Nikolay Bozhidarov Zlatov
Position in IMECH: Assoc. Professor |
Department: Mechatronics |
Room number: 407 |
Phone: +359 2 979 6448 Mobile (GSM): +3598 86665663 |
E-mail: |
Scientific degrees, institution, year: |
Fields of Research:
Robotics, Manipulators; Mobile Robots; Mechatronics; Micro Mechanical and Manufacturing System; Automations; CAD/CAM/CAE Biomechatronics; Rehabilitation Robotics; Exoskeletons; Haptic devices; Virtual Reality; Mechanical Engineer; Applied Mathematics; Energy efficiency; Financial analysis; Renewable energy; Wind turbine; Solar PV; |
Extended Information:
Membership of professional societies
Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (FHEA) Certificate Recognition: PR073277 - 08/09/2014
National (Bulgarian) Association of Robotics - Executive Committee
Member of Bulgarian Society of Biomechanics (Founder).
Member of Bulgarian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
IMechE - Chartered Engineer (CEng) application in progress.
Founding member of the I*PROMS NoE integrating partners from 14 European countries
Reviewer of journals and conference papers
Review of Journals in the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - IMechE, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, IMechE International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing, I*PROMS NoE Intelligent production machines and systems
Review and Chair of session IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics INDIN 2009, I*PROMS conferences; International Robotics Conference – PRACTRO 2007, IEEE International Conference in Mechatronics –REM, Egypt, 2014
Scientific Comity member, Review and Chair of session in International Conference on Thermal Equipment, Renewable Energy and Rural Development TE-RE-RD
Presentations at European project meetings for REHAROB-FP5, RESCUER-FP6 and JIM2L TEMPUS-FP7 projects
Negotiations on project work with industrial companies: IDS (Industrial door services) ltd, Newport; GX Design Engineers Ltd; Knowledge and technology transfer, CORUS Strip Products - Port Talbot Works, West Glamorgan; Iota Sigma Group and many others.
Teaching and research experience
TEACHING - London South Bank University 2011 – 2016
EEC_6_107_, Manufacturing Systems and Materials Technologies
EEB_7_880_, MSc/PGDip Advanced Manufacturing and Manufacturing Systems
Supervisor of the PhD student: Md Omar Faruq Howlader. Started 29 Jan 2014, examined 15 December 2016. Title of thesis: Improvement of adhesion forces for wall climbing robots Research Community brochure - London South Bank University
TEACHING - European University Polytechnical, Green Energetics Department, 2015 – 2019
Green energy and environment
Wind energetic
Solar heating and cooling systems
Green buildings
Biomass energetic
Introduction to the technology of hydrogen
Optimization and energy efficiency
Photo-voltaic systems
TEACHING - Cardiff University, 2003 – 2011
MSc Students Supervision in MEC Cardiff University, 2003 – 2007
Examiner of PhD thesis in MEC Cardiff University: 2005 – 2007
Aeronautical concepts, Command & control design - Lecturer Cardiff University – 2010 - 2011
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), MSc Project – 2010 – 2011
Engineering Design Lecturer - South- Eastern University of Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 1995-1998
Biomechanics Lecturer - South- Eastern University of Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 1995-1998
Biomechanics - invited lecturer - University of Reims Champagne Ardenne, France 2009
Robotics and Mechatronics –Technical University Sofia - invited lecturer 1998-2001
Research experience:
Renewable energy and energy efficiency
Energy & the Environment - Wind Power Fundamentals, Published Book [3]
Investigation of the Development of the Wind Energy Project [2]
Estimation of the Photovoltaic modules energy production of the PV inclination angle [5]
Influence of climatic data and degradation factor on the efficiency of the Photovoltaic modules [6]
Energy Efficiency in a Renewable Biomass RES Project using Animal and Plant Waste [1]
Robotics and mechatronics:
Design and investigations in manipulation system for Nuclear Reactor - [51]
Teleoperator Oriented to Undetermined Environment - [50],[49],[48]
Mechanical Design of Mobile Robots for the Main Hall of a Nuclear Power Station; CAD systems - [50]
Design and Implementation of Drive Systems for Robots and Wheelchairs [project with industry], [41]
