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Bulgarian president of the ESCH

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nadia Antonova from IMech-BAS is the new president of ESCH

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nadia Antonova from the Institute of Mechanics, BAS (department of Biodynamics and Biorheology) was elected for President of the European Society of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation (ESCH) at its annual meeting in July 2009 which took place in Saint Moritz, Switzerland. ESCH is a federation of national societies or groups for Clinical Hemorheology, Clinical Microcirculation and Hemorheology of Europe. The ESCH succeeds the traditional European Coordinating Committee for Clinical Hemorheology (ECCCH) which first met in 1979 in Nancy (France) in the course of the First European Conference on Clinical Haemorheology. The Objectives of the ESCH include advancement of the science and art of Clinical Hemorheology and Clinical Micro and Macrocirculation by research, education and nurturing of hemorheological knowledge into clinical practice.

By tradition the main headquarter of the ESCH is located at the same place with the current President's office.

Modified date:26-06-2018