Dimitar Ivanov Chakarov
Position: Professor
Department: Mechatronics |
Room number: 312 |
Phone: +359 2 979 6448 |
E-mail: mit@imbm.bas.bg |
Scientific degrees, institution, year:
Professor Mechatronics & Robotics, Institute of Mechanics , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, June, 2020.
Associate Professor Mechatronics & Robotics, Institute of Mechanics , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,July, 2001. Doctor of PhilosophyApplied Mechanics , Institute of Mechanics , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, April, 1992. Master of ScienceMechanical Systems in Robotics( Robotics), Robotics Research Lab. (CNIL-MANRO), Technical University of Sofia, April 1983, Master of ScienceTechnology of Mechanical Engineering and Cutting Machines , Mechanical and Technological Faculty, Technical University of Sofia; April 1981. |
Fields of Research:
Mechanics and control of robots, mechatronic devices and mechanisms, exoskeletons, haptic devices, human-robot interaction, virtual reality, micro robots, parallel and redundant actuation, linear actuators, impedance control. |
Extended Information:
Recent Publications:
60. Chakarov Dimitar, Ivanka Veneva, Mihail Tsveov, Peter Mitrouchev and Pavel Venev, Design of a two arms exoskeleton as haptic device for virtual reality applications. Chapter 25 of Book “Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing II” published by Springer of the series Lecture Note in Mechanical Engineering,2019, ISBN:978-3-030-12345-1. 59. Veneva, I., Chakarov, D., Tsveov, M., Venev, P. Exoskeleton with soft actuation and haptic interface, Chapter of Book - Biosystems and Biorobotics, Springer International Publishing, Vol. 22, 2019, Pages 410-414, ISSN: 21953562, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01887-0_79. 57. Veneva, I., Chakarov, D. Tsveov, M., Trifonov, D., Zlatanov, E., Venev, P., Active Assistive Orthotic system: (Exoskeleton) enhancing movement, "Handbook of Research on Biomimetics and Biomedical Robotics.", IGI Global, Editorial Discovery, Chapter 3, 2017, pp. 1-28, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2993-4.ch003. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/active-assistive-orthotic-system/198047 56. M. Tsveov, P. Venev, D. Chakarov, I. Veneva, Simulations and experimental evaluation of an active orthosis for interaction in virtual environments. MATEC Web of Conferences 145:01006, January 2018, DOI10.1051/matecconf/201814501006
55. D. Chakarov, I. Veneva, M. Tsveov, P. Venev. Powered Upper Limb Orthosis Actuation System Based on Pneumatic Artificial Muscles. /13th National Congress Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 6th – 10th September 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria/. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Volume 48, Issue 1, 2018, pp. 23 – 36, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/jtam-2018-0002. https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/jtam.2018.48.issue-1/jtam-2018-0002/jtam-2018-0002.xml
54.Dimitar Chakarov, Ivanka Veneva, Mihail Tsveov and Evgeni Zlatanov, Adjusting the natural stiffness of a pneumatic powered exoskeleton designed as a virtual reality haptic device. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2017, Vol.14, Issue: 6, pp. 1-13, ISSN 1729-8814, DOI: 10.1177/1729881417739432. http://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/BTsVfSDrRrffJpQfyANH/full
53. Ivanka Veneva, Dimitar Chakarov, Pavel Venev, Evgeni Zlatanov, Michail Tsveov, Dimitar Trifonov, Active orthotic system for assistance and rehabilitation. Pros. of the CLAWAR 2017: 20th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2017, pp.599-606.
52. Dimitar Chakarov, Ivanka Veneva, Mihail Tsveov, D. Trifonov, Design and Control of a Force Reflecting Arm Exoskeleton for Virtual Reality Applications. Proc.of the 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics“ICINCO 2017“, Madrid, Spain, SCITEPRESS, vol.2/102, ISBN 978-989-758-263-9 pp.335-342. (2017). http://www.scitepress.org/PublicationsDetail.aspx?ID=CvHkixAY4bo=&t=1
51.Dimitar Chakarov, Ivanka Veneva, Mihail Tsveov, Specifying the natural stiffness of an exoskeleton arm used as haptics device. Series on Biomechanics, vol. 30, No 4, 2016, pp. 3-12. ISSN 1313-2458.
