Svetoslav Nikolov
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Position: Professor |
Department: Biomechanics |
Room number: 107 |
Phone: +359 2 979 6411 |
E-mail: |
Scientific degrees, institution, year: |
DSc- 2013, University of Transport, Sofia, PhD- 1999, Institute of Mechanics (IMech) Full Professor – 2016, University of Transport, Sofia Full Professor - 2015, IMech Associate Professor - 2012, University of Transport, Sofia Associate Professor - 2005, IMech |
Fields of Research: |
Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, Cell signaling, Nonlinear and chaotic dynamics, Bifurcation analysis, Biomechanics
Extended Information
Recent Publications: 1. Nikolov, S., Santos, G., Wolkenhauer, O., Vera, J., Model-based phenotypic signatures governing the dynamics of the stem and semi-differentiated cell populations in dysplastic colonic crypts, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (ISSN: 0092-8240; IF 1.484), vol. 80(2), pp. 360-384, 2018. 2. Nikolov, S., Nenov, M., Modelling vaccine quantity in mathematical models of melanoma treatment, Series on Biomechanics (ISSN: 1313-2458; SJR 0.118), vol. 32, No 4, pp. 19-25, 2018. 3. Nikolov, S., Zaharieva, D., Dynamical behaviour of compound elastic pendulum, MATEC Web of Conferences (eISSN: 2261-236X; SJR 0.151), vol. 145, art. No 01003, 10 pages, 2018. 4. Nikolov, S., Nenov, M., Signal transduction through a time delayed miRNA regulated element, Series on Biomechanics (ISSN: 1313-2458; SJR 0.118), vol. 31, No 2, pp. 20-27, 2017. 5. Santos, G., Nikolov, S., Lai, X., Eberhardt, M., Dreyer, F., Paul, S., Schuler, G., Vera, J., Model-based genotype-phenotype mapping used to investigate gene signatures of immune sensitivity and resistance in melanoma micrometastasis, Scientific Reports (ISSN: 2045-2322; IF 5.578), vol. 6, art. No 24967, 2016. 6. Nenov, M., Nikolov, S., Employing power graph analysis to facilitate modeling molecular interaction networks, Int. J. Bioautomation, (ISSN: 1314-2321; SJR 0.238), vol. 19, No 1, pp. 37-42, 2015. 7. Nikolov, S., Wolkenhauer, O., Vera, J., Analysis of complex behavior of stem cell populations in colonic crypts, Int. J. of Bioautomation (ISSN: 1314-2321; SJR 0.238), vol. 19(1), Suppl. 1, S51-S68, 2015. 8. Nikolov, S., Wolkenhauer, O., Vera, J., Tumors as chaotic attractors, Molecular BioSystems (ISSN: 1742-206X, IF 3.35), vol. 10, No 2, pp. 172-179, 2014. 9. Khan, F.M., Schmitz, U., Nikolov, S., Engelmann, D., Putzer, B., Wolkenhauer, O., Vera, J., Hybrid modeling of the crosstalk between signaling and transcriptional networks using ordinary differential equations and multi-valued logic, BBA (Biochimica et Biophysica Acta)- Proteins and Proteomics (ISSN: 1570-9639, IF 3.733), vol. 1844, No 1, pp. 289-298, 2014. 10. Nikolov, S., Complex behaviour of a miRNA model with three delays, Series on Biomechanics (ISSN: 1313-2458), vol. 28, No 3-4, pp. 74-89, 2013. 11. Nikolov, S., Nenov, M., Mathematical modelling and analysis of miRNA regulation coupled with stochastic time delays, Series on Biomechanics (ISSN: 1313-2458), vol. 28, No 1-2, pp. 63-66, 2013. 12. Nikolov, S., Ullah, M., Nenov, M., Gonzalez, J.V., Raasch, P., Wolkenhauer, O., Modeling colorectal cancer: a stability analysis approach, In: Medical Advancements in Aging and Regenerative Technologies: Clinical Tools and Applications (ISBN: 978-1-4666-2506-8), ed. Andriani Daskalaki, IGI Global, pp. 53-75, 2013. 