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Mila Chilikova - Lubomirova


Position: Associate Professor

Department: Fluid Mechanics

Room number: 224

Phone: +359 2 979 6433


Scientific degrees, institution, year:

  • Assoc. Prof., Institute of Mechanics - BAS, 2019
  • PhD, Institute of water problems-BAS (VAK), 2009
  • MEng., UACEG – Sofia, 1998

Fields of Research:

  • Applied hydrodynamics, hydrology and water management:
  • Hydrometrics;
  • Monitoring and DSS systems in open-channel and closed conduits flows;
  • River systems: anthropogenic and climate change impacts – analysis, monitoring, mitigation decisions;
  • River extremes – floods and droughts;
  • Ecological flow;
  • Impacts on the environment and ecosystems, smart cities – environmental monitoring, assessments.

Extended Information

Recent Publications:

  1. Chilikova-Lubomirova M., D. Diaconu, 2018, Some specifics concerning the urban territories discharge determination - MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 145 NCTAM 2017 – 13-th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, EDP Sciences, Fr., eISSN: 2261-236X, doi: 10.1051/matecconf/201814503001
  2. Chilikova-Lubomirova M., G. Zaimes, 2018, River Hydraulics during flood events: Balkan Experiences. - MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 145 NCTAM 2017 – 13-th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, EDP Sciences, Fr., eISSN: 2261-236X, doi: 10.1051/matecconf/201814503002
  3. Chilikova-Lubomirova M., 2017, Urban Ecosystems Function and Services. Challenges with Regard to the Environmental Conditions, 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM, Conference proceedings, Vol. 17, Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation, Issue 51, Ecology and Environmental protection, pp. 1063 - 1070, ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2017/51.
  4. Chilikova-Lubomirova M. 2017, Urban ecosystem services mapping – challenges and approaches. Ecosystem services in Bulgaria. First small steps towards the big leap for the mankind preservation. Uzunov J., S. Keremidchiev, G. Shopov – sc. editors, club “Ikonomika 2000”, S., ISBN: 978-954-90138-4-9.
  5. Chilikova-Lubomirova M. 2016. Considerations about the climate change effect on the river systems hydraulics, Proceedings of the International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM, ISSN 1314-2704, 2016, Book 3, Hydrology and water resources, Vol.1, 195-202pp. DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2016B31
  6. V. Alexandrov, M.J. Adler, M. Chilikova-Lubomirova, I. Ilcheva, S. Chelcea, D. Dragustin, M. Barbuc, S. M. Teodor, C. Corbus, R. P. Mic, M. Matreata. 2015. Guidebook for the management of low flow for the prevention of drought in the flood plain of the Danube River. www.danube-water .
  7. Chilikova-Lubomirova M. 2015. Monitoring of river ecological flow in climate change conditions, droughts and water scarcity. Problems of Geography, 3-4. S., 54-64, ISSN 0204-7209– in Bulgarian
  8. Merida A. A., J. U. Maeso, J. G. Trevino, M. Chilikova-Lubomirova. 2014. Water Resources and Society with Respect to Water Scarcity and Drought, DOOGE-Nash International Symposium, Proceedings of DOOGE-NASH Symposium, pp. 223-231, Ireland. ISBN 9781905254835.
  9. Chilikova-Lubomirova M. 2014. Water Resources and Climate Change and Drought in the context of Water and Environmental Management and Related Policies in Bulgaria. Proceedings of the International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM, ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2014B31
  10. Chilikova-Lubomirova M. 2014. Low flows and hydrological drought hazard mapping as a tool in help of surface waters deterioration prevention and ecosystems maintaining and protection, INGHA Scientific Conference, Conference Proceedings, pp 251-258, Bucharest, ISBN 978-973-0-18825-7
  11. Chilikova-Lubomirova, M. 2014. Water Related Challenges Concerning Maintaining and Protection of River Ecosystems, Journal of Balkan Ecology, 17 (3), 237-246, ISSN 1311-0527.
  12. Chilikova-Lubomirova M. 2013. Drought – policies and measures in hydrological context, Problems of Geography, 3-4/2013, 69-82, BAS, S., ISSN 0204-7209.
  13. Chilikova-Lubomirova M., 2012. Requirements for the Environmental Monitoring in Bulgarian Port Areas, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Water, Climate and Environment BALWOIS 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.


Recent Projects:

  • National scientific program “Environmental Protection and Reduction of Adverse Risks Events and Natural Disasters” – Regional/local characteristics of the Bulgarian climate, 2018 – 2022;
  • “Danube Water Integrated Management /WATER/”, Code 2SR-2.1-1. Strategic project for both the implementation of the Danube Strategy and Programme Romania-Bulgaria cross-border development. Activity 11.5. Low flows management guidelines for the two countries for drought prevention in the Danube floodplain area; integrated exploitation of the reservoirs and of the wet areas reserves. 2013-2015
  • Еnvironmental Management of Transborder Corridor Ports – ECOPORT8 – Code See/a/218/2.2/x South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme, Priority Axis 2: Protection and Implement of the Environment; Area of Intervention 2.2: Improve prevention of environmental risks. 2009 – 2011.
  • COST CA 16209 Natural flood retention on private land, MC member, 2017 –
  • Contract for National COST Co-financing ДКОСТ 01/8 from 19 oct. 2018;
  • COST CA 16208 Knowledge conversion for enhancing management of European riparian ecosystems and services, WG4 Leader, 2017 –
  • Investigation of impacts on natural, anthropogenic and climate change modified water systems, accounting the possibility for DSS systems implementation, based on effective control and monitoring. Chilikova-Lubomirova M. IMeh-BAS. 2016-2019
  • „Drought identification with hydrological drought indexes. Application and comparative analysis for Bulgarian conditions”, team leader Chilikova-Lubomirova. NIMH-BAS, 2013 – 2016.
  • Chilikova-Lubomirova M. 2013. Team leader and contributor of Activitiy 5.3. “River flow. Development of operational technology and processing of watershed drought diagnostic maps by the SRI index”. Agreement between NIMH-BAS and MOEW.
  • Chilikova-Lubomirova M. 2011. Identification and comparative analysis of hydrometrical observation methods and standards. NIMH-BAS and MOEW Agreement.
  • Monev Ev., M. Chilikova-Lubomirova. 2000. Elaboration of General shemes for the Russenski Lom, Danube Dobrugea Rivers and Kamchija river. General shemes for Bulgarian waters utilization. IWP-BAS



  • Scientific-Technical Union of Water Affairs
  • RiverRes AG, EIP on Water.


BEST PRESENTATION AWARD, 17th International Scientific GeoConference SGEM. 2017

BEST ENGINEER AWARD, IGHEM 2008, International Group for Hydraulic Efficiency Measurements. 2008


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Modified date:25-02-2019