50. Dimitar Chakarov, Vladimir Stavrov, Detelina Ignatova, Assen Shulev, Mihail Tsveov, Rumen Krastev, Ivo Vuchkov, Development of Force Monitoring Transducers Using Novel Micro Electromechanical Sensor (MEMS). Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal, Vol.6, September 2016 – ISSN 2412-5954, DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.20337.48487.
49. Vladimir Stavrov, Dimitar Chakarov, Assen Shulev, Mihail Tsveov, Mechatronic scanning system with integrated micro electro mechanical system position sensors, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2016, vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 37–50, DOI: 10.1515/jtam-2016-0009.
47. Chakarov Dimitar, Mihail Tsveov, Ivanka Veneva and Peter Mitrouchev, Adjustable Compliance Joint with Torsion Spring for Human Centred Robots. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2015, 12:0 , doi: 10.5772/61931. Impact Factor: 0.526.
46. Tsveov M., I. Veneva, D. Chakarov, D. Trifonov. Human body active orthosis as haptic device for interaction in virtual environments. Series on BIOMECHANICS, Vol.29, No.2-3, 2015, ISSN 1313-2458, pp.101-108
45. Dimitar Chakarov, Vladimir Stavrov, Mihail Tsveov1. Detelina Ignatova, Assen Shulev, Rumen Krastev, Ivanka Veneva, Development of a Novel Mechanical Transducer for Force Monitoring Using Micro-Electromechanical Sensor (MEMS), CD Pros. of the 12. MAGDEBURGER MASCHINENBAU-TAGE , 30. September und 01. Oktober 2015, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, ISBN: 978-3-944722-26-9.
44. Dimitar Chakarov, Mihail Tsveov, Human-Oriented Robots Passive Compliance Adjustment Approach, Comptes rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences (Доклади на Българската академия на науките ), Tome 68, No 5, 2015, pp.641-646, IF: 0.284(2014), SJR: 0.210.
43. D. Chakarov, I. Veneva, M. Tsveov, T. Tiankov, D. Trifonov. New Exoskeleton Arm Concept Design and Actuation for Haptic Interaction with Virtual Objects, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2014, vol. 44, No 4, pp. 3-14, DOI: 10.2478/jtam-2014-0019, ISSN 0861-6663.
42. D. CHAKAROV, I. VENEVA, M. TSVEOV. A New Upper Limb Exoskeleton For Human Interaction With Virtual Environments And Rehabilitation Tasks, CD Pros. of the 10th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials (MSM 2014), 7-10.07.2014, Opole, Poland.
41. Chakarov D., D. Trifonov, M. Cveov, V. Stavrov. Analysis of existing solutions and development of load cell of force measurement using micro-electromechanical sensor (MEMS). 12th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 23-26 September 2013, Saints Constantine and Helena, Varna, CD Proc. 40. Tsveov M., D. Chakarov, Controllable Compliance Joint For Human Oriented Robots, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Volume 43, Issue 1, Pages 47–60, ISSN (Print) 0861-6663, DOI: 10.2478/jtam-2013-0005, March 2013.
39. M. Tsveov, D. Chakarov, Computer Model And Control Of Compliant Joints Of Human-Oriented Robots. „Journ. Complex Control Systems”, BAS- Institute of Systems Engineering and Robotics, vol.12, 2013, ISSN 1310 – 8255, pp.79-86. 38. Kostadinov K., D. Chakarov., T., Tiankov, A. Shulev , A Robot for Cell Injection: Modeling, Design and Experimental Validation. International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(3), 77-98, July-September 2013, ISSN: 2156-1664. DOI: 10.4018/ijimr.2013070106.
37. Tsveov, М., D. Chakarov, Analysis of controllable compliance joint with leaf spring. Series on BIOMECHANICS, vol.26, No 1-2, 2011, ISSN 1313-2458, pp.64-70..