13. Nikolov, S., Stability and Andronov-Hopf bifurcation of a system with three time delays, Journal of Mathematics (ISSN: 2314-4785), vol. 2013, art. ID 347071(11 pages), 2013. 14. Vera, J., Nikolov, S., Lai, X., Nonlinear dynamics, miRNA circuits, In: Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Springer, Dubitzky, W., Wolkenhauer, O, Yokata, H., Cho, K-H (eds.), (ISBN-13:978-1-4419-9862-0), pp. 1541-1545, 2013. 15. Nikolov, S., Lai, X., Vera, J., MicroRNA regulation, Time delay, In: Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Springer, Dubitzky, W., Wolkenhauer, O, Yokata, H., Cho, K-H (eds.), (ISBN-13:978-1-4419-9862-0), pp. 1331-1334, 2013. 16. Nikolov, S., Vera, J., MicroRNA regulation, Feedback loop, In: Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Springer, Dubitzky, W., Wolkenhauer, O, Yokata, H., Cho, K-H (eds.), (ISBN-13:978-1-4419-9862-0), pp. 1320-1324, 2013. 17. Nikolov, S., MicroRNA regulation, Signalling pathways, In: Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Springer, Dubitzky, W., Wolkenhauer, O, Yokata, H., Cho, K-H (eds.), (ISBN-13:978-1-4419-9862-0), pp. 1328-1331, 2013. 18. Nikolov, S., Vera, J., Nenov, M., Wolkenhauer, O., Dynamics of a miRNA model with two delays, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment (ISSN: 1310-2818, IF 0.76), vol. 26, No 5, pp. 3315-3320, 2012. 19. Nikolov, S., Vera, J., Wolkenhauer, O., Bifurcation analysis of a model accounting for the 14-3-3σ signalling compartmentalisation, In: Quality Assurance in Healthcare Service Delivery, Nursing, and Personalized Medicine: Technologies and Processes. Eds:Ath. Lazakidou and Andr. Daskalaki, (ISBN 978-1-61350-120-4), Capter 4, pp. 61-70, 2012. 20. Nenov, M., Nikolov, S., Genova, G., A computational approach to identifying miRNAs implicated in Drosophila neurodevelopment, Int. J. Bioautomation (ISSN: 1314-3221), vol. 16, No 1, pp. 1-12, 2012. 21. Vera, J., Nikolov, S., Lai, X., Singh, A., Wolkenhauer, O., A model-based investigation of the transcriptional activity of p53 and its feedback loop regulation via 14-3-3σ, IET Systems Biology (ISSN 1751-8849, IF 2.13), vol. 5, No 5, pp. 293-307, 2011. 22. Nikolova, E., Herwig, R., Nikolov, S., Petrov, V., Predictive dynamical modelling microRNAs role in complex networks, In: Digital Forensics for the Health Sciences: Applications in Practice and Research (ISBN13: 978-1-60960-483-7), Editor: Dr. Andriani Daskalaki, IGI Global, pp. 156-192, 2011. 23. Nikolov, S., Vera, J., Schmitz, U., Wolkenhauer, O., A modelling based strategy to investigate the role of microRNA regulation in cancer signalling networks, Theory in Biosciences (ISSN: 1431-7613; IF 1.23), vol. 130, No 1, pp. 55-69, 2011. |
Recent Projects: Leader of work team of the project number 148/12.04.2018 supported by the University of Transport. Leader of work team work of the project number 110/18.04.2017 supported by the University of Transport. Leader of work team work of the project number 1616/22.04.2014 supported by the University of Transport. Member of work team of the project 512060 COSBICS supported by the European Community as part of the FP6, 2005-2008. Leader of work team of the project MM 1302/2003 supported by the national Science Fund of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, 2003-2007.
Membership: Member of the Bulgarian Society of Biomechanics Member of the Bulgarian Rheological Society |
Honors: Award of BAS “Marin Drinov” for the best young Bulgarian scientific worker in Mathematics- 2002. |
Modified date:19-02-2019