Recent Publications:
Simeonov G., Ivanova R. (2008), An algebraic model of the diffusion-consumption processes in biofilm on a spherical particle, In: Proc. 12th Workshop on Transport Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow (Ch. Boyadjiev, J. Hristov , Eds.), Sunny Beach, 13-18 Sept. 2008, Bulgaria, pp. 91-102.
Simeonov G., Vassileva S., Gantcheva V., Tzvetkova B. (2006) An algorithm for identification of the model of microbial kinetics, Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, Year 5, No 3-4, 107-116.
Skakauskas V., Katauskis P., Simeonov G. (2006), On a fluid outflow from a bottle turned upside-down, Nonlinear Analysis, Modelling and Control, vol. 11, No 3, pp. 277-291.
Ivanova R., Simeonov G. (2006), Diffusion penetration depth of oxygen into biological tissues, In: Proc. 10th Congress Theor. Appl. Mech., 13-16 Sept. 2005, Varna, Bulgaria, vol. II, pp. 133-138.
Simeonov G., Slavtchev S., Ivanova T., Doncheva S. (2006) Model of water and nutrients supply to plants in a space greenhouse, В: SENS’2006, Second Scientific Conference with International Participation “SPACE, ECOLOGY, NANOTECHNOLOGY, SAFETY”, 14-16 June 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 1-9 (Papers, CD, Session 7)
Slavtchev S., Simeonov G., Oron A. (2006), Marangoni instability of binary mixtures in the presence of nonlinear Soret effect, In: THERMODIFFUSION: Basics & Applications, Proc. IMT7, 27 May – 2 June 2006, San Sebastian, Spain, (M.M. Bou-Ali and J.K. Platen, Eds.), Mondragon Univ., pp. 189-195 (ISBN 84-689-8814-6).
Slavtchev S., Simeonov G., Oron A. (2005), Oscillatory Marangoni instability of a layer of binary mixture in the presence of nonlinear Soret effect, In: Transport Phenomena in Science and Technology - 2005, Proc. 10th Workshop on Transport Phenomena in Two-phase flow, Ch. Boyadjiev, J. Hristov (Eds.), 10-15 Sept. 2005, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, vol. 1, pp. 15-26.
Simeonov G., Ivanova R. (2005), Mathematical model of a biofilm on a rotating disk, In: Transport Phenomena in Science and Technology - 2005, Proc. 10th Workshop on Transport Phenomena in Two-phase flow, Ch. Boyadjiev, J. Hristov (Eds.), Sunny Beach, 10-15 Sept. 2005, Bulgaria, vol. 1, pp. 51-60.
Славчев C., Симеонов Г., Калицова-Куртева П. (2005), Математическое моделирование переноса воды и минеральных солей в коренном модуле космической оранжереи, В: SES’2005 Scientific Conference “SPACE, ECOLOGY, SAFETY” with International Participation, 10-13 June 2005, Varna, Bulgaria, Book II, pp. 326-331.
Ivanova, R., Simeonov G. (2002), Identification of the parameters of the Michaelis-Menten model of oxygen consumption based on data for tissue slice respiration, In: Proc. 9th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 19-22 September 2001, Varna (Bulgaria) (ed. by Ya. Ivanov, A. Baltov, E. Manoach), vol.2, pp. 142-147.
Chernogorova, T., N. Andreev, G. Simeonov, R. Balcheva (2001), Mathematical modeling of tool-steel crystallization in a multi-layered casting mould, Mathematical modeling (Moscow), vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 84-94. (In Russian)
Simeonov, G., Slavtchev, S., Kalitzova-Kurteva, P. (2001), Evaporation of two-component laminar falling liquid films, In: Proc. of 6th Workshop on Transport Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow, Bourgas’2001, September 11-16, 2001, Bourgas, Bulgaria, (Ed. By Ch. Boyadjiev and J. Hristov), pp. 143-150.
Ivanova R., Simeonov G. (2000). Model study of the oxygen supply to rat myocardium in hypertrophy. In: Proc. Int. Conference on Biorheology and School for Young Scientists, Sofia, Bulgaria, 18-22 October 2000, pp. 139-142.
