. Antonova, E. Zvetkova, Y. Gluhcheva, I. Ivanov, I. Sainova, E. Bichkidjieva, I.Ilieva, Changes in blood viscosity and erythrocyte indices in chronic heroin abusers, Acta Morphologica, кн.12, 2007, 67-71.

  49. 2nd EuroSummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micro Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems, Varna, Bulgaria, September 17-20, 2006, N. Antonova(ed.), Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts, Sofia, 2006, 71 pages, Publisher: Avangard Prima, Sofia

  50. 2nd Eurosummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micromehanobiology of cells, tissues and systems, Varna, Bulgaria, Proceedings, Sofia, 2006, 108 pages, Publisher: Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2007

  51. N. Antonova, P. Riha, Studies of blood electrorheological properties, докладвано на 13th – 29th, 2005, Siena, Italy. J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 35 (2006), 19-29.

  52. Y, Savov, N. Antonova, E. Zvetkova, Y. Gluhcheva, I,Ivanov, I.Sainova, Whole blood viscosity and erythrocyte hematometric indices in chronic heroin addicts, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 35 (2006), 19-29

  53. I.Velcheva, N. Antonova, V. Dimitrova, N. Dimitrov, I.Ivanov, Plasma lipids and blood viscosity in patients with cerebrovascular disease, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 35 (2006), 155-157.

  54. I. Velcheva, N. Antonova, E. Titianova, P. Damianov, N. Dimitrov, I. Ivanov, Hemorheological parameters in correlation with the risk factors for carotid atherosclerosis, J. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 35 (2006), 195-198.

  55. N. Antonova, P.Riha, R.Zlatev, I.Ivanov, Experimental relationships between the blood conductivity and blood rheological properties, 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC 2005 Conference, November 20-25, 2005, Prague, Czech republic - IFMBE Proceedings Series, 2005, 11 (1), 4247-4252

  56. N. Antonova, P. Riha, Relationships between the rheological and electrical properties of human blood, в: Доклади на 10 Национален конгрес по теоретична и приложна механика, Варна, 13-16 септември 2005, Proceedings, eds. Ya, Ivanov, E.Manoach, R.Kazandjiev, vol.II, 101-106, Prof. M.Drinov Acad. Publ. House, Sofia, 2005.

  57. I. Ivanov, N. Antonova, An estimation of microrheological parameters through steady and time dependent viscometric measurements of whole human blood, в: Доклади на 10 Национален конгрес по теоретична и приложна механика, Варна, 13-16 септември 2005, Proceedings, eds. Ya, Ivanov, E.Manoach, R.Kazandjiev, vol.II, 128-132, Prof. M.Drinov Acad. Publ. House, Sofia, 2005.


“Теоретични и експериментални изследвания на механичните и електрическите свойства на кръвта и нейните формени елементи” проект по ЕБР между Института по механика при БАН и Института по хидродинамика при АНЧР

“Изучаване на еритроцитната агрегация чрез електрореологични методи и динамични микроскопски методи в условията на срязване” –проект между Института по механика при БАН и Royal Society (Experimental and Computational Laboratory for the Analysis of Turbulence (ECLAT), King's College London, UK

“ Взаимодействие на терапевтични наночастици с кръвта и формените елементи на кръвта и техния ефект върху свойствата на кръвта при течение” проект по ЕБР между Института по механика при БАН и Института по хидродинамика при АНЧР

Членство в научни организации:

Европейско дружество по клинична хемореология – член на съвета, бивш президент, Българско дружество по биореология (теоретична, експериментална и клинична) – председател, Съюз на учените в България, секция "Механика" - секретар, Българско дружество по реология, Международно дружество по биореология, Международно дружество по клинична хемореология



Copley-Oka Travel Award of the International Society for Biorheology at the 9th International Congress on Biorheology, 1999, Hungary, Награда на Египетското дружество по диабет, Александрия, Египет, Награда на Съюза на учените в България за високо научно постижение в областта на медицината, 2005, Върхово достижение на Института по механика при БАН – 2009 г. за Измерителна система, устройство и софтуер за определяне на електрореологични свойства на биологични течности, Най-важно научно-приложно постижение на Института по механика при БАН за 2011 г. на тема:Моделни изследвания на механичните и електрическите свойства на кръвта и нейните формени елементи” на колектив с ръководител проф. д-р Н. Антонова



Последна промяна:28-04-2014