Reverse engineering and rapid prototyping in mechatronics and robotics – [31],[27],[22]
Experience in Prototyping Robot Manipulators and Mobile Robots - [suport of PhD students]
Modelling and Control of an 8-DoF Mechatronic Limb – [39]
Control of Two Robot Arms for Rescue and Bomb Disposal Missions - [19]
Web based concept for dexterous robots control - [16]
Biomechanics and biomedical engineering:
Investigations in humans locomotion and articulations – [33]
Modelling and simulation humans movements –[46], [36]
Man-machine systems - [51], [19], [16]
Applications on biomechanics in sport – [32]
Medical Rapid Prototyping Applications and Methods – [21]
Stroke Shoulder-Elbow Physiotherapy with Industrial Robots - [28]
Theoretical and applied mechanics:
Kinematic and Dynamic Modeling – [47], [39]
Simulation of Multibody Systems – [39],[34],[31]
Administrative and management experience
2012 -2014, MSc Course Director - London South Bank University
2003 – 2007, Administrative and management related to the students supervision at MEC Cardiff University
2004, Principle co-investigator and Project manager of the IST Project: RESCUER IST-2003-511492
2011 – 2016, Administrative and management related to the students supervision at London South Bank University
Grants obtained
Royal society engineering 2003/2004 grant
“3D human body modelling for medical and engineering applications” - Prof DT Pham, Dr SS Dimov, Dr N Zlatov, Prof. Y. Toshev
Projects with industry
2003, Project Engineer of a project funded by EPSRC and DTI “External powder coating of cans (EpoCan)”- £ 236,211
2006, Project Engineer, design and manufacturing of prototype town vehicle based of Renewable and low carbon energy systems, integrated electro motor, battery, fuel cell systems and human power. Project 2006 MEC Cardiff University
2007, Consulting of determine the best solution to obtain the desired outcome with Renewable Energy Products- work for TOMORROW’S ENERGY LTD
1999, Project Engineer of a 3-Years project between Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and University of Portsmouth, UK; “Efficient Design Optimisation for Mobile Robots”, co-ordinated by Prof. Dr. Gurvinder Virk
1999, Project Engineer of a 3-Years project funded by National Foundation for Science and Technology; “Mobile robot systems working in hazardous environment”
2000 - 2003, Project Engineer of an EC-funded project IST-1999-13109 “Supporting Rehabilitation of Disabled Using Industrial Robots for Upper Limb Motion Therapy”- REHAROB: €1,599,501 full project funding out of which €135,000 was assigned to support MEC contribution to the REHAROB project.
2004 - 2008, Principle co-investigator and Project manager of the EC-funded IST Project: "Improvement of the emergency risk management through secure mobile mechatronic support to bomb disposal (RESCUER)"IST-2003-511492 - €2,000,000 - (MEC €297,444)
2008 - 2009, Senior Project Engineer of an EC-funded project FP6-SME project in Digitally Adjustable Tooling for manufacturing of Aircraft panels using multi-point Forming methodology DATAFORM under the 6th Framework Programme in the area of Aeronautics
2009 - 2011, Senior Project Engineer of an EC-funded project FP7-SME project “Flexible Tooling for the manufacture of free-form” – FlexiTool – EC contribution - € 1,146,710.00
2011 – 2014, Senior Lecturer and Researcher in EU project - Development of a Joint International Master Degree and Lifelong Learning Framework in Mechatronics - JIM2L TEMPUS FP7
2001-2002 Royal Society/NATO Fellowship award for Research in Robotics at Cardiff University
2015 “Best paper award” for paper “Investigation of the development of the wind energy project” in conference TE-RE_RD – 4th International Conference on Thermal Equipment, Renewable Energy and Rural Development 2015
Published books and teaching publications
1) Nikolay Zlatov, Energy & the Environment - Wind Power Fundamentals, Published by: Research and Engineering of agriculture, IIZZ-2014, ISBN 978-619-7135-03-9
2) Andras Toth, Gusztav Arz, Gabor Fazekas, Daniel Bratanov, Nikolay Zlatov, Chapter 25 Post Stroke Shoulder-Elbow Physiotherapy with Industrial Robots, Advances in Rehabilitation Robotics, Human-friendly Technologies on Movement Assistance and Restoration for People with Disabilities, Series: Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 306, Bien, Z. Zenn; Stefanov, Dimitar (Eds.) 2004, XXVIII, pp 391-411, ISBN: 3-540-21986-2 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York.
