Допълнителна инфомация
Ръководител и водещ изследовател в следните проекти:
- Лаборатория "Био-мехатронни системи за рехабилитация и подпомагане движенията на човека. Човеко-машинни системи и интерфейси", проект № BG05M2OP001-1.002-0011-С02 „Изграждане и развитие на Център за Компетентност по Мехатроника и чисти технологии MIRACle” ,ОПНОИР;
- "Разработване на иновативно решение за рехабилитация след мозъчносъдов инцидент или травма в гръбначния мозък" (Договор 11ИФ-02-14/03.12.2020– 03.06.2022), Националeн иновационен фонд;
- Носими роботи (ортези от ново поколение) за естествено и безопасно физическо взаимодействие с човека – AWERON, ДН07/9, Фонд Научни изследвания (2017-2018);
- "VIRTUAL EMBODIMENT AND ROBOTIC RE-EMBODIMENT” – VERE 257695 (FP7), Седма Рамкова програма, (2014-2015);
- „Разработване на нови видове активни ортези със съвместими задвижващи механизми, ЕБР, Двустранно сътрудничество със Свободен Брюкселски университет, Белгия, Споразумение на БАН с Фламандския Фонд за Научни Изследвания (FWO), (2013-2015);
Участник в следните проекти:
- Cost Action OC-2016-1-20786 Wearable Robots for Augmentation, Assistance or Substitution of Human Motor Functions,( 2017-2021)
- Автоматизиране и роботизиране на производствени процеси за индивидуализирано формоване на продукти за хидропонно отглеждане зеленчуци и цветя – АвроХип, 2018-2020, 9ИФ-02-7/28.11.2018, (2018-2020)
- ННП Информационни и комуникационни технологии за единен цифров пазар в науката, образованието и сигурността (ИКТвНОС) № Д01-205/23.11.2018 г.
- EUCogII, EUCogIII, European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems, Interaction and Robotics-European Commission, Седма Рамкова програма, (2009-2014)
- Convergent Science Network of biomimetic and biohybrid systems (CSN), Седма Рамкова програма, (2009-2012)
- Изграждане на висококвалифицирани млади изследователи по съвременни информационни технологии за оптимизация, разпознаване на образи и подпомагане вземането на решения” - ОП „Развитие на човешките ресурси”, (2010-2011);
- Тримерно компютърно моделиране на човешкото тяло, с приложение в протезирането и ортотиката - финансиран от МОН (ТН1407/2004);
- Тримерно моделиране на човешкото тяло, ориентирано към CAD/CAM на индивидуализирани ортези от ново поколение. - Френско -български проект “EGIDE - Rila” (2007-2008);
- Биомеханични модели и технически средства за рехабилитация на човешкото тяло (2009-2011);
- Моделиране и изследване на динамиката и чувствителността на електромеханична система с пет степени на свобода с приложение в роботиката и медицината (2009-2011);
- И. Венева, Д. Чакъров, и др., Долен крайник с активни стави, BG патент за изобретение, Reg. № 67013 / 06.01.2020
- Хр. Венев, Д. Трифонов, Ив. Венева, Д. Чакъров. Екзоскелетон за горен крайник с активни стави, BG патент за изобретение, Reg. № 67220/12.10.2020
- Чакъров, И. Венева и др., Устройство за измерване на въртящ момент. BG патент за изобретение, Reg. № 66902/ 05.06.2019
- С. Ранчев, И. Венева и др., Устройство с флуидно задвижване, BG патент за изобретение, Reg. № 67012 / 06.01.2020
- П. Венев, Г. Кацаров, Ив. Венева и др., Свидетелство за регистрация на полезен модел ”Система за неинвазивна електростимулация на акупунктурните точки”, Рег. № 4315 U1 / 15.09.2022г.
- П. Венев, Г. Кацаров, Ив. Венева и др., Заявка за патент за изобретение ”Система за неинвазивна електростимулация на акупунктурните точки”, Вх. № 113532 от 13.05.2022г.