36. Tsveov, М., D. Chakarov, Experiments on a Controllable Compliance Robot Joint, Pros. Of The "8th Baltic - Bulgarian Conference On Bionics And Prosthetics...", June 4-8, 2012, Varna, ISBN 978-9934-10-299-8, pp.70-73.
35. Chakarov,D., A. Shulev and K. Kostadinov, Piezo Actuated Tense Robotic System with Elastic Joints for Micro Applications. “10. Magdeburger Maschinenbau Tage“, Magdeburg, 27-29.Sept. 2011,Proceedings CD, ISBN 978-3-940961-60-0, (2011).
34. Michail Tsveov, Dimitar Chakarov, Approaches to control the compliance of a RRR robot. “10. Magdeburger Maschinenbau Tage“, Magdeburg, 27-29.Sept. 2011,Proceedings CD, ISBN 978-3-940961-60-0, (2011).
33. D.Chakarov, K.Kostadinov, A.Shulev And T.Tiankov, Development Of A Piezo - Actuated Robot For Cell Injection. Pros. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - ICINCO 2012, Rоме, Italy, July 28 -31, 20012, Vol.2, pp.21 -30.
32. K Kostadinov, D Chakarov (2012) Chapter 21 “IMPEDANCE CONTROLLED MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS for Autonomous Intelligent Devices”, In: Mobile Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Edited by:Dr Jitendra R. Raol, Dr. Ajith Gopal,. pp.385-408 CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), isbn:9781439863008
31.Chakarov, D., Kostadinov, K., Tiankov, T., Cveov, M., “Two ways of the modeling and analysis of a serial parallel micro manipulator with elastic joints”, сп.„Механика на машините”, год.XVIII, кн.7, 2010, ISSN 0861-9727.стр.87-90.
30.Cveov M., D. Chakarov, Model and computer experiments in order to adjust the compliance of human oriented robots, сп.„Механика на машините”, год.XVIII, кн.7, 2010, ISSN 0861-9727.стр.32-35.
29. Тsveov M., D. Chakarov, Computer Modelling and Simulation of Controllable Compliance Joint. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, No.4, 2010, pp.23-30.
28. Cveov M., D. Chakarov, Computer Modelling and Simulation of Controllable Compliance Joint. Pros of the 11th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (NCTAM2009), Borovets, Bulgaria, 2-5 September 2009, Proceedings CD, ID:30-152-5-PB, ISSN 1313-9665, (2009).
27. Tsveov M., D. Chakarov. Analysis of adjustable compliance joints with torsion leaf spring, Pros. of the Int. Conf. "PRACTRO'09",Sozopol, 12-15.June, 2009.
26. Chakarov D , K.Kostadinov, D.Gotseva, T.Tianov . Web-based Synthesis of Robot Structures for Micro and Nano Manipulators.Solid State Phenomena, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland , Vols. 147-149, pp.25-30, (2009/Jan./06) 25. Chakarov D , K.Kostadinov, D.Gotseva, T.Tianov .Synthesis of Tense Piezo Structures for Micro and Nano Manipulators Using Web Technologies. Pros. of the "5th BALTIC - BULGARIAN CONFERENCE ON BIONICS AND PROSTHETICS...", JUNE 5-6, 2008, Varna, pp.74-77. 24. Chakarov D.;M. Abed Al-Wahab ;Kasper R.; Kostadinov K. Synthesis of tense piezo structures for lokal mikro- & nano- manipulations. , [pdf]. Pros. of the "8. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage", October 10-11, 2007, Magdeburg, pp.173-180. 23. D. Chakarov, T. Tiankov. MODELING AND SIMULATION OF HUMAN ORIENTED ROBOTS, [pdf]. Pros. of the Int. Conf. "AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS'07", Oct. 3-6, 2007, Sofia, vol. II, pp. VI 25 - VI 28. 22 . D. Chakarov. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN - ORIENTED ROBOTS, [pdf]. Pros. of the Nineth Int. Conf. on Robotics- PRACTRO'2007, June 12-15, 2007, Varna, Bulgaria, pp.184-189. 