3) Nikolay Zlatov, Design Studies EEA_5_428 Module Guide; Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment Print - London South Bank University 2013 -2014
4) Nikolay Zlatov Computer-Aided Manufacture and Robotics EEA_5_995 Module Guide and Assignments; Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment; Print - London South Bank University; 2013/2014
5) Nikolay Zlatov, Operations Management and Simulation EEB_7_875 Module Guide; Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment; Print - London South Bank University; 2013/2014
6) Nikolay Zlatov, Product Life Cycle Management EEA_6_898 Module Guide; Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment; Print - London South Bank University; 2012
Publications in conference, refereed journals* and books-lectures notes**
Recent Publications:
1. Nikolay Zlatov, Christiyan Iliev, Michael Velikanov, Energy Efficiency in Automation of Dyeing Process and Waste Water Heat Utilisation, International Journal- Information Theories and Applications, Vol. 25, Number 3, 2018, pp 235-244, ISSN: 1310-0513
Nikolay Zlatov, Christiyan Iliev, Michael Velikanov, Energy Efficiency in Automation of Dyeing Process and Waste Water Heat Utilisation, TIEM 2018 – Third International Scientific Conference –“Telecommunications, Informatics, Energy and Management”, May 28-30, 2018 Bozcaada, Turkey, Certificate of Participation N СЦПДО-0050/28.05.2018
2. J. Jotov, N. Zlatov, V. Penev, Flying Robot with Autonomously Stabilizing Local Structure, Report in Conference "50 Years of Unmanned Aviation in Bulgaria", Department of Transport and Aviation Equipment and Technologies TU-Sofia, branch Plovdiv - 11.04. 2018
3. Aidymbayeva Zhanar Abdezhevna, Glazurin Sergey Alexandrovich, Nikolay Zlatov, Analysis of Technologies for Cleaning Smoke Gases of Thermal Power Plants from Sulfur Oxides, Proceedings of Conference EMF Sozopol 2018
4.J. Jotov, N. Zlatov, Investigation of the development of Telemanipulаting system in 6 D0F mobile robot, Paper ID:NCTAM17-02, Proceedings of 13th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 6th – 10th September 2017, ISSN: 1313-9665.
5. N Zlatov, M Velikanov, C Iliev, Investigations of the Development of a Decentralized Heating System with Water-Water Heat Pump System, 56 Scientific Conference of Ruse University, 2017 in print
6. N. Zlatov, Michael Velikanov, Christiyan Iliev, Hydrological and financial analysis of the possibility for energy utilization of the water of Ivanik River, Presiding of University of Ruse -2016, Volume 55, book 1.2
7. N. Zlatov, Christiyan Iliev, Michael Velikanov, Iliya Iliev, Energy Efficiency in a Renewable Biomass RES Project using Animal and Plant Waste, TE-RE-RD 2016, pp 541-547, Polytechnic press, ISSN 2359-7941
8. N. Zlatov, Michael Velikanov, Iliya Iliev, Investigation of the Development of the Wind Energy Project, 4th TE-RE-RD 2015, pp 169-174, Politehnica press, ISSN 2359-7941, - Best Paper Award
9. **N. Zlatov, Energy & the Environment - Wind Power Fundamentals, Published by: Research and Engineering of agriculture, IIZZ-2014, ISBN 978-619-7135-03-9
10. N. Zlatov, Tariq Sattar, The development of a lifelong learning framework for mechatronics engineering, 15th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics REM, Elgouna, Red Sea, Egypt (9 -11), IEEE, September 2014
11. N. Zlatov, Ilia Iliev, Angel Terziev, Veselka Kamburova, Estimation of the Photovoltaic modules energy production in respect of the PV inclination angle, 2014 15th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics REM, Elgouna, Red Sea, Egypt (9-11) September 2014
12. N. Zlatov, Ilia Iliev, Angel Terziev, Veselka Kamburova, Influence of climatic data and degradation factor on the efficiency of the Photovoltaic modules, 2014 15th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics REM, Elgouna, Red Sea, Egypt (9-11) September 2014
13. Kiriazov, P., Nikolova, G., Veneva, I., Zlatov N., Control strategy and structure identification for efficient motion rehabilitation, 14th Int. Conf. Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Paris, France, pp. 11-18 (2011), Field Robotics, ISBN: 978-981-4374-27-9,
14. C.H Le, M.I Okereke, V.H Nguyen, V.D Dao, S Soe, N. Zlatov, T.H Le, Personalized Medical Product Development: Methods, Challenges and Opportunities, The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics. CEFIN Publishing House, ISSN1584-5982, Issues 40/2011, 11-20
15. L.C.Hieu, C.U. Dussa, K. Singhal, N.V. Hieu, M.I. Okereke, N. Zlatov, An optimal surgical aid system for Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty, Proceedings of the 6th Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, (2010), D T Pham, E E Eldukhri ,A J Soroka, Elsevier
16. L.C. Hieu, J.V. Sloten, L.T. Hung, L. Khanh, S.Soe, N. Zlatov, L.T.Phuoc and P.D. Trung, (2010), Medical Reverse Engineering Application and Methods. Journal of the Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics. CEFIN Publishing House, Issue 37/2010, pp. 19-29, ISSN: 1584-5982.
