Румен Кръстев Кръстев
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Заемана длъжност: Доцент |
Направление: Мехатроника |
Тел: (02) 979 6450 |
E-mail: r_krastev@imbm.bas.bg |
Научни степени, организация, година:
Доктор – Централна лаборатория по физико-химична механика – БАН, 2003 г. |
Области на професионален интерес (ключови думи): |
Механика, хидравлика, пневматика, топлотехника, иновации, организиране, повреждане на материали, дълготрайност на материали |
Публикации (15 избрани от 2003 – 2013 г.): 1. Krastev Rumen K. Influence of the contact surface on the mechanical behaviour. In: Proc. of 12th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 23-26 September 2013, Varna, Bulgaria (in press, available online http://nctam.imbm.bas.bg/index.php/nctam/12nctam/schedConf/presentations) 2. Borovanska I., R. Krastev, R. Benavente, M. M. Pradas, A. V. Lluch, V. Samichkov, Mario Iliev. Ageing effect on morphology, thermal and mechanical properties of impact modified LDPE/PP blends from virgin and recycled materials. Journal of Elastomers and Plastics, (print ISSN: 0095-2443; Online ISSN: 1530-8006, IF12 = 0.623, in press, available online, doi: 10.1177/0095244312469959) 3. Krastev R.K., S. Djoumaliisky, I. Borovanska. Long-term Strength of Polymer Blends from Recycled Materials. J. of Theor. and Appl. Mechanics, 43 (3), 2013, 59-66. (ISSN: 0861-6663; Google Scholar) 4. Djoumaliisky S., R. Benavente, G. Kotzev, V. Valchev, E. Krusteva, R. Krastev. Conductive Composites Based on Metallocene Isotactic Polypropylene: Preparation and Properties, Macromolecular Symposia, 311 (1), 2012, 64-69. (ISSN: 1521-3900, SJR12 = 0.252) 5. Krastev R.K. Measuring of heat capacity. Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53 (19-20), 2010, 3847-3854. (ISSN: 0017-9310, IF10 = 1.899) 6. V. L. Zvetkov, R. K. Krastev, S. Paz-Abuin – Is the Kamal’s model appropriate in the study of the epoxy-amine addition kinetics. Thermochimica Acta V. 505: 47-52; 2010. (ISSN: 0040-6031, IF09 = 1.742) 7. Petkova V. J., R. K. Krastev – Mathematical modeling of composition of a high-strength composite concrete containing blended carbonate additive. J. of International Sc. Publication: Materials, Methods and Technologies (2010) 4:2, 370-380 (ISSN 1313-2539, www.science-journals.eu) 8. Aniskevich K., R. Krastev, Yu. Hristova – Effect of long-term exposure to water on the viscoelastic properties of an epoxy based composition. Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol. 45, No. 2, 2009, 139-144 (ISSN: 0191-5665 / print; ISSN: 1573-8922 / electronic; IF09 = 0.342) 9. Krastev R. K. - A Contemporary Application of the Archimedes Method. In: proc. of 12-th International Conf. of Mechanics and Technology of Composite Materials, Varna, (2009), pp. 409-414. (ISSN 1313-8693) 10. Krastev R., G. Zachariev, J. Hristova, J. Minster, – Creep-rupture strength prediction of an epoxy composite under tension. Mech. Time-Depend Mater. (2009) 13: 207-214; DOI: 10.1007/s11043-009-9077-x (ISSN 1385-2000 / print; ISSN 1573-2738 / online; IF09 = 1.051) 11. Zvetkov V.L., R. K. Krastev, V.I. Samichkov – Rate equations in the study of the DSC kinetics of epoxy-amine reactions in an excess of epoxy. Thermochimica Acta V. 478(1-2) : 17-27; 2008. (ISSN: 0040-6031, IF09 = 1.742) 12. Krastev R., G. Zachariev, J. Minster, J. Hristova – Creep-Rupture Strength of Epoxy Composite. Proceedings of 11-th Int. Conf. on Mechanics and Technology of Composite Materials, Sofia, (2006), pp. 241 - 246. 13. Krastev R. – Momentum Model of Interaction between Fluid Flow and Airfoil. In: Proceedings of 10-th Jubilee National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 13-16.Sept.2005, Varna, Volume I, pp. 505-510. (ISBN 10:954-322-123-5; ISBN 13: 978-954-322-123-3) 14. Krastev R., G. Zachariev – Assessment of the Residual Strain of GF-POM Subjected to Creep under Bending. Proceedings of 10-th Jubilee National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 13-16.Sept.2005, Varna, Volume I, pp. 248-253 (ISBN 10:954-322-123-5; ISBN 13: 978-954-322-123-3) 15. Krastev R. – Mechanical Properties and Ratios of GF/POM under Three Test Regimes. J. of theoretical and applied mechanics, Vol. 33, No2, 2003, pp. 73-82.
Проекти Участие в проекти с външно финансиране (избрана част)
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Участие в бюджетни проекти (избрана част)
Членство в научни организации: Съюз на изобретателите в България
Награди: ЕВРИКА – награда на фондация Еврика за млад изобретател, за 2000 г. “Марин Дринов” – награда на БАН за млади учени, за 2003 г. |
Последна промяна:29-02-2016