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Dobry Yordanov Dankov

Position: Research Associate

Department: Complex and Multiphase Flow

Room number: 329

Phone: +359 2 979 6458


Scientific degrees, institution, year:


Ph. D., Institute of Mechanics Bulgarian Academy of Science, 2007

Fields of Research:


Rarefied gas dynamics, Direct simulation Monte Carlo method

Extended Information

Recent Publications:

  1. Dankov D., Roussinov V., Numerical effects at Monte Carlo simulation of chemical reactions Proc. Of the 37 Springer Conference of UBM, Borovets, 04.2008, p.179-183.

  2. Данков Д., Приложение на метод Монте Карло за изследване на неустойчиви течения на разреден газ, Автореферат на дисертация за получаване на научна и образователна степен “Доктор” по научна специалност 01.01.13, София 2007г.

  3. Dankov D., Roussinov V., Monte Carlo Simulation of the Bénard Instability in a Rarefied Gas Mixture, Proc. Of the 35 Springer Conference of UBM, Borovets, 04.2006, p.245-250.

  4. Dankov D. Stefanov S., Influence of boundary conditions and chemical reactions on the Rayleigh-Bénard convection of a rarefied gas mixture, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 24th International Symposium, American Institute of Physics 2005, pp595-600.

  5. Dankov D. Stefanov S., Influence of a chemical reaction on the Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a rarefied gas mixture, Proceedings of the 29th International Summer School “Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics” Bulwest 2003, pp164-169.


Recent Projects: ММ1404/2004 : Mathematical modeling of viscous gas microflows


Membership: Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians



Modified date:29-11-2011