Recent Publications:
Robert Kazandjiev, Peter Gospodinov, Mirona Mironova, Change of the pore structure of thin cement stone specimens subjected to sulfate attack, JTAM, 2010, Vol.40 (2), pp.63-70
R.Kazandjiev, P.Gospodinov, M.Mironova 1D and 2D models of sulfate ions diffusion into cement composites, Proc. of Inter. Conf. onCivil Eng. Design and Construction, Varna, 2010
М. Миронова, Н. Баровски, Анализ на порьозността и свойствата на бетона, отнасящи се до дълготрайността съгласно БДС EN 206-1 Част 1: Порова структура., Сборник с доклади на Международна научна конференция "Проектиране и строителство на сгради и съоръжения", Варна, 2010
Н. Баровски, М. Миронова, Анализ на порьозността и свойствата на бетона, отнасящи се до дълготрайността съгласно БДС EN 206-1 Част ІІ: Механични свойства., Сборник с доклади на Международна научна конференция "Проектиране и строителство на сгради и съоръжения", Варна, 2010
P. Gospodinov, M. Mironova, R. Kazandjiev, Pore Structure Prediction in Silicate Cement Based Composite Materials Subjected to Sulfate Attack, Proc. of the 12th Intern. Conf .on Mechanics and Technology of Composite Mater., Sofia, 2009, pp. 72-77
R.Kazandjiev, P.Gospodinov, M.Mironova, Y. Ivanova, Ultrasonic Detection of Cement Stone Area Affected by Sulfate Corrosion, Proc. 23d Bulgarian Conf. with Intern. Participation, NDT - 2008, pp 207-213
Gospodinov P., Mironova M., Kazandjiev R., Mechanisms of Sulfate Ionic Diffusion in Porous Cement Based Composites, Computers & Concrete, vol. 4, No 4, pp.273-284
Mironova M., P. Gospodinov, R. Kazandjiev, Diffusion Conductivity of Cement-Based Composites, Proc. of the 11th Intern. Conf .on Mechanics and Technology of Composite Mater., Sofia, 2006, pp. 127-132
M.Mironova, P.Gospodinov, R.Kazandjiev, Some structure and strength changes of cement based composites under sulphate aggression, Proc. of 10 International Conference on Mech. Techmol. Comp. Mater., 2003, Sofia, 175-179.
R.Kazandjiev, P. Gospodinov, M. Mironova, Sulfate-Induced Degradation of Cement Stone, Annual Proc. of the Sofia University of Mining Eng. and Geology, vol. 46, Book II "Extraction and Processing of Mineral Raw Materials", Sofia 2003, 107-112.
R. Kazandjiev, M. Mironova, P. Gospodinov, Corrosion of Cement stone Caused by Sulfate Ion Diffusion, Proc. of the Jubil. Scientific Conference of the Univ. of Architecture, Civ. Eng. and Geodezy, Sofia, 2002, Vol. 7, 335-240.
M. Mironova, P. Gospodinov, R. Kazandjiev, The Effect of Liquid Push Out of the Material Capillaries under Sulfate Ion Diffusion in Cement Composites, Cement and Concrete Research, Elsevier Sc., 32 1 (Jan. 2002), 9-15.
M. Mironova, P.Gospodinov, R. Kazandjiev, T. Partalin, Assessment of Sulfate Corrosion Influence on Cement Composite Structure and Mechanical Behaviour, Proc. 2nd Intern. Symp. "Cement and Concrete Technology in the 2000", Istanbul, Turkey, 2000, 439-446.
Gospodinov, P., Kazandjiev, R., and Mironova, M. , ''Effect of sulfate ion diffusion on the structure of cement stone.'' Cem. Concr. Compos., 18 (6), 1996, 401-407.