Evelina Mitkova Simeonova-Ivanova
Institute of Mechanics -BAS
Department - Physico-Chemical Mechanics
Phone: +359 2 979 39 44 |
E-mail: evsiiv@abv.bg. e_simeonova@imbm.bas.bg |
Scientific degrees, institution, year:
Chemical engineer, Magister University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy - Sofia, 1989 |
Fields of Research:
Differential scanning calorimetry, technology and formation of composite materials |
Extended Information
Recent Publications:
1. Petkova-Ruseva V., E. Simeonova-Ivanova, Structural study of composite high-strength slag concrete containing blended carbonate additive, XIX-th International Symposium Ecology & Safery, June 7 - 11, 2010, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, Journal of International Scientific Publication: Materials, Methods & Technologies, Vol. 4, part 2, 360 - 369 2. Petkova-Ruseva V., E. Simeonova-Ivanova, G. Avdeev, Structural study of Portland cement with blended carbonate additive, XII-th International Conference Mechanics and Technology of Composite Materials, September 22 -24, 2009, Varna, Bulgaria, 104-109 3. Kostov K., E. Simeonova-Ivanova, Measurement of the heat conductivity coefficient and consideration of the exothermal processes developing in hardening binders, XII-th International Conference Mechanics and Technology of Composite Materials, September 22 -24, 2009, Varna, Bulgaria, 404-408 4. Petkova V.J., E.M. Simeonova-Ivanova, Kinetics of the Microstructure of High-Performance Slag Concrete Based on Secondary Industrial By-Products, Editors: V. Nenov, E. Pencheva, I. Zherelina, M. Konecny, XV-th International Symposium "Ecology 2006", 2006, Sunny Beach, 251-260. 5. Petkova-Ruseva V.J., E. M. Simeonova-Ivanova, Investigation on the contact zone of high-performance fine-grained slag concrete, Journal of International Research Publications, Bulgaria, Issue Materials, Methods&Technologies, 2006, Volume 1, 33-41 6. Petkova V, I. Uzunov, E. Simeonova-Ivanova, Phase composition and structure of the contact zone of high-strength slag concrete, Cоmptes rendus de l, Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 59, № 6, (2006), 609-616. 7. Petkova V., Ya. Ivanov, E. Simeonova-Ivanova, Ivestigations on the contact zone of high-performance fine-grained slag concrete, Compt. rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 58, № 8, 2005, 927-932 |
Recent Projects:
Honors: |
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Modified date:16-02-2012