Бойчо Иванов Маринов
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Заемана длъжност: Доцент |
Направление: Мехатроника |
Стая №: 211 |
Тел: (02) 979 64 29 |
E-mail: boicho_marinoff@yahoo.co.uk boicho_marinoff@abv.bg |
Научни степени, организация, година: |
Области на професионален интерес (ключови думи): .
Изследванията към днешна дата са преди всичко в областта на трептенията, приложна математика, инженерен дизайн, а именно, динамично моделиране на едно-, дву- и многомасови системи, вибрационен контрол и динамични системи, за които компютърните решения са били потвърдени от проведени експериментални изследвания. Моделирането включва компютърно и аналитично моделиране на честотното и динамичното поведение на едно-, дву- и многомасови вибрационни динамични системи. Моделирането включва няколко съвременни компютърни кодове, като MATLAB, SolidWorks и други. Изследване на динамичните натоварвания, които възникват в работен режим при различни машини като двигатели с вътрешно горене, транспортни машини, машини и механизми с карданни предавки, дървообработващи машини и други. Особено важна част от моята изследователска дейност е насочена към изучаване процесите на вибро-ударни натоварвания в някои класове машини и по-специално, проучване на вибро-ударните процеси в релсови возила и дървообработващи машини. Решени са различни оптимизационни задачи, при което се извършва оптимален подбор на параметрите на звената на различни машини и съоръжения, което позволява системите да работят при оптимални условия, далече от резонансните режими. Проведени са изследвания за оптимизиране процеса на динамично и импулсно въздействие върху механичните системи. |
Допълнителна инфомация
Монографии: Marinov B., Shock-Wave Processes on Railway Vehicles-an Optimization, Publisher: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, 2011, (ISBN: 978-3-639-32902-5, ISBN: 3639329023).
Избрани публикации: Marinov B., Al. Kazakoff, P. Raykov, Modelling of Big Engines Dynamic Behaviour for Marine Vessels, Compt. Rend. De l’Acad. Bulgare des Sciences, 2014, (ISSN 1310-1331). Marinov B., Al. Kazakoff, P. Raykov, Modelling of Big Engines Frequency and Dynamic Behaviour, Proceeding of 12th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Saints Constantine and Helena, Varna, 2014. Marinov B., Full Dynamic Reactions in the Basic Shaft Bearings of Big Band Saw Machines, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol.43, №1, 2013, Publisher “Versita”, DOI: 10.2478/jtam-2013-0001, (ISSN 0861-6663). Kazakoff Al., B. Marinov, Shock-Wave Processes Modelling on Railway Vehicles Using a Scaled Model Utilizing Viscoelastic Properties, Compt. Rend. De l’Acad. Bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 66, No 1, 2013, (ISSN 1310-1331). Marinov B., Dynamic Reactions in the Basic Shaft Bearings of Band Saw Machines, Mechanics of Machines Magazine, Vol. 100, №1, 2013, (ISSN 0861-9727). Marinov B., Shock Processes on Railway Vehicles with One-Stage Spring Suspension, Journal of Archives of Transport, Vol. 24, issue 4, 2012, Publisher “Degruyter”, (DOI 10.2478/v10174-012-0029-x), (ISSN 0866-9546). Marinov B., Dynamic Stresses in Consequence of Impulse Impacts in the Links of Certain Classes Band Saw Machines with a Feeding Mechanism, Mechanics of Machines Magazine, Vol. 96, №1, 2012, (ISSN 0861-9727). Marinov B., Shock-Wave Processes on Railway Vehicles with Two-Stage Spring Suspension. Free Damped Vibrations in Consequence of the Shock-Wave Processes, Compt. Rend. De l’Acad. Bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 64, No 3, 2011, (ISSN 1310-1331). Marinov B., Shock-Wave Processes on Railway Vehicles with Two-Stage Spring Suspension. Kinematics Components of the Movement Determination, Compt. Rend. De