Venev, P., Chakarov, D. and Veneva, I., "Joint Stiffness Adjustment of a Pneumatic Driven Exoskeleton. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2023), pages 361-368, ISBN: 978-989-758-668-2; ISSN: 2184-2841, DOI: 10.5220/0012119200003546, 2023
Veneva, I., Venev, P., Katsarov, G. Angelova, S., "Rehabilitation device with rotary pneumatic actuator, 2023, 14 National Conference with International Participation ELECTRONICA 2023, 1-3 June 2023, Sofia, Bulgaria, Conference Proceedings, Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE
Veneva, I., Venev, P., Chakarov, D. and Katsarov, G., "Device for Electrical Acupuncture Stimulation,", 2022 13th National Conference with International Participation (ELECTRONICA), 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ELECTRONICA55578.2022.9874427.
Chakarov, D., Veneva, I., Venev, P. and Tsveov, M., "Design and Experiments of a Pneumatic Powered Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation and Training,", 2022 13th National Conference with International Participation (ELECTRONICA), 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ELECTRONICA55578.2022.9874414.
Venev, P., Veneva, I., Katsarov, G., Chakarov, D., Rehabilitation Device for Lower Limbs Through Virtual Training and Electrical Acupuncture Stimulation. In: Robotics in Natural Settings. CLAWAR 2022., Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 530. Springer, Cham. Published 25 August 2022, pp 560–571
Venev P., Veneva, I., Chakarov, D. Pneumatic control system for exoskeleton joint actuation. Biosystems and Biorobotics, 27, Springer Nature, 2021, ISSN:21953562, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-69547-7_56, 345-350.
Chakarov, D., Veneva, I., Venev P. Simulation and experiments of a hybrid actuated exoskeleton for assistanceand rehabilitation. Series on Bimechanics, 35, 2, БАН, 2021, ISSN:1313-2458, 21-29.
Chakarov, D., Veneva, I., Venev, P., Tsveov M. Evaluation of the capabilities of a hybrid driven exoskeleton in passive mode of interaction. Pros of the 18th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, ICINCO 2021, SciTePress, 2021, ISBN:978-989758522-, DOI:10.5220/0010569004420449, 442-449
Dimitar Chakarov, Ivanka Veneva, Mihail Tsveov, Pavel Venev. Study of a Hybrid Actuated Exoskeleton for Upper Limb Rehabilitation, Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, ICINCO 2020; Virtual; France, Volume 1, pp. 498-505, 2020, Copyright c 2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda., ISBN: 978-989-758-442-8.
Chakarov, D., Tsveov, M., Veneva, I., Venev, P. (2019) Modeling and simulations of an upper limb exoskeleton designed for rehabilitation and training. Приета за публикуване в материалите на Международната научна конферинция „МАТHMODEL 2019“, 11-14.12.2019, Боровец.
Raikova R., Angelova S., Veneva I., Christov I. (2019) Experimental investigation of electromyographic activities of upper limb muscles without and with a passive exoskeleton with 4 degrees of freedom. International Journal of Bioautomation, 23(3), 343-354.
Chakarov, D., Veneva, I., Tsveov, M., Mitrouchev, P., Venev, P., Design of a two arms exoskeleton as haptic device for virtual reality applications, (2019) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 252-262. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-12346-8_25
Veneva, I., Chakarov, D., Tsveov, M., Venev, P., (2019) Exoskeleton with Soft Actuation and Haptic Interface, Wearable Robotics: Challenges and Trends. WeRob 2018. Biosystems & Biorobotics, vol 22. pp. 410-414, Springer, Cham
Chakarov, D., Tsveov, M., Veneva, I., Venev, P., Development of an upper limb exoskeleton for rehabilitation and training, (2018) Series on Biomechanics, 32 (4), pp. 11-18.
