Миглена Георгиева Кирилова-Донева
Заемана длъжност: Доцент |
Направление: Биомеханика |
Стая №: 227 |
Тел.: (02) 979 64 12 |
E-mail: M.Kirilova@imbm.bas.bg |
Научни степени, организация, година:
Д-р, И-т по механика, 2008 г. |
Области на професионален интерес (ключови думи): |
сърдечно-съдова биомеханика, механични свойства на биологични тъкани и биоматериали, математическо моделиране на меки тъкани |
Допълнителна информация:
Избрани публикации:
M. Kirilova-Doneva, D. Pashkouleva , The effects of age and sex on the elastic mechanical properties of human abdominal fascia, Clinical Biomechanics, 2022, (2)
M. Doneva, Kamusheva M, Petrova G, Sopotensky S, Gerasimov N. Evaluation of the quality of life after implantation of light or standard polypropylene hernia meshes. Folia Med (Plovdiv) 2022;64(3):450-458.
M. Kirilova-Doneva, D. Pashkouleva , S. Stoytchev, Age-related changes in mechanical properties of human abdominal fascia, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2020, 58(7), 1565–1573.
M. Kirilova-Doneva, D. Pashkouleva, S.Sopotenski, G.Petrova, Сomparison of pre- and post-implantation mechanical behavior of composite hernia meshes, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (JTAM). Poland, 2020, 58 (3),769-778.
M. Kirilova-Doneva, D. Pashkouleva- Long-term mechanical compatibility of polypropylene surgical meshes , Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2019, 19 (6)
Kirilova, M., D. Pashkouleva , V. Kavardzhikov. The influence of gender on the elastic mechanical properties of human abdominal fascia, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 2013, 66(6), 871-876.
Kirilova, M., D. Pashkouleva, V. Kavardzhikov. A long-term elastic behaviour of hernia meshes, Series on Biomechanics, 2013, 28 (3-4), 24-28.
Kirilova-Doneva M., D. Pashkouleva, V. Kavardzhikov, S. Sopotensky, G. Petrova, N. Gerasimov, Evaluation of mechanical alterations of explanted hernia mesh, Series on Biomechanics, 2015, 29, 2-3, 73-77.
Kirilova-Doneva M., D. Pashkouleva, S. Sopotensky, G. Petrova, N. Gerassimov, M.Kamusheva, Application of light and heavy-weight meshes in Bulgaria, Series on Biomechanics, 2015, 29, 4, 27-32.
Kirilova-Doneva M., D. Pashkouleva, V. Kavardzhikov ,The Effects of strain amplitude and localization on viscoelastic mechanical behaviour of human abdominal fascia, 2016, 18(4), 127-133.
D. Pashkouleva , M. Kirilova-Doneva, I. Borovanska, A.A. Apostolov, G.Petrova, Identification of explanted hernia meshes of unknown composition, Series on Biomechanics, 2016, 30(2), 32-37.
M. Doneva, D. Pashkouleva, Practical recommendations for application of hernia meshes, Series on Biomechanics , 2017 , 31(3), 34-40.
M. Kirilova-Doneva, Application of biaxial testing techniques to hernia meshes, Series on Biomechanics, 2017, 31(4), 19-26.
M. Kirilova-Doneva, D. Pashkouleva, Investigation of mechanical compatibility of hernia meshes and human abdominal fascia, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2018, 29(2):147-158.
D. Pashkouleva , I. Borovanska, A.A. Apostolov, M. Kirilova-Doneva, Degradation mechanism of partially absorbable mesh: a chemical and mechanical study, Bulgarian Chemical Communications , 2018, 50 (4), 524-529.
Kirilova M. About mechanical compatibility of some hernia meshes and abdominal wall layers. Series on Biomechanics, v. 25, № 1-2, pp. 134-139, 2010.
Kirilova M., Stoytchev S., Pashkouleva D., Kavardzhikov V. Experimental study of mechanical properties of human abdominal fascia. J. Medical Engineering &Physics , v.33, pp.1-6 , 2011
Kirilova M., Georgieva V., Pashkouleva D., Kavardzhikov V., Georgiev G ., Stoytchev S., The influence of grafted polyzwitterions on the viscoelastic mechanical properties of hernia meshes, Series on Biomechanics, v. 26, № 1-2, pp. 17-22, 2011.
Kirilova M., Experimental investigation of static and dynamic mechanical properties of soft biological tissue, Series on Biomechanics, v. 26, № 1-2, pp. 29-36, 2011.