17. L.C. Hieu, E. Bohez, J.V. Sloten, L.T. Hung, L. Khanh, N. Zlatov and P.D. Trung (2010), Integrated approaches for personalised cranio-maxillofacial implant design and manufacturing, IFMBE Proceedings, 1st Edition., ISBN: 978-3-642-12019-0, Springer, Vol. 27, 118-121.
18. Kiriazov P., N. Zlatov, Milusheva S., Nikolova G., Kalaidjieva M., Veneva I., Antonova R., Tochev D. and Kouzmanov L. Biomechanics and Technically Assisted Rehabilitation, Proceedings of the 10th International Robotics Conference, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2009
19. E. Eldukhri, D T Pham, A. Fahmy, N. Zlatov, Autonomous swing up of a robot gymnast, Innovative Production Machines and Systems - IPROMS 2009 Conference, Cardiff University, UK,
20. Veneva I, Antonova R, Zlatov N, Intelligent Control of ankle-foot complex with functional electrical stimulation, Innovative Production Machines and Systems, ISBN 978-1904445-81-4, pp:240-245, 2008, Cardiff, UK
21. N. Zlatov, Bratanov D, Zhao X, Kostadinov C, Control of the Dexterous Teleoperated Robots Arms for Rescue and Bomb Disposal Missions - Method and Devices, International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics ICBBM, pp 86-89, Bulgaria, Varna-2008
22. N. Zlatov, Daniel Bratanov, Web based concept for dexterous robots control, International Robotics Conference – PRACTRO, pp 13-18, Varna, 2007, ISBN: 978-954-918-51-4-0
23. Trifonov D., N. Zlatov. An experimental Study for Optimization of The Sintering Process of A Micro-porous HDPE Membrane, Proceeding of 7-th Workshop “Nanoscience & Nanotechnology” Conference, 5, E. Balabanova, I. Dragieva, (Eds), Heron Press, Sofia, 2006, pp. 92-95
24. Gusztáv Arz, András Tóth, Daniel Bratanov, Nikolay Zlatov, Roberto Guzmán Diana, Stefko Burdzhiev, Antonios Gasteratos, David Pereira, Carlos Beltran, Uberto Delprato: EU FP6 Project RESCUER: the development of a dexterous robot and intelligent information technologies for EOD/IEDD/rescue missions, Bolyai Szemle, Vol. 15., No.1, (2006), pp:21-27
25. N. Zlatov, Daniel Bratanov, Control Strategy of Two Robot Arms for Rescue and Bomb Disposal Missions - EU FP6 Project RESCUER, 16th International Conference and Workshop - ROBOTICS and MECHATRONICS 2006. 11- 13 October, DRJANOVO Monastery, Bulgaria
26. S.M. Milusheva, E.Y. Tosheva, L.C. Hieu, L.V. Kouzmanov, N. Zlatov, Y.E. Toshev (2006), Personalised Ankle-Foot Orthoses design based on Reverse Engineering. Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, pp 253-257, Elsevier (Oxford) ISBN: 978-0-08-045157-2
27. *L.C.Hieu, N. Zlatov J.Vander Sloten, E.Bohez, L.Khanh, P.H.Binh, Y.Toshev, (2005). Medical Rapid Prototyping Applications and Methods, Journal: Assembly Automation Journal, Vol.25, No.4, pp 284-292.
