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Jordanka Alexandrova Ivanova


Position: Professor

Department: Solid Mechanics

Room number: 325

Phone: +359 2 979 6455


Scientific degrees, institution, year:

PhD – Harkov State University, 1976

Doctor of Sciences – Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, 2000


Fields of Research:

Shell stability, variational principles and methods, composite materials, interface problems, delamination, wear of cermet composites


Extended Information

Scientific career (years)

1967-1969 – mathematician

1969-1972 – Assistant prof. III degree

1972- 1976 - Assistant prof. II degree

1976-1985 - Assistant prof. I degree

1985-2001 – Assoc. Prof.

2001 – Professor

Recent Publications:

  1. A. Baltov, V. Valeva, J. Ivanova, On the modelling of masonry as a composite, sensitive to the type of loading. Part II. Mechano-mathematical modelling and applications, Journal of material Sciences and Technology, v.8, No 1, 2000, pp. 12-19, (2000)

  2. A. Baltov, V. Valeva, J. Ivanova, Modelling of materials sensitive to the type of rheological processes, "Facta Universitatis" , Series: Mechanics, Automatic Control and Robotics, Nis, pp. 1283-1291, (2000).

  3. J. Ivanova, F. Pastrone, Geometric method for stability of non-linear elastic thin shells, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-7524-6, p. 244, (2002)

  4. J. Hristova, V. Valeva, J. Ivanova, Model parameter identification for filled polyester resin, Proc. IX NCTAM, v. 1, pp. 487-494, (2002)

  5. J. Ivanova, V. Valeva, F. Pastrone, Wave propagation in one-dimensional body with microstructure, Proc. IX NCTAM, v. 1, pp. 505-511, (2002)

  6. J. Hristova, V. Valeva, J. Ivanova, Aging and filler effects on the creep model parameters of thermoset composites, Composite Sciences and Technology, 62, pp. 1097-1103, (2002)

  7. V. Valeva, J. Ivanova, Z. Mroz, Parametric analysis of the decay rate for end effects in heat conduction for multi-layered semi-infinite sandwich structure, TAM, v. 32, No4, pp.27-39, (2002)

  8. J. Ivanova, Z. Mroz, V. Valeva, Interphase Model for a Multilayer Structures Applied in Heat Conduction Problems, J. Theor. Appl. Mechanics, Sofia, vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 15-30, (2004)

  9. V. Valeva, J. Hristova, J. Ivanova, Numerical prediction of the deformation state of thermoset matrix/mineral filler composite plates, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Springer, vol. 41, No 2, pp. 97-104, (2005)

  10. G. Nikolova, J. Ivanova, V. Valeva, Z. Mroz, Mechanical and thermal loading of two-plate structure, Comptes rendue de l’academie bulgare des sciences, v. 60, N 7, pp. 735-742, (2007)

  11. V. Valeva, J. Ivanova, Z. Mroz, Heat Conduction of Layered Structute with Interfacial Debonding. Part I. Parallel Layers, In: Proc. 10th Jubilee Nat. Congress on Theor. and Appl. Mech., 13-16 Sept. 2005, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 385-390, (2005)

  12. V. Valeva, J. Ivanova, Z. Mroz, Heat Conduction of Layered Structute with Interfacial Debonding. Part II. Middle Angular Layer, In: Proc. 10th Jubilee Nat. Congress on Theor. and Appl. Mech., 13-16 Sept. 2005, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 391-395, (2005)

  13. J. Ivanova, Z. Mroz, V. Valeva, Mechanical modeling of the delamination of bi-material plate structure, J. Theor. Appl. Mechanics, Sofia, vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 39-54, (2006)

  14. G. Nikolova, J. Ivanova, V. Valeva, Z. Mroz, Mechanical and thermal loading of two-plate structure, Comptes Rendue de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, vol. 60, No. 7, pp. 735-742, (2007)

  15. J. Ivanova, V. Valeva, D. Gross, Analytical model for sliding wear of ceramic-metal composites, Comptes Rendue de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, vol. 61, No. 5, pp.653-660, (2008)

Modified date:19-07-2018