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Tatiana Vasileva Simeonova


Position: Assist. Prof. PhD

Department: Solid Mechanics

Room number: 523

Phone: +359 2 979 67 16



Scientific degrees, institution, year:



PhD - Technical University-Sofia, 2015 year

Master of Science - Master Engineer- Technical University-Sofia, 2009 year


Fields of Research:

Applied fracture mechanics; Fracture toughness and wear resistance of materials and coatings; Advanced materials and technologies.


Additional Information:, researchgate, scopus

Recent Publications:

Mihail Kolev, Ludmil Drenchev, Tatiana Simeonova, Rumen Krastev, Vasil Kavardzhikov, Data on mechanical properties of open-cell AlSi10Mg materials and open-cell AlSi10Mg-SiC composites with different pore sizes and strain rates, Data in Brief, Volume 49, August 2023, 109461, 1.2 IF, Online ISSN: 2352-3409,

Vanya Dyakova, Yana Mourdjeva, Tatiana Simeonova, Rumen Krastev, Ilian Atanasov, Ludmil Drenchev, Vasil Kavardjikov, MICROSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF 40X STEEL AFTER STRAIN-CONTROLLED FATIGUE, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Accepted Paper, ISSN:0861-6663, E-ISSN:1314-8710, Vol.XX (20XX) pp. 1-12, 0.2 IF

Mihail Kolev, Boris Drenchev, Rumen Krastev, Tatiana Simeonova, Boris Yanachkov, Boris Petrov, Nikolai Yachkov, Anton Yotov, Ludmil Drenchev, Angel Velikov, Al-based foams obtained by powder metallurgy method and TiH2 as blowing agent. Part II: Mechanical properties, Engineering Sciences, LX, 2023, No. 1, Article 04, ISSN: 1312-5702, doi: 10.7546/EngSci.LX.23.01.04

Kondoff, C., Zaekova, R., Hadjitodorova, Y., Krastev, R., Simeonova, T. Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Non-linear Friction Stir Welded A 6061 Alloy. NDT Days, V, 3, Bulgarian Society for NDT, 2022, ISSN:2603-4018, 125-133

Velikov, A., Simeonova, T., Krastev, R., Tochev, T., Petkov, V. Fabrication and mechanical testing of compacted and extruded specimens made of aluminium alloys chips. Machines. Technologies. Materials, 16, 11, 2022, ISSN:1313-0226, 379-382

Krastev, R., Simeonova, T., Kavardjikov, V. Influence of filtering size on results in interpretation of Hopkinson-Kolsky bar signals. Int. Sci. J. INDUSTRY 4.0, VI, 5, Scientific Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering "Industry-4.0", 2021, ISSN:2534-8582, 185-188

Georgiev, M. N., Simeonova, T. V. Crack Resistance of Volume-Hardened Railroad Rails with Transverse Cracks in the Head. Metal Science and Heat Treatment, Issue 11-12, Springer US, 2019, ISSN:0026-0673 (Print) 1573-8973 (Online), DOI:10.1007/s11041-019-00361-x, IF (Web of Science): 0.482

Georgiev, M. N., Simeonova, T. V. Railroad Rails from Bainitic Steel. Metal Science and Heat Treatment, 60, 7-8, Springer, 2018, ISSN:0026-0673 (Print) 1573-8973 (Online), DOI:10.1007/s11041-018-0302-6, 464-470. IF (Web of Science):0.379

Georgiev, M., Simeonova, T. Railway rails of bainitic steels. University Press "St. St. Kliment Ohridski", 2018, ISBN:978-954-07-4558-9, 160 pages

Simeonova, T., Tongov, M., Avdeev, G., “Microstructure and properties of NiCrBSiC overlay coatings deposited by plasma scanning process”, 2014, WIT Transactions on the Build Environment, №137, pp. 553-564, ISSN: 1743-3509

Tongov, M., Simeonova, T., “Study of the formation of layers produced by high concentrated energy”, 11-th International Scientific Conference of the Association Of Machine Technology Faculties in Bulgaria “AMTEH’2012”, PROCEEDINGS, ISBN 978-954-438-994-9, pp.156-165,


Recent Projects:

- Project КП-06 ПН57/20 from 14.12.2021 г. Fabrication of new type of self-lubricating antifriction metal matrix composite materials with improved mechanical and tribological properties, 2021 - 2024, Bulgarian National Science Fund

- Project BG05M2OP001-1.001-0008 National center of mechatronics and clean technologies, 2018 -  2023, OP Science and Education for Smart Growth, supported by the European Regional Development Fund

- Project No BG051PO001-3.3.06-0046 “Development support of PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and young scientists in the field of virtual engineering and industrial technologies”, 2012-2014, OP "Human Resources Development", supported by European Social Fund.

- Project BG051PO001-4.3.04-0045 "Development of electronic forms of distance learning in the field of modern industrial technologies for the learning process”, 2012-2014, OP "Human Resources Development", supported by European Social Fund.

- Project No 121ПД0032-05 “Obtaining wear resistant layers on a base of ceramic and metal powders using plasma arc process”, 2012, The Research and Development Sector (R&DS) at TU-Sofia



National guild - Society of Railway Track Engineers (NGSRTE)


Modified date:03-11-2023