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IMECH-BAS on H2020-MSCA-RISE-Graphene 3D

Seminar at IMECH-BAS on H2020-MSCA-RISE-Graphene 3D Project

23 May 2019 (Thursday), 14:00 h, hall 200

Seminar at IMECH-BAS on H2020-MSCA-RISE-Graphene 3D Project

23 May 2019 (Thursday), 14:00 h, hall 200


14:00 – 14:20 Study on annealed and recover of polylactic acid composite films with graphene and carbon nanotubes prepared by melt extrusion. Rosa Di Maio (IPCB-CNR, Pozzuoli, Italy)

14:20 – 14:35 Characterization of binary and ternary polymer nanocomposites based on high density polyethylene. Hristiana Velichkova (IMech-BAS/OLEM)

14.35 - 14:50 Rheology, structure and properties at the percolation threshold of polymer nanocomposites with graphene and graphene / carbon nanotubes. Radost Ivanova (IMech-BAS/OLEM)

14:50 – 15.05 Influence of carbon nanotubes and graphene on dynamic mechanical properties of PLA-based 3D printed structures. Polya Angelova (IMech-BAS/ OLEM)

15.05 – 15.20 Cafe break

15.20 – 15.50 Fabrication of FDM 3D Printed Multi-Functional Polylactic Acid/Graphene Nanocomposites and Parts via Local Enrichment Strategy. John Chen (SKLPM, Sichuan University, China).

Modified date:24-04-2024