M. Tsveov, P. Venev, D. Chakarov, I. Veneva. Simulations and experimental evaluation of an active orthosis for interaction in virtual environments. 13th National Congress Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 6th – 10th September 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria. «MATEC Web of Conferences Journal“, 2018
D. Chakarov, I. Veneva, M. Tsveov, P. Venev. Powered upper limb orthosis actuation system based on pneumatic artificial muscles, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, Vol. 48 No. 1 (2018) pp. 23-36
Veneva, I., Chakarov, D., Tsveov, M., Venev, P., (2019) Exoskeleton with Soft Actuation and Haptic Interface, Wearable Robotics: Challenges and Trends. WeRob 2018. Biosystems & Biorobotics, vol 22. pp. 410-414, Springer, Cham
Veneva, I., Chakarov, D. Tsveov, M., Trifonov, D., Zlatanov, E., Venev, P., Active Assistive Orthotic system: (Exoskeleton) enhancing movement, Handbook of Research on Biomimetics and Biomedical Robotics.", IGI Global eEditorial Discovery pp.48-75, 2017
Chakarov, D., Veneva, I., Tsveov, M., Trifonov, D., Adjusting the Natural Stiffness of a Pneumatic Powered Exoskeleton Designed as a Virtual Reality Haptic Device, Int. Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, SAGE Open Access, 2017:1-13, IF: 0.987, ISSN: 1729-8814, Online ISSN: 1729-8814, DOI: 10.1177/1729881417739432
Angelova, S., Ribagin, S., Raikova, R., Veneva, I., Power frequency spectrum analysis of surface EMG signals of upper limb muscles during elbow flexion – A comparison between healthy subjects and stroke survivors, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, vol.38, 2018, pp. 7-16, IF: 1.51, (SJR): 0.984, ISSN: 10506411, DOI.org/10.1016/j.jelekin.2017.10.013,
Tsveov M., I. Veneva, D. Chakarov, Trifonov, D., Human body active orthosis as haptic device for interaction in virtual environments. Series on BIOMECHANICS, Vol.29, No.2-3, 2015, ISSN 1313-2458, pp.101-108
Chakarov, D., Ivanka Veneva, Tsveov, M.,Dimitar Trifonov, А New Exoskeleton Arm as Haptic Device for Human Embodiment in Virtual Environment, 12. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage, 30. September - 01. Oktober 2015 , Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, CD ISBN: 978-3-944722-26-9,
Chakarov D., Tsveov, M., Veneva I. and Mitrouchev, P., Adjustable Compliance Joint with Torsion Spring for Human Centred Robots. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2015, 12:0, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.5772/61931. Impact Factor: 0.526.
Chakarov D., Veneva I., Tsveov M., A New Upper Limb Exoskeleton For Human Interaction With Virtual Environments And Rehabilitation Tasks, CD Pros. of the 10th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials (MSM 2014), 7-10.07.2014, Opole, Poland. (In printing of Acta Mechanica et Automatica, p-ISSN:1898-4088, e-ISSN:2300-5319.