28. Toshev Y E, Hieu L C, Stefanova P L, Tosheva E Y, Zlatov N B and Dimov S, - “Reverse engineering and rapid prototyping for new orthotic devices", Proceedings of the 1st Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, Elsevier (Oxford) (2005), 567-571, ISBN 0-080-44730-9
29. L.C.Hieu, L.Khanh, J. Vander Sloten, E. Bohez, L.T.Hung, N.T.Quang, Y.Toshev, N. Zlatov and P.H.Binh, Current Developments in Biomedical Modelling, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Development of Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, 27 July 2005.
30. Pham D T, Dimov S S, Williams A O, Zlatov N, - “Fuzzy Logic Modelling of a Powder Coating System", Proceedings of the 1st Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, Elsevier, Oxford, 2005, pp 177-182, ISBN 0-080-44730-9
31. Pham D. T., Zlatov N. B., Dimov S.S., Williams O. A., - “Design, CFD Simulation and Testing of Special-Purpose Nozzles for Powder Coating Guns”, Proceedings of the 1st Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, Elsevier, Oxford, 2005, 621-625, ISBN 0-080-44730-9
32. Trifonov D., N. Zlatov. An experimental Study for Optimization of The Free-sintering Process of a Micro-porous HDPE Membrane. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 5, eds. E. Balabanova, I. Dragieva, Heron Press, Sofia, 2005
33. Minev R.M., Zlatov N.B., Minev E.M., Su S.Z, Dotchev K.D., Improving the Performance of Rapid Vacuum Investment Casting, Fifth National Conference on Rapid Design, Prototyping, and Manufacture, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd ISBN 1-86058-465-9, 2004, pp.79-86
34. **Andras Toth, Gusztav Arz, Gabor Fazekas, Daniel Bratanov, N. Zlatov, Chapter 25 Post Stroke Shoulder-Elbow Physiotherapy with Industrial Robots, Advances in Rehabilitation Robotics, Human-friendly Technologies on Movement Assistance and Restoration for People with Disabilities, Series: Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 306, Bien, Z. Zenn; Stefanov, Dimitar (Eds.) 2004, XXVIII, pp 391-411, ISBN: 3-540-21986-2 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York.
35. Liliya Stefanova, Slavyana Milusheva, Nikolay Zlatov, C.H. Le, Redha Taiar Yuli Toshev, Computer modelling of ankle-foot orthosis using CAD model of the human body, Proceedings of International Conference on Bionics, Biomechanics and Mechatronics", Varna, Bulgaria, pp 285-289, 2004
36. Liliya Stefanova, C.H. Le, Nikolay Zlatov, Redha Taiar, Emilia Tosheva, Yuli Toshev (2004). 3D computer modelling of elbow orthosis using reverse engineering, Proceedings of International Conference on Bionics, Biomechanics and Mechatronics, 14-16 June 2004, Varna, Bulgaria, pp 328-331
37. Gusztav Arz, Andras Toth, Gabor Fazekas, Daniel Bratanov, N. Zlatov, Three-dimensional Anti-spastic Physiotherapy with the Industrial Robots of “REHAROB”, Proceedings of ICORR 2003 The 8th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, ISBN 89-88366-09-3 93560, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea, 22-25, April, 2003, pp 215-218
38. Nikolova, G., Toshev, Y., Zlatov, N., Taïar R. (2003) Estimation of body segment mass-inertial parameters using 3D biomechanical model. Proceedings of the XIX International Congress of Biomechanics, New Zealand, pp 189-193
39. S Milusheva, M Kalaidjieva, N Zlatov, Y Toshev; Model of Active Ankle-Foot Orthosis with Sensors Control; Proceedings of the 4th World Congress of Biomechanics, August 4-9, Calgary, Canada. № 290-200-405-201-92319 (CD/WEB published)
40. D Uzunov, D Tochev, N Zlatov, Y Toshev; Simulation of Normal Walking Using 3D Modelling; Proceedings of the 4th World Congress of Biomechanics, August 4-9, Calgary, Canada. № 300-200-722-201-95473 (CD/WEB published)
41. *S Milusheva, M Kalaidjieva, N Zlatov, Y Toshev; Ankle-foot flexion-extension during walking using active outhouses; Journal: ACTA OF BIOENGINEERING AND BIOMECHANICS, 2003, Vol.4, Suppl.1, pp.346-347
42. *Nikolova G, Zlatov N, Toshev Y, Yordanov Y, Nacheva A, Tornyova S; Experimental verification of one theoretical 3D model of the human body; Journal: ACTA OF BIOENGINEERING AND BIOMECHANICS, 2003, VOL 4; SUPP/1, pp 570-571
43. D T Pham, E Eldukhri, N Zlatov, S Dimov, M Packianather, D Bratanov, A Toth, G Fazekas; Intelligent Robotised Physiotherapy Tested on an 8-dof Anthropomorphic Arm; 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, pp. 112-117, Barcelona, Spain, July 21-26, 2002.
