Yonka Petkova Ivanova
Request for associated partner in project proposals Center of Competence at thematic area “Mechatronics and Clean Technologies” leaded by Institute of Mechanics – BAS.
Request for associated partner1 in project proposals Center of Competence at thematic area “Mechatronics and Clean Technologies” leaded by Institute of Mechanics – BAS.
A Bulgarian science Institute of Mechanics – BAS is preparing a proposal under Operational Programme “Science and education for smart growth” 2014-2020; BG05M2OP001-1.002 – Creation and development of centers of competence. Aim of the project is to fully integrated an extensive pool of top-level researchers and technological developers, well-defined organizational structure and own research and innovation agendas in Mechatronics and Clean technology area.
The consortium is looking for associated partner, business organizations and research institution, according to the guidelines for applicants / click here/
Candidates for associated partners must fulfill the following conditions:
For research organization:
Number of publications refereed in SCOPUS or WoS in the relevant ISSS thematic area of the proposal “Mechatronics and Clean Technologies”;
Number of contracts for financing received from the European Research Council (ERC) and number of contracts for financing of project under the FP7 and Horizon 2020, certifying that the candidate for associated partner has performed the role of coordinator;
Number of patents and/or patent application, issued/registered in foreign and/or international patent authorities and/or organizations (incl. WIPO, European patent office, USA patent offices);
Number of contract or other document concerning the participation of the associated partner in the creation of innovative enterprises (spin outs, spin off) in the area of the project proposal;
For business organization:
Contract, recommendations or other documents, certifying partnership between the associated partner candidate and other research organization;
Report on the R&D activities
Strategy for innovations, IPR policy and rules;
Innovation project contract implemented in collaboration with a research organizations, in the last 5 years;
Documents compliance with the criteria must be send by post to administrative department at Institute of Mechanics: Sofia, 1113; acad. G. Bonchev str.; block 4; room 223 and by e-mail: projectCoC@imbm.bas.bg within on 31/12/2016
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail: projectCoC@imbm.bas.bg
Associated partners will be chosen from among applicants without additional conditions. The ranking of applicants will be announced publicly and invited the winners to conclude a partnership agreement - signed a declaration of partnership for a period of at least 5 /five / years and reserves candidates.
*In the event of engagement of municipalities as associate partners under the procedure will be expected to present as part of the application documents a letter of support.
1 Associated partners of grant applicants are all natural persons and legal entities consortia there of constituting an interested party with regard to the project implementation and involved in the implementation of the project activities but which do not spend grand funding.
Modified date:30-10-2023