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Aleksander Popov

Position: Assoc. Prof.

Department: Solid Mechanics

Room number: 321

Phone: +359 2 979 64 77


Scientific degrees, institution, year:



Institute of Mechanics – BAS

researcher in NDT

1988, Research fellow - III

1990, Research fellow - II,

1992,Research fellow - I,

2002, Senior research fellow – II.

Fields of Research:


Device and Technology for NDT, Corrosion, Materials Science, Applied Mechanics, Applied Mathematics, Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics.

Extended Information


Recent Publications:



1.Popov, A.P., Inverse kinematic problems in ultrasonic testing. Machine Designр In: Proceeding of University of Novi Sad, 4 (2), 2012, 75-78 (ISSN: 1821-1259).



1.Popov Al., Non-parametric model of Holl – Petch relationship for chromium steel,  10th Международен конгрес „Машини, технологии, материали“ – 2013, 18-20 септември 2013, Варна, България, Сборник том 1, Секция Материали, сс.100-102, ( ISSN 1310-3946 (10/147) ).

2.Popov A.P., V.Kavardjikov., D.Pashkuleva, Non-destructive evaluation of the yield stress for low carbon steel by ultrasound measurements, Russian Journal of  NDT, Vol.49, No 6, pp 328-333, ISSN 1061-8309,, Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1134/S1061830913060077.

3.Popov Al., Strength condition for screw joint with crack , 12th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 23-26 September 2013, HIS “Fr.J.-Curie”, Varna, Bulgaria  ( под печат ).

4.Попов Ал., Безразрушително оценяване на механични свойства на желязовъглеродни сплави

/ МОНОГРАФИЯ /, Изд. И-т по механика-БАН, поредеца МЕХАНИКА, януари 2013 (ISSN 1314-3034).



1.Popov A., NDT of yield stress for elements in steel construction, Machine Design, Vol.6(2014)No1, p.11-14, ISSN 1821-1259, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

2.Popov Al., Probability stress condition in machine elements, Congress “Machines, Technologies, Materials, Year VIII, No9, 2014, p.24-25, ISSN 1313-0226.

3.Popov A.,  Deterministically-Probabilistic approach for determining the elasticity modules of steels, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Institute of  Mechanics – BAS, (received for print).



1.Popov, Al., V. Kavardzhikov, D. Pashkouleva. Non-destructive evaluation of the ultimate tensile strength for low carbon steel by ultrasound measurements. Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences, vol. 68, 2015, No 4, 513-520 (ISSN: 1310-1331, IF 0.284).

2.Popov, Al., G. Klitcheva. Deterministically-Probabilistic approach for determining the elsdcity modules of steels. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 45, 2015, No. 1, 99–106 (ISSN: 0861-6663)

3.Popov, Al., Bousinesq’s problam in theiry of elasticity and ultrasonic. Scientific Proceedings XII International congress Machines, Technologies, Materials 2015, год. XXIIІ, 2015, 21(184), 114-116 (ISSN: 1310-3946).

4.Попов, Ал. Вероятностни методи при оценка на механични свойства на желязовъглеродни сплави/ МОНОГРАФИЯ /, Поредица „Приложна Математика и Механика”, том 6, Институт по механика - БАН, София, 2015. (ISSN: 1314-3034)



1.Добрев Г., Ал.Попов, Оценяване на граница на умора за алуминиеви отливки чрез ултразвук, XIII Международен научен конгрес, лятна сесия, „Машини, технологии, материали“, Електронно списание МТМ на НТС по Машиностроене, ISSN 1313-0226, 14-17.09.2016, Варна, България, том 2, с. 46 – 48.






Bulgarian Associate for NDT

Union of mathematicians in Bulgaria



1. Technical University in Sofia, lectures: Ultrasonic Testing, Magnetic  Testing, Eddy Current Testing

2.  New Bulgarian University – Sofia, MSc program “Safety and Reliability”, lectures: Probability theory, Mathematical statistics.

Modified date:19-07-2018