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Vladimir Konstantinov Kotev

Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Position is offered

Application deadline: 10/01/2016

Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Position is offered*


at the Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMech-BAS) within the MIGRATE network on the topic:*Thermal gas mixing in micro scale*, Ref. N*°: MIGRATE-ESR 12*

The position includes secondments at the University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece and the Mitis SA, Liege, Belgium.

Short stays at different other beneficiaries or associated may be possible by negotiation.

Main goal: Development of efficient DSMC and DVM numerical algorithms and comparison to standard computational modeling to predict and improve the process of gas mixing in 2D and 3D micro mixers.

Duration: 3 years

Expected starting date: 1/04/2016

Application deadline: 10/01/2016

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Modified date:29-02-2016