Krassimir Borissov Radev

Position: Associate Professor
Laboratory: Physico-Chemical Hydrodynamics
Room number: 102
Phone: +359 2 979 6407
Scientific degrees, institution, year:
M.Sci. in Physics, Sofia University, 1977 Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics, Institute of Thermophysics, RAS, 1985
Fields of Research:
fluid mechanics fluid interfaces wave dynamics mass/heat transport microfluidics experimental techniques
Extended Information
1996 – to date — Associate Professor, Laboratory of Physico–Chemical Hydrodynamics, Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2000 – 2004 — Head, Associate Professor, Laboratory of Physico–Chemical Hydrodynamics, Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1986 – 1996 — Research Associate III, II, and I degree, Department of Fluid Mechanics and Laboratory of Physico–Chemical Hydrodynamics, Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1984 – 1986 — mathematician, Department of Fluid Mechanics, Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1980 – 1984 — postgraduate student, Laboratory of Physical Hydrodynamics, Institute of Thermophysics, Russian Academy
1978 – 1980 — physicist, Department of Microelectronics, Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Recent Publications:
- K.B. Radev, Dynamics of Phase Boundary Growth. Cross–Flow Solidification. In: Proc. 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (Alexandroupolis, Greece, 9–13 September 2009), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1203, pp. 676–681 (2009).
- K.B. Radev, Kinematics of Phase Boundary Growth. Directional Solidification. In: Proc. 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (Alexandroupolis, Greece, 9–13 September 2009), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1203, pp. 682–687 (2009).
- K.B. Radev, Hydrodynamic Fluctuations and Transversal Dynamics of a Meniscus in Advance, In: S. A. Cetin and I. Hikmet (eds.), AIP CP899, Sixth International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, American Institute of Physics, New York, pp. 457–458 (2007).
- T. Cappadoro, K.B. Radev, Longitudinal Dispersion in Non–Newtonian Laminar Pipe Flow, in S. A. Cetin and I. Hikmet (eds.), AIP CP899, Sixth International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, American Institute of Physics, New York, p. 768 (2007).
- N. Roche, K.B. Radev, Flow and Mass Transfer on a Vertical Half–Immersed Rotating Disk, in S. A. Cetin and I. Hikmet (eds.), AIP CP899, Sixth International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, American Institute of Physics, New York, p. 800 (2007).
- K.B. Radev, Transversal Dynamics of a Meniscus in Advance, in Ya. Ivanov, E. Manoach, R. Kazandjiev (eds.), 10th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 13–16 September 2005, Varna, Bulgaria, Proceedings, v. 1, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, pp. 563–568 (2005).
- N. Roche, K.B. Radev, Mass Transfer on a Vertically Rotating Half Immersed Disk, in E. Manoah, Ya. Ivanov, R. Kazandjiev (eds.), 10th Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 13–16 September 2005, Varna, Bulgaria, Proceedings, v. 1, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, pp. 569–572 (2005).
Most frequently cited publications: |
- C.E.A. Grigorescu, K.B. Radev, V. Chesaru, T. Necsoiu, I. Pricop, Thermal fluxes from the human body, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 47–55 (1996).
- В.Е. Накоряков, Б.Г. Покусаев, К.Б. Радев, Волны и их влияние на конвективную диффузию газа в стекающих пленках жидкости, Журнал прикладной механики и технической физики, вып. 3, с. 95–104 (1987).
- V.E. Nakoryakov, B.G. Pokusaev, K.B. Radev, Waves and their effect on convective gas diffusion in discharging fluid films, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 404–411 (1987).
К.Б. Радев, Влияние волн на тепломассообмен при пленочной конденсации, Институт тепло– и массообмена им. А.В. Лыкова АН БССР, Минск, Препринт № 9 (1986).
К.Б. Радев, Дисперсия и нелинейность волн на поверхности стекающей пленки вязкой жидкости, В кн.: Г. Бранков и др. (ред.) Теоретична и приложна механика. Пети национален конгрес. Доклади, кн. 2, с. 745–750, Издателство на БАН, София (1985).
В.Е. Накоряков, Б.Г. Покусаев, К.Б. Радев, Влияние волн на конвективную диффузию газа в стекающей пленке жидкости, В кн.: И.Р. Шрейбер (ред.) Гидродинамика и тепломассообмен течений жидкости со свободной поверхностью, Институт теплофизики, Новосибирск, с. 5–32 (1985).
К.Б. Радев, Кондуктометрический метод исследования массообменных процессов между фазами в газожидкостных потоках, В кн.: Н.А. Рубцов (ред.), Тепломассообмен в одно– и двухфазных системах, Институт теплофизики СО АН СССР, Новосибирск, с. 14–23 (1983).
K.I. Kirov, K.B. Radev, A Simple Charge–Based DLTS Technique, Physica Statatus Solidi (A), vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 711–716 (1981).