HR Excellence in research
The European Commission adopted its "Recommendation on the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers" in March 2005. The European Charter for Researchers refers to the roles, responsibilities and rights of researchers and their employers and sponsors. It aims to ensure that the relationship between these parties contributes to a successful performance in the generation, transfer and sharing of knowledge, as well as for career development of researchers... The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers aims to improve recruitment, to make selection procedures fairer and more transparent, and it offers a suitable means of assessing the merits, which should be based not only on traditional academic criteria, i.e. number of publications but also on a wider range of evaluation criteria, including teaching, leadership, patents, spin-offs, teamwork, knowledge transfer, management of research and disseminative activities.
After discussing the necessity and benefits of this initiative, the leadership of the Institute of Mechanics – BAS, declared to the European Commission in November 2014 its agreement with these principles and has committed for execution the procedure for implementing the principles.
It was made an analysis of the discrepancies of existing policies and practices at the Institute of Mechanics with the principles of the Charter and Code. A strategy for researchers was prepared, which includes a brief description of the results of this analysis and an action plan. A prospective approval of these documents by the European Commission would give to IMech-BAS the right to use the badge "HR Excellence in Research". This is a guarantee for efforts by the Institute for excellent attitude to the researchers, in accordance with those principles.
Modified date:01-08-2016