21. Kasper R.; Abed Al-Wahab M.; Heinemann W.; Kostadinov K.; Chakarov D.,.Mechatronic handling device based on piezo ceramic structures for micro and nano applications, [pdf]. Proc. of the "Actuator 2006 : 10th International Conference on New Actuators", 14 - 16 June 2006, Bremen, Germany ; pp. 154-158. 20. Tiankov T., D. Gotseva, T.Petrov, V. Latkovski, D. Chakarov, K.Kostadinov.Actuation and Control System for Human Oriented Robots [doc], [pdf]. Pros. of the "5th BALTIC - BULGARIAN CONFERENCE ON BIONICS AND PROSTHETICS...", JUNE 5-6, 2006, Varna, pp.55-58. 19. Chakarov D. Kinematics Model of Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots for Mobile Manipulation Tasks [doc], [pdf]. Pros. of the "5th BALTIC - BULGARIAN CONFERENCE ON BIONICS AND PROSTHETICS...", JUNE 5-6, 2006, Varna, pp.59-61. 18. Borisov B., D. Chakarov. A Computer Aided Investigation of Machine Tool Dynamic Stability on the Basis of Linear Mathematical Models. [doc], [pdf]. Pros. of the "10th JUBILEE NATIONAL CONGRESS ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS", September 13-16, 2005, Varna, pp.1-5. 17. Chakarov D., K.Kostadinov, T. Tiankov. Computer Modeling and Synthesis of Human Centered Robots. [doc], [pdf]. Pros. of the "7. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage", October 11-12, 2005, Magdeburg, pp.50-55. 16. Tiankov T., D.Chakarov, K.Kodtadinov. Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Scaning System for Measurement of Electrochemical Impedance. [doc], [pdf]. Pros. of the "7. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage", October 11-12, 2005, Magdeburg, pp.70-75. 15. Chakarov D. Some Approaches for Safety in the "Human-robot" Interaction. [doc], [pdf] Pros. of the Eighth Int. Conf. on Robotics- PRACTRO'2005, June 15-18, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria, pp.86-91. 14. Chakarov D. Some Approaches for Passive Compliance Realization for Precize Opperation Manipulators[doc], [pdf], [zip], Pros. of the 4-rd Baltic - Bulgarian Conference on Bionics, Biomechanics and Mechatronics, 13. Chakarov D. Study Of The Antagonistic Stiffness Of Parallel Manipulators with Actuation Redundancy , [doc], [zip],[pdf] Mechanism and Machine Theory (The scientific journal of IFToMM), vol. 39/6 (2004), pp.583-601. 12. Chakarov D. Stiffness Control of a Parallel Robot with 0ppositional Operating [doc] , [pdf], [zip] . Pros of the "6th Magdeburg Days of Mechanical Engineering",24-26. Sept., 2003,Magdeburg, pp.113-119. 11. Chakarov D. Sinthesis of Parallel Manipulators with Redundant Actuation [doc],[pdf], [zip] . Pros of the Int. Conf."Power Transmissions'03",11-12. Sept., 2003,Varna, pp.295-300. 10. Chakarov D. Approaches of Stiffness Control of Parallel Manipulators with Actuation Redundancy [doc], [pdf], [zip] . Pros of the International Scientific Conference PRACTRO'03, Yune 10-13. 2003,Varna, pp.199-206. 9. Chakarov D. Stiffness Control of a Serial-Parallel Manipulator with Actuation Redundancy [doc],[pdf] ,[zip]. Pros of the 47 th International Scientific Colloquium, Technical University of Ilmenau , Sept. 23-26. 2002, p.163. 8. Chakarov D. Stiffness Control Schemes of Redundant Actuated Manipulators [doc], [pdf], [zip], Pros. of the 3-rd Baltic - Bulgarian Conference on Bionics, Biomechanics and Mechatronics, 7.Chakarov D. Study of the Stiffness of Hybrid Manipulators with Force redundancy [doc], [pdf], [zip] , Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanic, Sofia, Vol.32, No.1,2002,pp. 3 -14. 