Selected Publications (2017-2023):
- Ivanov, Ya, Yanakieva, A. The Construction Industry and Sustainable Construction Problems as a Part of the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan. Journal Construction entrepreneurship and real property, 1, 1, 2024, ISSN:2683-0280, 5-14
- Yanakieva, A, Nikolova, G, Baltov, A. (2023) Bearing capacity of surface-strengthened concrete beam elements. Parametric analysis. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1276, 012014, IOP Publishing, ISSN:1757-899X, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1276/1/012014, link
- Yanakieva, A., Baltov A., Nikolova G. (2022). Safety Zones within the Load Space of Diffusely Surface-reinforced Stuctural Components. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 52(4), 351-364. DOI:, 351-364. SJR (Scopus):0.21, link
- Yanakieva, A., Baltov, A. and Nikolova, G. (2022). Determination of the Safety Zones According to the Bearing Capacity of Overloaded Structural Elements. Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 75, 12 (Dec. 2022), 1822–1829. DOI: JCR-IF (Web of Science):0.329, link
- Ana Yanakieva, Gergana Nikolova, Comparison of the Methods of Determining SIF and ERR and their Aplication to Recycled Materials. JTAM (Bulgaria), 50(4),(2020), SJR 0,28, link
- Ivanov, Ya, Yanakieva, A., Kazandjiev, R. Industry 4 and Higer Education in Civil Engineering. Engineering Sciences, 3, Journal of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2020, ISSN:1312-5702; e-ISSN: 2603-3452, DOI:10.7546/EngSci.LVII.20.03.03, 35-43, link
- Baltov A., A. Yanakieva, G. Nikolova, Residual Resource of Emergency-loaded Concrete Columns under Pressure and Micro-damage, Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgarie des Sciences, Tome 72 (8), (2019), IF 0.34
- Baltov A., A. Yanakieva, Energy Saving and Surface Reinforced Structural Elements with Transition Areas, Series in Applied Mathematics and Mathematics, 10, Inst. of Mechanics, BAS, (2018); Supported by DFNI E02/10 121214, (2014-2018)
- Baltov A., A. Yanakieva, Theoretical-experimental Method of Multiscalle Modelling of Two-component Materials, MATEC, 154, EDP Sciemces, (2018), SJR: 0,118; Supported by DFNI E02/10 121214, (2014-2018), link
- Baltov A., A. Yanakieva, G. Nikolova, Modelling of the Bending Behaviour of a Double Reinforced Beam for Application in NZEBs, In Springer Proc. Energy Publishing, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45677-_20, pp 167-173 (2017); Supported by DFNI E02/10 121214, (2014-2018)
- Baltov A., A. Yanakieva, Numerical Modelling of Surface Reinforsed Rod Structures, In Proc. XLV Int. Summer School - Conf. APM, pp 69-76, Saint Petersburg, Russia, (2017); Supported by DFNI E02/10 121214, (2014-2018)
Project: Mechano-mathematical modeling of the behavior of intelligent bi-material structures, DFNI E02/10 121214, (2014-2018), head
1. Проект към Фонд Научни Изследвания - ДФНИ – Е02/10 с тема „Математично моделиране на интелигентни би-материални структури“, 2014-2018.
2. Международен Проект KMM-VIN European Virtual Institute on Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials AISBL, координатор от страна на Института по механика.
3. Проект “Повишаване на качеството на обучение и изграждане на конкурентноспособен научен потенциал в областта на микро- и наномеханиката”; Оперативна програма “Развитие на човешките ресурси”, схема BG051PO001/07/3.3-02, “Подкрепа за развитието на докторанти, специализанти и млади учени”, договор BG051PO001/07/3.3-02/55 2008-2010.
4. Проект "Coupled Themo-Hydro-Mechanical (TNM) Modelling of Multiphase Materials and Robust Methods for Model Calibration, Validation and Verification“, FNRS/SGRI - 2005. Проектът в рамките на прякото Споразумение на БАН с Генералния комисариат за международни отношения (CGRI)/Национален фонд за научни изследвания (FNRS) на Френската общност на Белгия (Вавилония). Билатерален проект между Институт по Механика, Българска академия на науките и Белгия, Université de Liège, Institute de Mécanique et Génie Civil.
5. Проект "Knowledge-based Multicomponent matirials for durable and safe performance" по линията на VII РП на ЕС, KMM-NoE, V FR-EU, 2004-2008.
- Union of Scientists in Bulgaria /USB/
- International Association of Engineers /IAENG/