Chakarov D., Veneva I., Tsveov M., Tiankov T., Trifonov D., New Exoskeleton Arm Concept Design and Actuation for Haptic Interaction with Virtual Objects, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2013, vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 3–14, ISSN 0861-6663, http://www.imbm.bas.bg/tm/jtam/files/44-4/3-14.pdf
Veneva I., Vanderborght, B., Lefeber, D., Cherelle, P., Propulsion System with Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Powering Ankle-Foot Orthosis, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2013, vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 3–16, ISSN 0861-6663, IF: 0.45
Veneva I., New Propulsion System with Pneumatic Artificial Muscles, 16th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR 2013), Sydney, Australia, 14-17 July 2013, pp. 221-229, ISBN: 978-981-4525-52-7,
Veneva I., Computer Models for Gait Identification and Analysis Using Autonomous System for Control and Monitoring, Proceedings of the 10 th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering „BioMed 2013”, 13-15 February, ISBN: 978-0-88986-942-4, Innsbruck, Austria, 2013, pp. 221-227, http://www.actapress.com/Abstract.aspx?paperId=454907
Veneva I., Data management in gait analysis using autonomous system for control and monitoring, (2011), Series on Biomechanics, vol. 26, No. 1-2, pp. 77-83, ISSN: 1313-2458
Kiriazov, P., Veneva I., Karastanev, S., Controlability criteria in designing human assistive devices, (2011), Series on Biomechanics, vol. 26, No. 1-2, pp. 71-76, ISSN: 1313-2458
Kiriazov, P., Nikolova, G., Veneva, I., Intelligent Control Design in Robotics and Rehabilitation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Intelligent Robotics and Applications Part II, vol. 7102/2011, pp. 307-316, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2011) (ISBN: 978-3-642-25488-8), http://www.springerlink.com/content/8mv6228313x21801/
Kiriazov, P., Nikolova, G., Veneva, I., Zlatov N., Control strategy and structure identification for efficient motion rehabilitation, In: Philippe Bidaud, Mohammad O Tokhi, Christophe Grand and Gurvinder S Virk (Eds.), FIELD ROBOTICS, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte. Ltd., Singapore, pp. 11-18 (2011) (ISBN: 978-981-4374-27-9), http://eproceedings.worldscinet.com/9789814374286/9789814374286_0002.html
Kiriazov, P., Veneva, I., Motion Control Concepts in Designing Human Assistive Devices, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference Technically Assisted Rehabilitation - TAR 2011, Berlin, Germany, March 17 - 18, (2011), (ISSN 2192-161X), pp. 1-4, http://www.tar-conference.eu/documents/paper-and-poster/poster-session/15-Kriazov.pdf
Boiadjiev T., Zagurski K., ..., Veneva I., Identification of the Bone Structure during the Automatic Drilling In the Orthopedic Surgery, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, (2011), Taylor & Francis, vol.39, Issue 2, pp. 285-302, Print ISSN: 1539-7734 http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all?content=10.1080/15397734.2011.550863
Veneva I., Device for Control of Active Ankle-Foot Orthosis and Monitoring System for Gait Analysis, (2010), Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 81–92, ISSN: 0861-6663, http://www.imbm.bas.bg/tm/jtam/files/81-92.pdf
Veneva I., Adaptive System for Control of Active Ankle-Foot Orthosis and Gait Analysis, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Engineering (MME'2010), Coimbra, Portugal, UK, 21-24 October 2010, CD
Veneva I., Boiadjiev G., Kiriazov P., Adaptive Control System for Active Ankle-Foot Orthosis for Ankle Assisting and Rehabilitation, Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics "ISPO 2010",- Leipzig, Germany, 10-15 May 2010, pp.797-798
Veneva I., Intelligent device for control of active ankle-foot orthosis, Proceedings of the 7th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering „BioMed 2010", 17-19 February, ISBN: Book: 978-0-88986-827-4, CD: 978-0-88986-828-1, Innsbruck, Austria, 2010, pp. 100-105,
Veneva I., Boiadjiev G., Control System for Data Acquisition and Processing of Ankle-Foot Orthosis, Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control "SYROCO'09", 9-12 September- Gifu, Japan, pp. 745-750, (2009)
Венева И., Система за управление, събиране и обработка на данни на глезенно-стъпална ортеза, Автореферат, 38 стр., (2009)
Veneva I., Antonova R., Zlatov N., Intelligent Control of ankle-foot complex with functional electrical stimulation, Proceedings of the 4th Virtual International Conference Innovative Production Machines and Systems (I*PROMS 2008), Cardiff University, Wales, 1-14 July, 2008, Elsevier (Oxford), pp.240-245, (2008)
Veneva I., Toshev Y., Integrated approach for active orthotic assistance of the ankle-foot complex, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, 2006, p. 93