6. Chakarov D. Approaches of Stiffness Synthesis of Hybrid Manipulators with Actuation Redundancy [doc], [zip],[pdf] . Pros of the "9th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Machanics, 19-22 Sept. 2001, Varna, Vol.2, pp.95-100. 5.Chakarov D. ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF THE STIFFNESS OF A HYBRID MANIPULATOR WITH REDUNDANT ACTUATION [doc], [pdf] , [zip], Pros. of the "5th Magdeburg Days of Mechanical Engineering",19-20. Sept., 2001,Magdeburg, pp.119-127 4. Chakarov D. Optimization synthesis of Parallel Manipulators with desired stiffness [doc], [zip],[pdf]. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 1998, Year XXVIII, No.4 3. Chakarov D. Study Of The Passive Compliance Of Parallel Manipulators [doc], [zip], [pdf] . Mechanism and Machine Theory (The scientific journal of IFToMM), Vol. 34 (1998), pp.373-389 2. Chakarov D. and P. Parushev. Synthesis of Parallel Manipulators with Linear Drive Modules. Mechanism and Machine Theory (The scientific journal of IFToMM), Vol.29, No.7, 1994, pp.917-932. 1.Chakarov D.Parallel Manipulators with Controlled Compliance. Pros. of the Tenth CISM - IFToMM Symp. "Ro.Man.Sy.10", Gdansk, Sept.12-15, 1994, pp.225-231.
Recent Projects:
National Innovation Fund project "10IF-02-22/ 2019,
Universal Micro Sensor Equipment Monitoring System (USSMO) ”, Duration: 2019- 2021.
Advanced Wearable Robots/Orthoses/ for Natural and Safe Physical Interaction with Humans "AWERON",
Duration: Januar 2017- December 2019.
National Innovation Fund project "8ИФ02-5/ 2017", Intelligent plug-in monitoring devices for the Internet of Things (INSMART). Duration: 2018- 2019. European Commission Contract: FP7-ICT-2009-5, Integrated Project - No. FP7 -257695,
VERE: Virtual Embodiment and Robotic Re-Embodiment
Duratio n: 2013- 2015.
National Innovation Fund project "6IF-02-13/ 2012, Specialized Mechatronics Systems for Micro and Nano Technologies, Duration: Januar, 2009- december 2011 European Commision Contract: FP6, NMP2-CT-2006-026622. Hybrid Ultra Precision Manufacturing Process Based on Positional- and Self-assembly for Complex Micro-Products," HYDROMEL", Duration: 2006- 2009.
Joint Research Grant "Mechatronics Handling Devices Based on Piezo-ceramic Structures for Micro and Nano Applications- MecHaPiCS", Funded by DFG, Participants: Otto von Guericke Universitaet Magdeburg, Fakultaet fuer Maschinenbau, Institut fuer Mechatronik und Antriebstechnik and Institute of Mechanics Sofia, Mechatronics Department. Duration: 2005- 2008.
Home page: http://www.imbm.bas.bg/imbm/lms/chakarov/default.htm |
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1. Запознаване с текущото положение и обсъждане на работите по проект "Miracle" от ОП НОИР.
Докладва: д-р Цветелина Йоргова
2. Запознаване и гласуване на доклад с предложение за асоцииране към Института по механика на нашият бивш колега, проф. дтн Красимир Георгиев.
Тъй като се намираме в епидемиологична обстановка, колегите които не желаят да присъстват на място, могат да гласуват дистанционно по е- мейл, а материалите по т.1 ще им бъдат изпратени.
Изпращам ви прикачено молба и предложение относно асоцииране към Института по механика на проф. дтн Красимир Георгиев.
Моля, колегите които няма да присъстват, да гласуват това предложение явно, като изпратят мейл, където посочвате своят глас - да, не и въздържал се.
Моля, да гласувате до сряда (29.07.20), преди провеждане на заседанието от 14:00 часа.
Отговорите изпращайте на моя е мейл.
Пожелавам ви спорна седмица и добро здраве,
Димитър Чакъров
Modified date:20-07-2020