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Цветелина Йоргова


Заемана длъжност: асистент

Направление: Мехатроника

Стая No: 412

Тел: (02) 979 6487



Научни степени, организация, година:




Области на професионален интерес (ключови думи):


Допълнителна инфомация


Избрани публикации:

  1. Kostadinov, K., Raichevski, G., Yorgova, Tsv. Model for Effective “Science –Business” Collaboration in Bulgarian Economy. 4th Int. Conf. for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development ICEIRD, 5-7 May 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia (Skopie).
  2. Yorgova, Tsv., Petkova, S|., Kostadinov, K. The GIS-TransferCenter technology transfer network in Bulgaria, Steinbeis Transfermagazinv. 3, 2013.
  3. Yorgova, Tsv., Kostadinov, K. Fosteringinnovationinculturalindustry-thecaseofBulgariancapitalSofia. (inprint).
  4. Andreev, R., Yorgova, Tsv. Agent-oriented view to construction of innovation environment.Technologytransferoffice.(inprint).
  5. Yorgova, Tsv., Andreev, R. Realizationoftechnologicalinnovations:Functionsofthe Technology transfer office.Information and communication technologies for energetic efficiency. (inprint).


  1. Network for Provision of Integrated Services in Support of Business and Innovation in Bulgaria (20013-2014), Contract No. ЕЕN-150325-EIIRC-BG-3, Project Leader.
  2. Innovation Encouragement in Culture Industry 2012,  Partners: Gis Transfer Center and Sofia Town, Project Coordinator
  3. Promoting participation on high-tech research intensive SMEs in Health,  FP7, Contract No. 260748, Expert


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Последна промяна:29-02-2016