International Projects
Period |
Name of project |
BAS coordinator |
Partner |
2008-12 |
Physics of Competition and Conflict |
Prof. N. Vitanov |
European Science Foundation
2008-13 |
Turbulence and Particles |
Prof. N. Vitanov |
European Science Foundation
2010-11 |
Electrohydrodynamic heat exchanger: Numerical and experimental investigation |
Assoc. Prof. D. Koulova - Nenova |
Institut polytechnique de PoitiersCNRS, Université de Poitiers |
2010-11 |
Freezing of overcooled moving liquid film |
Assoc. Prof. S. Tabakova |
Lab. d'informatique pour la mécanique et les sciences de l'ingénieur (LIMSI), Orsay, CNRS, Université Paris Sud |
2008-12 |
Instabilities in closed two-phase flows
Prof. S. Radev |
CNRS, Institute of Thermal Systems, University of Provence, Marceille |
2009-12 |
Magnetholayer 2 - modeling and interpretation of the behavior of the parameters of the Earth's magnetholayer |
Assos. Prof. M. Kartalev |
Russian Academy of Sciences
National Projects
supported by National Science Fund of Bulgaria
Period |
Name of project |
Director of research |
Participants |
2008-11 |
Development of the methods of continuum mechanics by numerical and analytical applications of variation principles
Prof. S. Radev |
Prof. N. Vitanov
2008-12 |
Center of excellence "Supercomputer applications "
Prof. S. Margenov, IICT-BAS |
Prof. S. Radev |
2008-11 |
Center of competence on simulation and business processes
Prof. N. Popivanov, University of Sofia |
Prof. S. Radev |
Modified date:27-12-2015