Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
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Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Volume 1 ISSN: 1314-3034 S. Iliev,N. Pesheva, D. Iliev Equilibrium and quasi static dynamics of liquid, partially wetting solid surface Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 1, Institute of Mechanics - BAS, Sofia, 2011, 234 pp. |
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The aim of this book is to acquaint the reader with the variational derivation of the equations, describing the statics and dynamics of the three-phase system liquid/fluid/solid, which takes into account the existence of hysteresis of the equilibrium contact angle and the dissipation of energy when the contact line is moving. The effect of different possible realiza-tions of the heterogeneity and roughness of the solid substrate on the equilibrium shapes of a drop placed on it is studied numerically. The asymptotic and numerical solutions for the liq-uid motion are obtained for different three-phase systems taking into consideration the energy dissipation occurring when the contact line moves. A variational numerical method is devel-oped for the realization of the numerical studies which allows to treat real three-dimensional problems. The material, presented in the book is based on previous studies of the authors pub-lished in renowned international journals. |
Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Upper bounds on heat transport and energy dissipation in moving fluids Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 2, Institute of Mechanics - BAS, Sofia, 2011, 318 pp. |
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The aim of this book is to present the methods of the optimum theory of turbulence to the reader. The book consists of introductory part (up to chapter 3 inclusive) where the model equations of the hydrodynamics which are the basis for the optimum theory of turbulence are presented. In addition the two methods of the optimum theory of turbulence are discussed. The second part of the book is devoted to the upper bounds on the quantities connected to the thermal convection in a fluid layer without presence of rotation. The influence of rotation on the thermal convection is discussed in the third part of the book. In the same part one of the methods of the optimum theory of turbulence is illustrated on the basis of isothermal flow without presence of thermal convection. The material presented in the book is based on studies of the author published in renowned international journals. Referees: Acad. Prof. Stojcho Panchev, D. Sc. Prof. Zapryan Zapryanov, D. Sc. |
Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 3 ISSN: 1314-3034
Vassil Kаvardzhikov, Editor-in-chief Ludmila Parashkevova, Anguel Baltov, Editors
Mechanics of nanomaterials and nanotechnology, Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 3, Institute of Mechanics - BAS, Sofia, 2012, 326 pp. This collection is issued with the financial support of Bulgarian Science Fund, Ministry of Education, Youth, and Science. |
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The jubilee collection of original works of the authors team presented is aimed to acquaint the scientific community, the doctoral students, and the high-tech industry with the achievements of scientists from the Institute of Mechanics (IMech), BAS, in international research collaboration. The book is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the organized research in mechanics and the 35th anniversary of IMech. The purpose of this collection is to demonstrate the research level in IMech in the field of mechanics of nanomaterials (NM) within the context of the recent world achievements and the capabilities of the modern equipment available in IMech and the Open Laboratory of Experimental Mechanics of Micro- and Nanomaterials. This book is based on the results of 26 autors from different generations with significant contribution from young researchers. It consists of 11 chapters distributed into 4 sections: Nanomaterials based on metals; Nanomaterials based on polymers; Modeling of nanomaterials and nanostructurs; and Experimental nano- and micromechanics. The chapters describe the most recent technologies, theoretical methods, and experimental techniques and their application in NM studies. Each chapter contains rich overview and analysis in the specific sub-field. Total are cited 624 publications of which 58 belong to the authors. The book is illustrated with 13 tables, 181 photos, charts and diagrams, of them ~ 14% colored. Referees: V. Kamburov, Assoc. Prof., PhD ( Chapters I.1, ІІІ.4 ) M. Popova, Prof., PhD ( Chapters I.2, III.1, III.2 ) A. Topliyska, Assoc. Prof., PhD ( Chapters II.1, IV.3 ) N. K. Vitanov, Prof., DS ( Chapter III.3 ) J. Ivanova, Prof., DS ( Chapter III.5 ) Tz. Babeva, Assoc. Prof., PhD ( Chapter IV.1 ) M. Jordanov, Assoc. Prof., PhD ( Chapter IV.2 )
© 2012, Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 4 ISSN: 1314-3034 Al. Popov Non-destructive evaluation of mechanical properties of iron-carbon alloys, Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 4, Institute of Mechanics - BAS, Sofia, 2013, 196 pp. |
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The monograph look at the existing knowledge in non-destructive evaluation (NDE) in mechanical properties of iron-carbon alloys by means their ultrasonic and magnetic properties. One direction of NDE is measurement of ultrasonic characteristics (ASTM 494) of materials – velocities and attenuation on propagation of longitudinal and transversal waves. Second direction of NDE is measurement of magnetic properties – elements of magnetic lop. The book is addressed to scientists in solid mechanics, experts in NDE and mechanical engineers. |
Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 5 ISSN: 1314-3034 V. Kavardzhikov –Editor-in-chief Optical metrology in applied mechanics, Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 5, Institute of Mechanics - BAS, Sofia, 2015, 247 pp. |
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This monographic reference book consists of five chapters. Its goal is to inform the readers with the classical and novel directions of optical metrology used in applied mechanics for qualitative and quantitative determination of mechanical characteristics of materials, surfaces, components and constructions. The Bulgarian and European standard documentation legalizing measurement of mechanical, geometrical and physical quantities as well as the eye’s metrology are examined. A special attention is directed to the metrological accuracy and experimental data processing. This monographic reference book is addressed to a wide audience such as metrologists and professionals from the field of applied mechanics, engineering physics and technical sciences. |
Series in Applied Mathemathics and Mechanics, Volume 6 ISSN: 1314-3034 Al. Popov Probability methods in evaluation of mechanical characteristics of iron-carbon alloys, Series in Applied Mathemathics and Mechanics, Volume 6, Institute of Mechanics - BAS, Sofia, 2015, 186 pp. |
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The monograph look at the probability methods in evaluation of mechanical characteristics of iron-carbon alloys (steel and cast iron). The book is addressed to scientist in follow areas “Solid Mechanics”, “Theory of probability and mathematical statistics” and mechanical engineers with specializations “Applied Mechanics”, “Reliability and safety of machines, apparatus and systems”, “Non-destructive testing”, “Tensile testing”. |
Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 7 ISSN: 1314-3034 B. Vassileva Nonlinear dynamics for marketing decisions. Part I. Dynamics of global brand values: Concepts and models, Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 8, Institute of Mechanics - BAS, Sofia, 2016, 145 pp. |
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We live in a world where disruptive technologies, rapid structural changes and economic turbulence are impacting the global economy by accelerating the rise of complexity. Complexity turns out to be a major force business must consider when developing and executing marketing strategies. It affects businesses both by delivering challenges and opening new opportunities which means that complexity radically changes the way business is managed. Globalisation is signified the quintessence of the last decade of the 20th century. Its effect on brands and branding strategies is outstanding. New brands are developed and launched as global brands, many traditionally local brands are sold or acquired, numerous rebranding strategies are realised, just to name a few of the subsequent outcomes of the globalisation process. This book presents an investigation of the dynamics of global brands values by applying the Zipf-Pareto law and the index of Sheppard. The research is focused on the top 100 global brands explored as a system of brands. It is assumed that there are variations in the factors which affect the distribution of global brands values as well as that these variations can be modelled by stochastic processes. The selection of a proper stochastic process instead of a model equation of factors affecting brand value serves as a starting point for the research methodology. The basic assumption states that the explanation of the distribution of global brands values needs only an implementation of a mathematical model based on the stochastic process with proper characteristics. The main research goal of the study is twofold. To understand: (1) if the state of equilibrium of the ranked global brands (based on their values) fits the power law, and (2) if the deviations are characterised by the index of Sheppard. Three research hypotheses are defined, based on the main research goal: RH1: The distribution of global brand values satisfies the Zipf-Pareto law. RH2: The identified three classes of global brands satisfy the Zipf-Pareto law. RH3: The system of global brands satisfies the primacy index of Sheppard. |
Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 8 ISSN: 1314-3034 Al. Popov Mesomechanics of solid bodies from iron-carbon alloys, Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 8, Institute of Mechanics - BAS, Sofia, 2017, 151 pp. |
The monograph look at the mesomechanics of solid bodies from iron-carbon alloys (steel and cast iron). The book is addressed to scientist in follow areas “Solid Mechanics” and mechanical engineers with specializations “Applied Mechanics”, “Non-destructive testing” and “Tensile testing”. |
Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 9 ISSN: 1314-3034 Al. Popov Inverse problems in solid mechanics and ultrasonic testing, Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 9, Institute of Mechanics - BAS, Sofia, 2018, 120 pp. |
The monograph look at the inverse problems in solid mechanics and ultrasonic testing. The book is addressed to scientist in follow areas “Solid Mechanics” and mechanical engineers with specializations “Applied Mechanics” and “Non-destructive testing”. |
Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 10 ISSN: 1314-3034 Anguel Baltov, Ana Yanakieva Energy saving and surface-reinforced structural elements with transition areas Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 10, Institute of Mechanics - BAS, Sofia, 2018, 90 pp. |
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The monograph tackles thin layers of structural elements within the frames of solid mechanics, whereas layers are deposited by diffusion technology. The book can be useful for engineers-designers of energy saving constructions, researchers, MS and PhD students interested in the problems of structural mechanics and more specifically - in the mechanics of thin coatings. |
Modified date:31-07-2018