l’Acad. Bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 64, No 2, 2011, (ISSN 1310-1331). Marinov B., Impulse Impacts Investigation on Certain Classes Band Saws Machines with a Feeding Mechanism, Mechanics of Machines Magazine, Vol. 93, №2, 2011, (ISSN 0861-9727). Marinov B., Al. Kazakoff, Computer Modelling on Kinetic Energy Optimization in Some Classes Circular Machines as a Result of the Circular Saws Unbalance, Compt. Rend. De l’Acad. Bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 63, No 5, 2010, (ISSN 1310-1331). Marinov B., Kinetic Energy Loss in Some Classes Circular Machines as a Result of the Circular Saws Unbalance, Proceedings of 11th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2009, Borovets, (ISSN 1313-9665). Marinov B., G. Vukov, Maximal Deflections of Circular Shafts Driving Big Circular Saws, Scientific and Information Journal “Woodworking and Furniture Manufacturing”, №1, 2009, (ISSN 1311-4972). Marinov B., Influence of the Circular Shaft Deformations, Driving Big Circular Saws on Their Work in Operating Mode, Mechanics of Machines Magazine, Vol. 81, №2, 2009, (ISSN 0861-9727). Marinov B., Deformations of Circular Shafts, Driving Big Circular Saws in Consequence of Dynamic Loads, Mechanics of Machines Magazine, Vol. 74, №2, 2008, (ISSN 0861-9727). Marinov B., Full Energy Losses in Consequence of Shock Impacts on Two-Stage Spring Suspension Railway Vehicles, National Centre for Information and Documentation - Central Technological Library, Sofia, 2008, (Hd 2/2008, HD II 18730). Vukov G., B. Marinov, Identification of the Typical Defects of the Driving Mechanism of Carved Veneer Machines Using Vibrodiagnostics, Proceedings Scientific Papers from Scientific-Technical Conference "Innovations in Woodworking Industry and Engineering Design", Yundola, 2008, (ISBN 978-954-323-538-4). Marinov B., Energy Losses in Consequence of Percussion Actions on the Bogies of Two-Stage Spring Suspension Carriages, Scientific Journal Mechanics Transport Communications, №3, 2007, (ISSN 1312-3823). Marinov B., Dynamic Reactions in the Bearings of Circular Shafts, Driving Big Circular Saws, Mechanics of Machines Magazine, Vol. 68, №2, 2007, (ISSN 0861-9727). Marinov B., Optimization of Impact Process Occurring in the Operating Regime for Railway Vehicles with One-Stage Spring Suspensions, Proceedings of XVI International Scientific Conference "Transport 2006", (ISBN-10: 954-12-0130-X, ISBN-13: 978-954-12-0130-5). Marinov B., Dynamic Stresses Caused by Shocks Processes in the Links of Certain Classes Circular Machine for Longitudinal Cutting, National Centre for Information and Documentation - Central Technological Library, Sofia, 2006, (Hd 1/2006, HD II 18715). Marinov B., Shock Wave Vibration Processes Investigation on Certain Classes Circular Machines, Proceeding of 10th Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Saints Constantine and Helena, Varna, 2005, (ISBN-10: 954-322-123-5, ISBN-13: 978-954-322-123-3) Marinov B., Impulse Impacts Optimization on Two-Stage Spring Suspension Railway Vehicles, Journal of Archives of Transport, Vol. 17, issue 2, 2005, Publisher “Degruyter”, (ISSN 0866-9546). Marinov B., On the Behaviour of Power Transmission Lines in Vehicles Subjected to Complex Loading, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 34, № 2, 2004, Publisher “Versita”, (ISSN 0861-6663). Marinov B. G. Voukov, Arising of Impulse Loads in Some Classes Circular Machines, Mechanics of Machines Magazine, Vol. 51, №2, 2004, (ISSN 0861-9727). Marinov B., Behaviour Investigation of Power Transmission Lines in Vehicles in Case of Simultaneous Action of Torsional and Longitudinal Vibration Excitation, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 33, № 