Kirilova M. Time-dependant properties of human umbilical fascia. Connective tissue research, 2012, v.53,(1), 21-28,
Kirilova M. Experimental investigation of the visco-elastic properties of hernia meshes, Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, ISSN: 1310-1331, , v.65, N:2, 225-230, 2012 Kirilova M., Pashkouleva D., Kavardzhikov V., A selection of hernia meshes on the basis of experimental results for abdominal layers Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment (26) 2012 No 5, 3292-3295.
Kirilova M., V. Georgieva, D. Pashkouleva, V. Kavardzhikov, S. Stoytchev, G.Georgiev – “Effect of the grafted polyzwitterions on the mechanical properties of polypropene hernial meshes”, Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences, 2009, vol. 62, No 12, pp. 1603-1610, download PDF
Kirilova M., Stoytchev, S., „A Method for Proper Choice of Hernia Meshes Based on Their Mechanical Behavior”, In : IFMBE Proceedings Series of World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 7-12,September 2009, Munich, Germany vol.25 / IV, pp. 1003-1005 (2009), download PDF
Kirilova M., Hadjikov L., Stoytchev, S, „Mathematical Modeling of Visco-elastic Mechanical Properties of Human Abdominal Fascia”, In: Proc. of the 11th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2-5 Sept. 2009, Borovets, Bulgaria, download PDF
M. Kirilova, S. Stoytchev, D. Pashkouleva,V. Tsenova, Visco-elastic mechanical properties of human abdominal fascia , Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies , 2009,13, 336-337 .download PDF
L. Hadjikov, M. Kirilova, S. Stoytchev, D. Pashkouleva, Visco-elastic mechanical behaviour of human abdominal fascia, Series on Biomechanics, v.23(1), pp. 43-51, 2007. download PDF
M.Kirilova, A.Popov, D. Pashkouleva ,S.Stoytchev, Processing of experimental results for mechanical behaviour of human fascia using statistical methods, Proc. of the 36-th spring conference of the union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2-6.04.2007, pp. 257-262.download PDF
M. Kirilova, S. Stoytchev, D. Pashkouleva, V. Kavardzhikov, V. Tsenova. Mechanical properties of human fascia transversalis, 2006, Доклади на БАН, т.59, No7, стр.731-736.
M. Kirilova, Visco-elastic properties of human abdominal fascia: experiments and mathematical model, Proceedings of Second Euro Summer School of Biorheology&Symposium on Micro Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems, Varna 17-20.09.2006 - pp.62-65.
M. Kirilova, S. Stoytchev, D. Pashkouleva, V. Kavardzhikov, Mechanical properties of hernia meshes, J. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ,v.36, N:3, 2006, pp.87-96.
M. Kirilova, S. Stoytchev, D. Pashkouleva, V. Kavardzhikov, R.Radev, S. Bonev, An experimental investigation of human fascia transversalis and synthetic hernia meshes, Proceedings of 10-th Jubilee National congress on theoretical and applied mechanics, Varna, 13-16.09. 2005. pp.139-144.
M. Kirilova, A. Rachev, Bidirectional Arterial Regeneration over Bioresorbable Graft. A Theoretical Study, 12ECCH -Euro Summer School on Biorheology, 29.06-1.07.2003, Varna, рр.94-96, 2004.
M. Kirilova, K. Prodanov, Bioresorbable Prostheses – А prospective field in vascular surgery. Acta Medica Bulgarica, v.XXX, pp.11-18, 2003.
A. Rachev, M. Kirilova, A Mathematical model of Arterial Regeneration Over Bioresorbable Grafts.- World Congress on Biomechanics, 4-9.08, 2002,Calgary , Canada, рр.1-2.
M. Kirilova, Mechanical problems of bioresorbable grafts.- Proc. of the International Conference on Biomechanics of Man 2002, 12-15,November, 2002, Chejkovice, Czech Republic, рр. 94-96.
M. Kirilova, A. Rachev. A theoretical investigation of the effects of bioresorbable material on process of neo-artery regeneration.- Proc. of the 9-th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 19-22.09. 2001, Varna, v.II, рр. 159-164.
Проекти: „Биомеханично изследване на синтетични заместители на биологични меки тъкани - съдови протези и платна за хернии”- ТН-1502/2005 г. , МОН |
Членство в научни организации: Българско дружество по биомеханика, Българско дружество по биореология, Съюз на математиците в България |
Последна промяна:07-07-2022