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OLEM acts as a Coordinator and a Partner in projects funded by National and EU Programes



  • Project BG-RRP-2.011-0001-CO:"Smart filament of biodegradable polymers wth graphene for 4D-printing with thermo-stimulated shape memory (t-ShM) activated by resistive heating" (t-ShM Filament)

Supported by the European Union - NextGenerationEU

Coordinator: Prof. DSc Rumiana Kotsilkova


  • KP-06-H77/1 (28.11.2023-28.11.2026):"Experimental and simulation study of 3D-printed graphene-polymer hybrid nanocomposites for thermal applications and temperature sensors in electronics" - funded by the Bulgarian National Scientific Fund. Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vladimir Georgiev
  • IC-CZ/01/2025-2026:"Novel nanocomposite materials for 3D-printing based on self-healing reversible networks similar to vitrimer" - inter-academic cooperation BAS-CAS project. Coordinator from IMech-BAS (OLEM) - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Todor Batakliev



  • H2020-MSCA-RISE-734164 Graphene 3D (2017-2022) "Multifunctional Graphene-based Nanocomposites with Robust Electromagnetic and Thermal Properties for 3D-printing";  Project Coordinator: Prof. D.Sc. Rumiana Kotsilkova

    OLEM-IMech is a Partner in:
  • H2020-FET-Graphene Flagship, Graphene Core 1, 2 and 3  phases (2014-2023).  Coordinator for IMECH-BAS: Prof. DSc Rumiana Kotsilkova

  • Centre of Competence MIRACLE, Project No. BG05M20P001-1.002-0011. Ciirdinator for IMECH-BAS: Prof. Evgeni Ivanov.
  • Centre of Excellence on Mechantronics and Clean Technologies, Project No. BG05M20P001-1.001-0008. Team Leader: Prof. DSc. Rumiana Kotsilkova
  • Colaborative Research Project between Sichuan University, China and OLEM-Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2020-2023).  Coordinator for IMECH-BAS: Prof. Dr. Evgeni Ivanov

  • FP7- NMP- NanoXCT (2012-2015) "Compact X-ray computed tomography system for non destructive characterization of nano materials"; Coordinator for IMECH-BAS: Prof. R. Kotsilkova
  • FP7-INCO-BY NanoERA (2010-2013) "Industrial developments of applied nanoelecronics"; Coordinator for IMECH-BAS: Prof. R. Kotsilkova
  • F7-NMP-NAPOLYNET (2009-2011)"Setting up research ­intensive clusters across the EU on characterization of polymer nanostructures" Coordinator for IMECH-BAS: Prof. R. Kotsilkova


  • COST Action CA 19118 (2020-2024) EsSENce "High-performance Carbon-based composites with smarth properties for secsing applications". MC Member for Bulgaria: Prof. DSc. R. Kotsilkova
  • COST Action CA 15114 (2016-2020) on Antimicrobial Coatings (AMICI); MC Member for Bulgaria - Prof. R. Kotsilkova
  • COST Action CA15107 (2016-2020) "Multi-Functional Nano-Carbon Composite Materials Network (MultiComp)"; MC Member for Bulgaria - Assoc. Prof. Evgeni Ivanov
  • COST Action MP1303 (2015-2018) "Understanding and Controlling Nano and Mesoscale Friction"; MC Member from Bulgaria - Assoc. Prof. Evgeni Ivanov
  • COST Action MP1206 (2014-2017) "Electrospun nano-fibres for bio inspired composite materials and innovative industrial applications"; MC Member from Bulgaria - Prof. R. Kotsilkova
  • COST Action MP1202 (2014-2017) "Rational design of hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces: the next step towards advanced functional materials"; MC Member from Bulgaria - Prof. R. Kotsilkova
  • COST Action MP1105 (2013-2016)"Sustainable flame retardancy for textiles and related materials based on nanoparticles substituting conventional chemicals (FLARETEX)"; MC Member from Bulgaria - Assoc. Prof. Evgeni Ivanov
  • COST Action FA0904 "Eco-sustainable Food Packaging based on Polymer Nanomaterials"; MC Member from Bulgaria - Prof. R. Kotsilkova


  • Research Infrastructure projet (DO-02-52/2008) "Setting up an Open Laboratory on experimental micro and nanomechanics of nanostructured materials" (OLEM, 2009-2012). Project Coordinator prof. Rumiana Kotsilkova
  • Joint research project Bulgaria-India (2014 -):"Nano-photocatalyst membrane in energy conversion for water treatment", supported by the National ScienceFund of Bulgaria; Coordinator: Prof. D.Sc. Rumiana Kotsilkova

Modified date:28-01-2025