Стоян Стойчев
Заемана длъжност:доц. д-р |
Направление: Биомеханика |
Стая №: 312 |
Тел.: (02) 979 6448 |
E-mail: stoyan@imbm.bas.bg |
Научни степени, организация, година:
БАН, Централна лаборатория по биомеханика, н.с. ІІІ ст., 1972 г. БАН, Институт по механика и биомеханика, к.т.н., 1979г. БАН, Институт по механика и биомеханика, ст.н.с. ІІ ст., 1984 г. |
Области на професионален интерес (ключови думи):
механика, биомеханика, eкспериментални методи, моделиране на биологични среди и процеси, биофилм, моделиране на биопроцесни системи |
Допълнителна инфомация
Избрани публикации: 1. Nikolov L., V. Mamatarkova, S. Slavchev, S. Stoytchev. The convergence of biotechnology and nanotechnology as an accelerator of the development of biofilm technologies. Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, vol. 7, No. 1, 36-47 (2008). 2. Hadjikov L., Kirilova M., Stoytchev S., Pashkouleva D., Visco-elastic mechanical behavior of human abdominal fascia, Series on Biomechanics, vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 43-51 (2007). 3. Mladenov Kl., Petrova E., Mamatarkova V., Nikolov L., Stoytchev S., System analysis of homogenius - heterogenius mechanisms in biofilm reactor. Proceedings of the Thirty Sixth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, St. Konstantin & Elena resort, Varna, April 2-6, 2007, pp. 263-268. 4. R. A. Turusov, S. Stoytchev, L. Hadjikov, V.I. Egorov. Modeling of human intestine mechanical properties and anastomosis stresses. Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 39, Supplement 1, 2006, p. 422. 5. M. Kirilova, S. Stoytchev, D. Pashkouleva, V. Kavardzhikov, R. Radev. Evaluation of mechanical properties of synthetic hernia meshes. Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 39, Supplement 1, 2006, p. 263. 6. L. Nikolov, E. Petrova, V. Mamatarkova, S. Stoytchev. Study of forming and functioning of biofilm by means of mathematical model. Ecological engineering and environment protection (Sofia), 2006, v. 2, pp. 46-52. 7. M. Kirilova, S. Stoytchev, D. Pashkouleva, V. Kavardzhikov, V. Tsenova. Mechanical properties of human fascia transversalis, 2006, Доклади на БАН, т.59, No7, стр.731-736. 8. S. Nikolov, St. Stoytchev. B. Bozhkov. Mathematical model of blood flow pulsations in the circle of Willis. Доклади на БАН, т. 59, № 8, 2006, стр. 811-820. 9. S. Stoytchev, L. Hadjikov, V.I. Egorov, A.O. Baranov, R.A. Turusov, I.V. Schastlivtsev. Pasive visco-elastic mechanical properties of small human intestine. Comparative study with other soft tissues. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2006, vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 55-70. 10. M. Kirilova, S. Stoytchev, D. Pashkouleva, V. Kavardzhikov. Mechanical properties of hernia meshes. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2006, vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 87-96 11. Svetoslav Nikolov and Stoyan Stoytchev. A mathematical model of blood flow in an intracranial aneurysm. Analytical and numerical study. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, (2006), v. 6, #2, 137-151 12. Hadjikov L., Stoytchev S., Alexandrova D., Egorov V., Baranov A., Schastlivtsev I., Turusov R. Non-linear mechanical model of small human intestine at stress relaxation experiments, In: Proc. 10-th Jubilee Nat. Congress on Theor. Appl. Mechanics, 13-16 Sept. 2005, Varna, Bulgaria, volume 2, pp. 124- 127. 13. Kirilova M., Stoytchev S., Pashkouleva D., Kavardzhikov V., Radev R., Bonev S. An experimental investigation of human fascia transversalis and synthetic hernial meshes. In: Proceedings of 10-th Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna, 13-16.09, 2005, v. 2, pp. 139-144. 14. Nikolov L., Mamatarkova V., Petrova E., Stoytchev St. Modeling of base phenomena in bioprocess systems with spontaneously fixed biomass. In: Proc. of 10-th Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna, 13-16.09.2005, volume 1, pp. 543-547. 15. S. Nikolov, St. Stoytchev. Analysis of blood flow in the circle of Willis. In: Proceedings of 10-th Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna, 13-16.09, 2005, v. 2, pp. 163-169. 16. Svetoslav Nikolov, Stoyan Stoytchev, Juan J. Nieto, Angela Torres. Mathematical modeling and analysis of blood flow in an intracranial aneurysm. Neurological Research, v. 25 (2003), pp. 479-504 17. Stoytchev, S, V.I. Egorov, A.O. Baranov, I. V. Schastlivtsev, L. Hadjikov, and R. A. Turusov.. Visco-elastic Mechanical Behavior of the Small Human Intestine. In: Proceedings of EuroSummer School on Biorheology, Varna, 28-30 June, 2003, pp. 86-89. 18. Stoytchev, S., G. Pallotti and P. Pettazzoni. Method for presurgical determination of the optimal arterial bypass diameter. In: Proceedings of 2. European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, December 04-08, 2002, Vienna, Austria, Part 2, pp. 1028-1029. 