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Alexander Borisoff Kazakoff

Position: Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.

Department: Mechatronics

Room number: 211

Phone: +359 2 979 64- 29



Scientific degrees, institution, year:

Institute of Mechanics:
Research Fellow - 1986
Senior Research Fellow-II deg.-2002

Fields of Research:

Research to date has been primarily in the field of vibrations - structural vibrations, applied mathematics, engineering design, viz. dynamic modeling of single and double mass systems; vibration control, and dynamic systems of spiroid gears - for which computer solutions has been validated by extensive experimental studies. Work undertaken on 16 research contracts; lectures on mechanics at the TU of Sofia and on computers at the High Military and Transport School in Sofia.

Extended Information

Recent Publications:

I. Conference papers:

1. Y.Ts.Tsankov, Al.B.Kazakoff, Simulation and solution of the classical mechanics vibration models in a higher order dimensional space with any virtual sectional curvature, Proceedings of the 10th Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2005, VARNA, pp. 109-115.

2. B.I.Marinoff, Al.B. Kazakoff, Optimization of the process of impulse impact on a rail-way carriage with one stage spring suspension, Proceedings of the Tenth International Scientific-Technical conference on Internal Combustion Engines, Transport vehicles and Transport, MOTAUTO'03, 01-03 October 2003, Sofia, pp 6-11. (in Bulgarian).

3. L.M. Hadjikov, Al. B. Kazakoff, Ya Ivanov, I. Paskaleva, M. Dashevsky, E. Mironov, Semi-active vibroisolation using elastomer electro-rheological and viscoelastic materials, ECCMR, 2003, 15-17 September 2003, Queen Mary University of London, pp. 411-419.

4. A.B.Kazakoff, S.O.Oyadiji, Finite Element Analysis of Viscoelastic Mounts Subjected to Large Amplitude Half-Sine Loading, The 73-rd Shock and Vibration Symposium, November 18-22, 2002, Newport, Rhode Island, USA.

5. A.B.Kazakoff, S.O.Oyadiji, Experimental Measurement of the Response of Viscoelastic Mounts Subjected to Large Initial Deformation and Half-Sine Shock Impact, The 73rd Shock and Vibration Symposium, November 18-22, 2002, Newport, Rhode Island, USA.

6. L.M.Hadjikov, A.B.Kazakoff, Ya.P.Ivanov, Semi-active control of bearing elements, Internattional Scientific Conference: Civil Constructions - Theory and Applicaion, Veliko Turnovo, September, 28-30.09.2000, Bulgaria, Journal of "Building", CIVIL CONSTRUCTIONS - Limited, 4/2000, pp. 7-12., (in Bulgarian).

7. L.Hadjikov, Ya. Ivanov, Al. Kazakoff , Investigation on the Electro - Rheological Polymers as Transverse Isotropic Materials, Conference on Polymer Processing: Physical Aspects, Portugal,Guimaraes, 24-28 September 2000.

8. A.B.Kazakoff and K.Worden, Nonlinear motions of a vibration separation system, Proceedings of the 7th nternational conference in Structural Dynamics: Recent Advances, July 2000, Southampton, pp.427-439.


II. Journal papers:

1. Al.B.Kazakoff, D.P.Karaivanov, S.Troha, Computer analysis of a three mass crane dynamic system, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Dynamics, Sofia, 2008, vol. 38, No 3, pp. 101-124.

2. Yulian Tsankov, Alexander Kazakoff, Mechano-mathematical model for special motion transformation in a higher order dimensional space, Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Scences, Tome 61, No 5, 2008, pp. 645-652.

3. Al.B.Kazakoff, D.P.Karaivanov, S.Troha, Crane dynamics in a vertical base plane, Dokladi na BAN, Vol. 60, Book 10, 2007, pp. 1077-1084.

4. A.B.Kazakoff, Force response transmissibility prediction and frequency analysis of high deflection displacement magnitudes, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2007, Vol. 37, No. 3 pp 101 - 116.

5. J.A.Rongong, A.B.Kazakoff, Computer modelling of the dynamic response of viscoelastic vibroisolators, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Brno, Check Republic, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2006, p. 19-30.

6. Y.Ts.Tsankov, Al.B.Kazakoff Simulation and solution of the classical mechanics mechanical and mathematical vibration models in a higher order dimensional space, Journal of Theoretical and Aplied Mechanics, Sofia, 2005, vol 35, No. 2, pp 101-116.

7. Al.B.Kazakoff, Iv.Karaivanoff, A mathematical model of a single mass vibratory mechanical system for sieve processes, Kenya Journal of Mechanical Engineers (KJME), Vol. I., No.I., 2005, pp. 13-21.

8. Al.B.Kazakoff, Numerical investigation on a standard rubber vibration mount subjected to large static and dynamic deformations, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2005, vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 3-20.

9. Al.B.Kazakoff, Shape factor influence analysis of viscoelastic mounts subjected to large amplitude deflection, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2004, vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 27-44.

10. Al.B.Kazakoff, Numerical and experimental investigation on the dynamic response of vibration mounts subjected to large static and dynamic horizontal and vertical deformations. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2003, vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 31-46.

11. Al.B.Kazakoff, Resonant frequencies of electrical stators as affected by teeth, frame and laminations, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2003, vol. 33, No.2, pp. 3-14.

12. Al.B.Kazakoff, Characterstics of mechanical filters incorporating viscoelastic materials (PART II), Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2003, vol. 33, No.1, pp. 5-20.

13. Al.B.Kazakoff, Characterstics of mechanical filters incorporating viscoelastic materials (PART I), Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2002, vol. 32, No.4, pp. 11-26

14. Al.Kazakoff, V.Abadjiev, Investigation on spatial vibration processes in a helicon gear set, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, Bg, 2001, vol.31, No.3, pp.26-39.

15. Al.B.Kazakoff, Prediction of natural frequences of electrical stators, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Brno, Chech Republic, Vol.8, 2001, No.5, p. 315-326.

16. Al. Kazakoff, A mechatronic system for vibration technological processes., Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechannics, Sofia, Bg., 2000, vol.3., pp. 13-32.

Recent Projects: Mechanical, mathematical and computer modeling of real machines, mechanisms and automats, considered as connected multi body systems.


Union of the Scientists in Bulgaria

Modified date:28-02-2016