2, 2003, Publisher “Versita”, (ISSN 0861-6663). Todorov M., G. Voukov, B. Marinov, Parametric Torsional Oscillations of the Helicopter Transmission, Proceedings of Jubilee Scientific Session "10 Years Department of Air Transport", 2003, Sofia. Marinov B., Al. Kazakov, Optimization the Process of Impulse Impact on Wagons with One-Stage Spring Suspension, Proceedings of the Tenth International Scientific Conference on “Internal Combustion Engines, Transport Vehicles and Transport MOTAUTO'03”, 2003, (ISBN 954-9322-03-3). Marinov B., Determination of the Shock Impulses Loading the Wheelsets of the Railway Vehicles with One-Stage Spring Suspension, Railway Transport Magazine, № 9, 2003, (ISSN 1310-683X). Marinov B., Influence of the Periodic Shock Loads on Rail Vehicles with One-Stage Spring Suspension, Railway Transport Magazine, № 3, 2003, (ISSN 1310-683X). Voukov G., V. Vlasev, M. Todorov, B. Marinov, Numerical Investigation of the Torsional Vibrations of the Drive Mechanism for a Horizontal Veneer Machine, Proceeding Scientific Papers-International Scientific Conference "50 Years University of Forestry", 2003, Sofia, Publisher “Lotus”. Marinov B., G. Voukov, Determination of the Zones to Change the Critical Angular Velocities of Circular Machines for Longitudinal Cutting, Proceeding Scientific Papers-International Scientific Conference "50 Years University of Forestry", 2003, Sofia, Publisher “Lotus”. Marinov B., On the Design of Power Transmission Line of a Ship, Journal of Archives of Transport, Vol. 14, issue 4, 2002, Publisher “Degruyter”, (ISSN 0866-9546). Marinov B., Hr. Hristov, Links Dimension Optimization Approach in a Three Mass System of Multi Cylinder Internal Combustion Engine, Journal of Archives of Transport, Vol. 13, issue 1, 2001, Publisher “Degruyter”, (ISSN 0866-9546). Marinov B., M. Mihaylov, Optimizing the Design of Roller Feeding Mechanism for Longitudinal Milling Woodworking Machine, The Scientific Newsletter, Vol.54, № 3, 2000, (ISSN 1310-3946). Marinov B., J. Tsankov, Research on the Twisting of ICE Crankshaft as a Result the Bending in Operation Mode, the Scientific Newsletter, Vol. 54, № 3, 2000, (ISSN 1310-3946). Vukov G., N. Staneva, M. Belberov, B. Marinov, Effect of the Transverse Vibrations Induced by the Static Unbalance of Longitudinal Milling Woodworking Machine on the Pressing Force, Festschrift Scientific Reports -75 Years of Higher Forestry Education in Bulgaria, University of Forestry-Sofia, 2000. Marinov B. Establishment of the Functional Dependencies Between the Inertial and Elastic Characteristics of Basic Links of ICE and the Formed Tensions, National Centre for Information and Documentation - Central Technological Library, Sofia, 2000, (NACID-CTL, № 133-01-02). Marinov B., M. Todorov, K. Minkov, On the Dynamics of a Connecting Gears for Drive of Locomotives, Mechanics of Machines Magazine, Vol. 29, №1, 2000, (ISSN 0861-9727).
Проекти: Авторът е участвал в множество проекти и договори с външни организации, както и с Института по механика - БАН. Динамичните натоварвания, които са генерирани от вибрационните процеси в някои класове машини и механизми, са изследвани. Такива машини са трамваи, хидротехнически съоръжения, машини с карданни предавки и др. Авторът също така е взел участие в различни научно-изследователски проекти.
Членство в научни организации: Член на Съюза на учените в България
Награди: Авторът е включен в две национални енциклопедични книги: 150 Дейци на българската наука, публикувана от „Веритас-Н. Я”., Велико Търново, 2011, (ISBN 978-954-92773-1-9). Бележити българи на съвременна България, публикувана от издателство „Асеневци”, София, България, 2013, (ISBN 978-954-8898-30-0)
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