Simeonov, G., Slavtchev, S. (2000), Liquid film falling down a non-uniformly heated wall. Integral method approach. In: Transport Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow, Proc. 5th Jubilee Workshop, 6-11 September 2000, Pamporovo, Bulgaria (Ed. By Ch. Boyadjiev and J. Hristov), pp. 129-134.
Simeonov, G., Ivanova, R. (1999), A numerical method for studying the oxygen supply to tissue in hypertrophy, In: Recent Advances in Numerical Methods and Applications II, Proc. 4th Internat. Confer. On Numer. Meth.And Appl. NMA’98, Sofia 19-23 August 1998, World Scientific Publ. Co., pp. 576-584.
Slavtchev, S., Simeonov, G., Van Vaerenbergh, S., Legros, J.C. (1999), Marangoni instability of a layer of binary liquid in the presence of nonlinear Soret effect, Intl. J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 42, pp. 3007-3011.
Simeonov G., Ivanova R. (1996). Two-dimensional numerical model of oxygen supply to tissue. In: Proc. Seventh Nat. Conf. on Biomed. Physics and Engineering (with internat. participation), Sofia, 17-19 October 1996, pp. 175-177.
Ivanova R., Simeonov G. (1993). A formula for PO2 distribution along a capillary, based on a linearized presentation of the oxygen consumption rate of the surrounding tissue. In: Int. Soc. of Biomechanics. XIVth Congress, Paris, 4-8 July 1993. Abstracts I (A-L), pp. 628-629.
Andreev N., Iliev O., Simeonov G., Videnova V. (1992), Mathematical modeling of non-stationary flow of liquid metal through vertical sprue tube, J. Theor. and Appl. Mech., Sofia, Year 23, No 2, 108-113.
Marinov D., Simeonov G. (1990), On the applicability of some simple turbulence models to the two-dimensional boundary layer modelling, J. Theor. and Appl. Mech., Sofia, Year 21, No 1, 49-62.
Костурков Й., Симеонов Г. (1990), Идентификация на параметрите на модел на напорен разпределителен тръбопровод. Техническа мисъл, т. XXVII, N 2, с. 51-56.
Karadimov D., Simeonov G., Ivanova R. (1988). One-parameter representation of Siggaard-Andersen experimental data on blood acid-base status. In: Proc. Third Int. School. for Young Scientists “Automation of Biotechnological Processes and Biological Experiments”, Varna, 24-27 September 1988, pp. 313-317 (in Russian).
Simeonov G., Karadimov D., Ivanova R. (1987). Express method for estimating of blood acid-base equilibrium parameters. In: Proc. Second Nat. Scientific Session “Automation of Biotechnological Processes”, Varna, 7-9 May 1987, pp. 235-241 (in Bulgarian)
Симеонов Г., Маринов Д. (1985), Сравнительное исследование различних моделей двумерного турбулентного погранияного слоя. В кн.: Соврем. Пробл. Гидро- и аеродин. судна. Пети нац. конгрес теор. прил. мех. Доклади, кн. 4, с. 95-1 – 95-17. [Simeonov G., Marinov D. (1985), Comparative investigation of different models for two-dimensional boundary layer, In: Actual and Topical Problems of Ship Hydro- and Aerodynamics. Proc. Fifth Nat. Congr. Theor. Appl. Mech., vol. 4, pp. 95-1 – 95-17 (in Russian).]
Симеонов Г. (1985), О математическом моделировании нестационарной плановой фильтрации в неоднородних многослойних пластових системах. Теор. прил. мех. , БАН, год. XVI, # 2, с. 60-71
Kartalev M., Simeonov G. (1981) A magnetic boundary layer at the magnetopause. Adv. Space Res., COSPAR, vol. 1, pp. 105-108
Slavtchev S., Simeonov G. (1979), The unsteady boundary layer on a spherical gas bubble. ZAMM, Bd. 59, Nr 1, S. 43-50.
Василев Г. С.[имеонов] (1979), Полуэмпирическая теория турбулентности для пространственных течений химически реагирующих газовых смесей. Теор. прил. мех. , БАН, год. X, № 2, с. 52-60.
Simeonov, G. (1977), On the motion from rest of a class of cylinders. Elliptic cylinder case. Theor. Appl. Mech., BAS, Year VIII, No 1, 64-75.