19. S. Stoytchev, RA Turusov, VI Egorov, IV Shtastlivtsev, AO Baranov, Passive visco-elastic properties of the small human intestine, In: Proceedings of 2. European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, December 04-08, 2002, Vienna, Austria, Part I, pp. 244-245. 20. Nikolov S., S. Stoytchev, J.J Nieto and A. Tores. The critical diameter of intracranial aneurysm can be In: Proceedings of 2. European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, December 04-08, 2002, Vienna, Austria, Part I, pp. 640-641. 21. Stoytchev, S., G. Pallotti and P. Pettazzoni. Optimal design of arterial bypass prostheses diameter. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2001), pp. 107-122. 22. Turusov, RA, VI Egorov, IV Shtastlivtsev, AO Baranov and S. Stoytchev. Selected biomechanical problems of the human intestinal anastomosis. In: Proc. 9th Nat. Congress on Theor. Appl. Mechanics, 19-22 Sept. 2001,Varna, Bulgaria, Vol. 2, pp. 171-176. 23. Stoytchev, S., G Fratamico and G. Pallotti. Computer study of the effects of peripheral resistance on the wall shear stress near end-to-end arterial anastomoses. Automedica, 2000, vol. 18, pp. 107-126. 24. Stoytchev, S. Mechanical interaction between host arteries and their substitutes. In: 4th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, Metz, France, June 26-30, 2000, BOOK OF ABSTRACTS II, p. 234. 25. Stoytchev, S. Influences of the peripheral resistance and graft diameter on the wall shear stress near arterial anastomoses. In: PROCEEDINGS of the 3rd International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism and 1st Slovenian-Croatian Meeting on Biomedical Engineering, Bled, Slovenia, 8-10 October 2000, pp. 69-70 26. Stoytchev, S., Effects of the peripheral resistance and graft diameter on the wall shear stress near end-to-end arterial anastomoses. In: PROCEEDINGS of the 12th Conference of the European Society of Biomecanics, 27-30 August 2000, Dublin, Ireland, p. 440. 27. Stoytchev, S., G. Fratamico, G. Pallotti. Influences of the peripheral resistance on the wall shear stressnear the anastomoses of a synthetic graft and human arteries. In: IV Congresso Nattionale della Societa Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale, 1-5 Giunio 1998, Messina, v.2, pp.28-30. 28. Stoytchev, S., A. Rachev. Mechanical criteria for design and use of deformable synthetic grafts. J. of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, XXXVII, No. 4, 74-84, 1997 29. Stoytchev, S. Mathematical model of the residual strain in the left ventricle.- In: Topics on Biomathematics, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 1993, pp. 125-130. 30. Stoytchev, S. Theoretical investigations of residual strain in left ventricle. J. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Sofia), 24(3), 107-112, 1993 31. Stoytchev, St., I. Alexandrov, A.Savova. "In vivo" determination of the rheological properties and atherosclerotic changes of the human aorta. In: Progress and Trends in Rheology II, eds. H.Giesekus and M.F.Hibberd, Supl. to Rheologica Acta, vol.26,1988, 476-477. 32. Dragoichev, Ch., A. Savova, S. Stoytchev, B. Finkov. Determinants of the left ventricular function in patients with coronary heart disease: A multivariate approach.- Cor Vasa, 26(5), 353-360, 1984 33. Savova, A., S. Stoytchev. Computer model for chronic heart disease patients investigation. Bulgarian patent No 2666/6.06.1984, Ministry of Health, Sofia. 34. Savova, A., S. Stoytchev, R. Ivanova. A method for classification of patients with ischemic heart disease. Bulgarian patent No 1612/6.05.1983, Medical Academy, Sofia. 35. Savova,A., L. Zahariev, St. Stoytchev. Quantitative evaluation of coronary stenosis.- Savr. Med., 34, No 1, 149-156, 1983. 36. Stoytchev, S. Stress-strain relationships for large blood vessels.- Mech. Compos. Mater.(Riga), 1980,1, 92-99 (in russian). 37. Stoychev, S. Constitutive equations for large human arteries.-In: Rheology, volume 3: Applications, Plenum Press, New York, 1980, 553-559. 38. Stoichev, S. Stress-deformation relationships for large human arteries.- Mech. Compos. Mater.(USA), v.16, N 1, 81-86, 1980 39. Stoychev, S., L. Draganov, A. Rachev. A device for measuring the elastic properties of the blood vessel segments.- Bulgarian patent No 867/26.04.1977, Ministry of Health. 40. Brankov, G., A. Rachev, S. Stoychev. A composite model of large blood vessels.- In: Mechanics of Biological Solids, Publ. House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 1977, 71-78.. 41. Brankov, G., A. Rachev, S. Stoychev. On the nonlinear elastic behavior of the biological membranes.- In: Proc. of the Second National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 1976,vol.2, 785-794.
Членство в научни организации: Евромех, Межд. дружество по математични модели в медицината, Межд. дружество по сърдечно-съдова медицина, Съюз на учените в България, Съюз на математиците в България, Българско дружество по биомеханика |
Награди: Медал за отличие на БАН |
Последна промяна:28-03-2012