- Project KP-06-N32/6 (2019-2022) with the National Science Fund of Bulgaria: Theoretical Investigation of Rarefied Gas Dynamics of Monoatomic Gas, Gas Mixtures, and Chemically Reacting Gases and Fluid-Structure Interaction in micro/nano systems; project leader Assoc. Prof. Dr Kiril Shterev;
- MIGRATE - MIniaturized Gas flow foR Applications with enhanced Thermal Effects (MIGRATE is a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN)); Grant Agreement No. 643095 (call H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014). (WP leader for IMech - Prof. DSc St.Stefanov);
- Project DN 02/8 (2018-2019) with the National Science Fund of Bulgaria: Exact and numerical results for the behavior of finite-dimensional inhomogeneous statistical-mechanical systems exhibiting phase transitions; project leader Prof. DSc D. Danchev;
Project DN 02/7 (2016-2019) with the National Science Fund of Bulgaria:
Theoretical Investigation of nonequilibrium gas flows in micro / nano systems ; project leader Prof. DSc St. Stefanov;
- Marie Curie Initial Training Programme (Seventh Framework Programme , SP3-People: GRANT GASMEMS: Gas Flows in Micro Electro Mechanical System PITN-GA-2008-215504; project leader Prof. DSc St. Stefanov;
- A team from IMech as a Third party is participating in project HP-SEE, of EC, 7FP, Programme Capacities- Scientific infrastructures, grant #261499, in the period 01.09.2010 - 31.08.2012;
- Modeling of micro-fluidic flows in MEMS grant DID 02/20 -2009 of NSF-Bulgaria
- Specialized mechatronic systems for micro and nano-technologies TK171/08 of NSF-Bulgaria; project leader Prof. DSc St. Stefanov;
- Center of Excellence "Supercomputer applications" DО 02 115/08 of NSF-Bulgaria; (participant Assoc. Prof. DSc S. Iliev);
- Competence center for simulations and business processes DО 02 75/08 with NSF-Bulgaria; (participant Assoc. Prof. DSc S. Iliev);
- Project 01-3-1072-2009/2013 "Theory of condensed matter and new materials" of the Scientific Problems Plan of the International Organization JINR-DUBNA - project leader: Prof. DSc J. Brankov;
- Development of algorithms, numerical schemes and their application in micorfluidics and fluctuation-induced interactions, DMU 03/37, 2011, NSF of Bulgaria; project leader Prof. DSc D. Danchev
Modified date:02-04-2021