44. D T Pham, E E Eldukhri, S S Dimov, M S Packianather, N B Zlatov, A A Fahmy and Y. Shankir; A Knowledge-based System for Selection of Exercises for Robotised Physiotherapy; 8th IEEE M2VIP2001, Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, 2001; pp 85-88; Hong Kong; ISBN 962 442 1919
45. D T Pham, N Zlatov, E Eldukhri, S Dimov, D Bratanov, T Dobrev, M Packianather, A Fahmy; Modelling and Control of an 8-dof Mechatronic Limb; 8th IEEE M2VIP2001 (Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, 2001); pp. 314-317; 2001; Hong Kong; ISBN 962 442 191 9.
46. G. Nikolova, N. Zlatov, Y. Toshev: Generation of 3D Model of The Human Body Oriented to Medical and Engineering Applications; Computer Simulation in Biomechanics, ISCSB 2001 CLUP; pp 35-40; Milano; ISBN 88-7090-438-5
47. N. Chivarov, N. Shivarov, N. Zlatov, P. Kopachek; Service Mobile Robot for Polishing; pp. 213- 218; University of Technology, Vienna; 2001 University of Technology
48. Nikolai Zlatov, Gergana Nikolova, Yuli Toshev; 3D Model of the Human Body Oriented to Anthropomorphic Robotics; 32nd ISR (International Symposium on Robotics); pp. 942-946; 19-21 April 2001, Seoul, South Korea.
49. Nikolay Zlatov, Petar Kotzev, CAD Modelling of Robotic System; International Symposium Automation of Discrete Production; pp.74-77; Sozopol; 2000.
50. *Yuli Toshev, Nikolai Zlatov, Gergana Nikolova; Segmental Biomechanical Model of the Human Body Oriented to the Anthropomorphic Robotics; pp. 2.7 – 2.11; Journal of Scientific News of NTS in Machine-building; ISSN 1310-3946; 2000.
51. Nikolay Zlatov, Model of Teleoperator Oriented to Undetermined Environment, 2000; European Advanced Robotics Systems Masterclass and Conference - Robotics 2000; Volume 2 pp. 35-39; 12-14 April 2000; University of Salford, Manchester, UK.
52. Nikolay Zlatov, Yuli Toshev; Biomechanical Three-dimensional Model of the Human Body Oriented to the Anthropomorphic CLAWAR Technology; Climbing and Walking Robots, CLAWAR 2000; pp. 259-266; Madrid; Spain; ISBN 1 86058 268 0.
53. *Nikolay Zlatov, An Approach for Define Dynamic Stability in Mobile Robot; Journal: Scientific News of NTS in Machine-building;y.6,n.3;pp.2.7–2.11; 1999; ISSN 1310-3946
54. Nikolay Zlatov; Wheel-walking robot overcoming stairs; 1999; Climbing and Walking Robots, CLAWAR 99;pp.691-698;Portsmouth; U.K.ISBN1860582079
55. *Karastoianov D., Zahariev R., Zlatov N.; Mobile robot systems working in hazardous environment; pp. 3.13 – 3.18; Journal of Scientific News of NTS in Machine-building; y.5 n.4 (26); Mechatronics and Robotics; 1998; Drianovski Manastir
56. Nikolay Zlatov; Telecontrolled Platform for Mobile Robot "RMA" Working in Nuclear Power Stations; 1998; European Advanced Robotics Development Mobile Robotics, pp. 181-187; Leiria, Portugal.
57. Nikolay Zlatov, Yuli Toshev, Serge Monchaud, Raymond Prat; A Mobile Robot RMA for Intervention during an Accident in The Main Hall of a Nuclear Power Station Equipped with Russian WWR Reactors; Proceedings of the International Conference TIME'95 "Les Techniques d'Intervention en Situations Extrêmes"; pp. 145-153 ; 4-5 December; (1995); Marseille; France,
Modified date:12-06-2019