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Rumiana Ranguelova Blagoeva

Position: Associate Professor

Department: Solid Mechanics

Room number: 406

Phone: +359 2 979 6466



Scientific degrees, institution, year:



Ph.D. – Institute of Mechanics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1997

Thesis: Numerical modeling of diffusion and sorption in porous media


Fields of Research:


Numerical methods and algorithms, Modeling of transport processes in composite media

Extended Information

Recent Publications:

  1. Blagoeva R., A. Nedev, V. Mihailova, Numerical Modeling of indomethacin release from PNIPAM-g-PEO micellar nanoparticles, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol. 4, 3, 433-435 (2014), (IF=2.165).
  2. Blagoeva R., A. Nedev, Numerical Modeling  of Protein Drugs Release from Extruded Lipid Implants, Comptes rendus l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol.67, 1, 123-131 (2014), (IF =0.219).
  3. V. Mihailova, Blagoeva R., A. Nedev, On the Study of Indomethacin Release from PNIPAM-g-PEO Vesicular Nanoparticles, Int. Electronic Journal BIOautomation, Vol.17, 4, 1-9 (2013).
  4. Blagoeva R., A. Nedev, Numerical Analysis of Protein Drugs Release from Lipid Implants, Series on Biomechanics, Vol. 28, 3-4, 61-67 (2013).
  5. Blagoeva R., V. Mihailova, A. Nedev, Experimental and Numerical Study of Indomethacin Release from PNIPAM-g-PEO Vesicular Nanoparticles, Comptes rendus l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol.65, 5, 675-682 (2012), (IF =0.219).
  6. Blagoeva R., A. Nedev, Numerical modeling  of Inteleukin-18 release from lipid implants, Comptes rendus l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol.64, 6, 875-882 (2011), (IF =0.219).
  7. Blagoeva R. R. & Nedev A., Numerical Modeling of Drug Release from HPMC Carriers with Erosion, Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, Vol.2, 1, 1-9 (2011).
  8. Blagoeva R., A. Nedev, An Approach to Modeling Protein Release from Lipid Implants, Int. Electronic Journal BIOautomation, Vol.15, 1, 25-32 (2011).
  9. Blagoeva R., V. Mihailova, S.Titeva, A. Nedev, Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Release Kinetics of Trimetazidine Hydrichloride from 2D HPMC Carriers, Comptes rendus l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol.63, 5, 753-760 (2010), ( IF =0.219).
  10. Blagoeva R., A. Nedev, Reliability of a Novel Model for Drug Release from 2D HPMC-Matrices, Int. Electronic Journal BIOautomation, Vol.1, 1, 27-36 (2010).
  11. Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, Numerical Analysis of Swelling and Drug Release Kinetics from 2D HPMC Matrices, 11th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2-5 Sept. Borovets, Bulgaria (2009).
  12. Nedev A., R. Blagoeva, Numerical Analysis of Formability in Deep Drawing AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Sheets, J. Materials Science and Technology, vol. 17, No.2, pp.165-178 (2009).
  13. Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, Numerical Modelling of Drug Release from 2D HPMC-Matrices, International Electronic Journal BIOautomation, vol. 13, pp.19-26 (2009).
  14. Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, A Numerical Approach to Solving Problems for Drug Release from 2-D Polymeric Systems, Proceedings 3rd International Conference “From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering”, Athens, Greece (2008).
  15. Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, A problem for drug release from 2-D polymeric systems, Mechanics Research Communications, vol. 35, Issue 5, pp. 344-349 (2008).
  16. Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, Finite element solution of a problem for slowly dissolving drug release from 2-D matrix systems, Comptes rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, tome 60, No.7, pp.743-748 (2007).
  17. Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, Monolithic Controlled Delivery Systems: Part I. Basic Characteristics and Mechanisms, Bioautomation, Vol. 4, pp. 80-88 (2006).
  18. Blagoeva R, A. Nedev, Monolithic Controlled Delivery Systems: Part II. Basic Mathematical Models and Applications, Bioautomation, vol. 5, pp.106-117 (2006).
  19. Blagoeva, R., A Numerical Algorithm for Solving a Problem for Drug Release from a Polymeric Matrix, Proc.10th Jubilee National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. I, pp. 418-422 (2005).
  20. Blagoeva, R., On a Numerical Approach to Solving a Diffusion with Relaxation Problem, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, vol.34, No.2, pp.19-32 (2004).
  21. Blagoeva, R., A Problem for Diffusion with Relaxation in Polymers, Mech. Res. Comm., Elsevier Ltd., vol. 31, issue 1, pp. 91-96 (2004).
  22. Blagoeva, R., Numerical Solution of A Class of Reaction - Diffusion Problems for Composite Materials. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, vol. 32, No.3, 2001, pp. 40-49 (2001).
  23. Blagoeva, R., A Finite Element Approach to Solving a Nonlinear Problem for Drug Uptake in a Polymeric Matrix, Proc. 9th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 2, pp. 13-17 (2001).
  24. Blagoeva, R., A Numerical Approach to Solution of a Diffusion-Reaction Problem, Mechanics Research Communications, Elsevier Ltd., vol. 26, issue 5, pp. 629-634 (1999).
  25. Blagoeva, R., On A Numerical Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Diffusion and Sorption Problem, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, vol. 28, No.3, pp 99 (1997).
  26. Barovsky, N., R. Blagoeva, M. Mironova, N. Petrov, Modelling of Sulphate Ion Diffusion in Cement Stone, Mater. Engineering, vol. 3, No.3, pp. 377-392 (1992).
  27. Pollack, S., N. Petrov, R. Blagoeva, A Discrete Model for Streaming Potentials in a Single Osteon, J. Biomechanics, Pergamon Press, vol. 22, 6/7, pp. 517-521 (1989).
  28. Blagoeva, R., N. Petrov, Application of the Theory of Materials of Second Grade to Modeling the Electro-Mechanical Interaction in Bone tissue - II. Moist Bone, Biomechanika, Sofia, Year 18, pp. 53-60 (1986).
  29. Pollack, S., N. Petrov, R. Salzstein, G. Brankov, Blagoeva, R., An Anatomical Model for Streaming Potentials in Osteons, J. Biomechanics, Pergamon Press, vol.17, No.8, pp. 627-636 (1984).

Membership: Union of scientists in Bulgaria, Union of mathematicians in Bulgaria, Association of women – mathematicians in Bulgaria

Modified date:19-07-2018