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Seminar – The Department „Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulations in Mechanics“
September 3, 2019 /Tuesday/, 14.00, hall 200, Institute of Mechanics-BAS
27 August 2019, at 11:00, auditori 200 IMech - lecture of prof. George D. Manolis, Aristotle University (Greece)
Seminar at IMECH-BAS on H2020-MSCA-RISE-Graphene 3D Project
23 May 2019 (Thursday), 14:00 h, hall 200
Researcher R3 in the “Monitoring Laboratory, non-destructive control, testing and characterization on mechatronic systems "
Request for associated partner in project proposals Center of Competence at thematic area “Mechatronics and Clean Technologies” leaded by Institute of Mechanics – BAS.