Моньо Донев Карталев
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Институт по механика Българска академия на науките |
Направление „Механика на флуидите” |
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Научни степени, организация, година: |
Магистърска степен (механика и математика) Московски държавен университет „М. Ломоносов” 1969 Доктор (механика на флуидите) Московски държавен университет „М. Ломоносов” 1973
Области на професионален интерес :
Механика на флудите, магнитна хидродинамика, математическо моделиране, физика на плазмата, космическа физика, обработка и интерпретация на експериментални данни; моделиране на магнитосферата йоносферата, слънчевия вятър; кометни атмосфери, приложни геофизични изследвания, научно приборостроене. |
Допълнителна инфомация
Избрани публикации: M. Kartalev, M. Dryer, K. Grigorov, and E. Stoimenova. Solar wind polytropic index estimates based on single spacecraft plasma and interplanetary magnetic field measurements, JGR (Journal of Geophysical Research), Vol. 111, A10, doi:10.1029/2006JA011760, 2006. M.D. Kartalev,_, M.J. Rycroft, M. Fuellekrug, V.O. Papitashvili, V.I. Keremidarska. A possible explanation for the dominant effect of South American thunderstorms on the Carnegie curve, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 68 (2006) 457–468 S. M. P. McKenna-Lawlor, M. Dryer, M. D. Kartalev, Z. Smith, C. D. Fry, W. Sun, C. S. Deehr, K. Kecskemety, and K. Kudela. Near real-time predictions of the arrival at Earth of flare-related shocks during Solar Cycle 23, JGR (Journal of Geophysical Rerearch), Vol. 111, A11103, doi:10.1029/2005JA011162, 2006 M.D. Kartalev, M.J. Rycroft, M. Fuellekrug, V.O. Papitashvili, V.I. Keremidarska, A possible explanation for the dominant effect of South American thunderstorms on the Carnegie curve, JASTP (Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics), 68, 457-468, 2006 P.Dobreva, N.Shevyrev, A.Koval, M.Kartalev, G.Zastenker. Interpretation of satellite magnetosheath plasma measurements using magnetosheath-magnetosphere numerical model. In Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Bulgaria, Vol 36, No 3, 2006. P. Dobreva, M. Kartalev, D. Koitchev, V. Keremidarska, M. Kaschiev, On the Modular Approach of a 3D Model of the System Magnetosheath – Magnetopshere. To appear in JASR (Journal of Advances in Space Research). -accepted S.M.P. McKenna-Lawlor, M. Dryer, C.D. Fry, Z.K. Smith, D.S. Intriligator, M.D. Kartalev, W.R. Courtney, C.S. Deehr, W. Sun, K. Kecskemety, K. Kudela, J. Balaz, S. Barabash, Y. Futaana, M. Yamauchi and R. Lundin. Predicting Interplanetary Shock Arrivals at Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury: A Real-time Modeling Experiment Following the Proton-Flares of 5-14 December 2006. Submitted to JGR. Polya Dobreva , Monio Kartalev, Nikolay Shevyrev, Georgy Zastenker. Comparison of a new magnetosphere - magnetosheath model with Interball-1 magnetosheath plasma measurements. Planetary and Space Science, 53, p. 117-125, 2005. M. J. Rycroft, M. D. Kartalev, V. O. Papitashvili, V. I. Keremidarskaš On the effect of near-equatorial thunderstorms on the global distribution of ionospheric potential., Adv. Space. Res., 35, 1450-1460, 2005. M. D. Kartalev, M. J. Rycroft, V. O. Papitashvili. A quantitative model of the effect of global thunderstorms on the global distribution of ionospheric electrostatic potential. J. Atmos. Solar Terr. Phys., 66, 1233-1240, 2004 W.Sun, M.Dryer, C.D. Fry, C.S. Deehr, Z. Smith, S.-I. Akasofu, M.D. Kartalev and K.G. Grigorov, Evaluation of solar Type II radio burst estimates of initial solar wind shock speed using a kinematic model of solar wind on the April 2001 solar event swarm., Geophys. Res. Letters, Vol. 29, No 8, pp 1029-1032 (2002). W.Sun, M.Dryer, C.D. Fry, C.S. Deehr, Z. Smith, S.-I. Akasofu, M.D. Kartalev and K.G. Grigorov, Real time forecasting of ICME shock arrivals at L1 during the "April Fool's Day" epoch: 28 March - 21 April 2001. Annales Geophysicae, vol. 20, pp 937-945, 2002. Kartalev, M. D. Diffusion of the interplanetary magnetic field into the planetosphere of Venus, J. Theor. Appl. Mech., XXIX, No 2, 1999. Keremidarska, V. I., and M. D. Kartalev, On the numerical modeling of the Venus magnetosheath and mantle, J. Theor. Appl. Mech., XXIX, No 1, 1999. Kartalev, M. D., On the single-fluid modeling of mass-loaded plasma, Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics, 88, 131-164, 1998. Kartalev, M.D., and V. I. Nikolova, On the magnetic field diffusion in MHD modeling of the inner coma of comet Halley, Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics, 89, 145-168, 1998. Vatkova, G. H., and M.D. Kartalev, Numerical simulation of nonlinear MHD instabilities in the magnetopause layer, J. Theor. Appl. Mech., XXVIII, No 4, 1998. Kartalev, M. D., V. I. Nikolova, V. E. Kamenetsky and I. P. Mastikov, On the self-consistent determination of dayside magnetopause shape and position, Planet. Space Sci., 44,, 1195-1208, 1996 Kartalev, M. D., M. S. Kaschiev, and D. K. Koitchev. Finite element numerical modeling of stationary two-dimensional magnetosphere with defined boundary, J. Comput. Physics, 119, 220-230, 1995.
Проекти: М. Карталев е организирал и ръководил следните проекти:
* NSF, USA: “Modeling of the ionosphere conductivities”, 2002 * Българска научна фондация. „Самосъгласувано, базирано на експериментални данни моделиране на системата атмосфера-йоноисфера-магнитосфера” 2003-2006 * Сътрудничество БАН-РАН: “Магнитослой” 2006-2014 * EOARD (AFRL, USA) “New techniques in space weather forecasting” 2005-2006 * CIP-53 under IHY (Italian-Bulgarian collaboration) “Modelling the magnetosheath flow and magnetopause location in the cusp region.” 2006-2009 * CIP-53 under IHY (Italian-Bulgarian collaboration) “Inferring the magnetospheric global potential distribution from SuperDARN data through the IMech numerical model” 2006-2009 * INTAS (EU project) “Solar wind: New glance in better resolution” 2006-2009 * Short Term Scientific Mission in the frame-work of COST 724. “Comparison of Cluster data with the IMECH model of magnetosheath flo” 2006 * Windows of Science (WOS) AFRL program grant to visit USA “New techniques of space weather forecasting” 2007 * Short Term Scientific Mission in the frame-work of COST 724. “Assimilation of SuperDARN data into the IMECH global model of the ionospheric electric potential” 2007 * International Space Science Institute, Bern (ISSI) “ISSI team on Modeling cometary environments in the context of the heritage of the Giotto mission to comet Halley and of forthcoming new observations at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko” 2012-2014
Членство в научни организации:
American Geophysical Union Съюз на учените в България
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Последна промяна:20-02-2019