Selected Publications
Wetting, Adhesion and Capillarity |
Theory of the Time |
The Logic of the Multiplex Systems |
Epistemology |
Wetting, Adhesion and Capillarity |
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- P. Iliev, N. Pesheva, and S. Iliev, Contact angle hysteresis on nonwetting microstructured surfaces: Effect of randomly distributed pillars or holes, Phys. Rev. E 110, 024801 (2024).
- Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva, Pavel Iliev, Contact angle hysteresis on random self-affine rough surfaces in Wenzel’s wetting regime: Numerical study. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 107, 024802 (2023)
- Iliev S., Pesheva N., Iliev P. Dependence of the contact line roughness exponent on the contact angle on substrates with dilute mesa defects: numerical study. The European Physical Journal E 45, 66 (2022)
- Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva, and Pavel Iliev Depinning regimes and contact angle hysteresis of a drop on doubly periodic microtextured surfaces, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 101, 052801 (2020)
- Pavel Iliev, Nina Pesheva, and Stanimir Iliev, Roughness of the contact line on random self-affine rough surfaces, Phys. Rev. E 98, 060801(R) (2018).
- Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva, Pavel Iliev, Contact angle hysteresis on doubly periodic smooth rough surfaces in Wenzel's regime: the role of the contact line depinning mechanism, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 90, 012406 (2018)
- Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva, Pavel Iliev, Wetting of doubly periodic rough surfaces in Wenzel’s regime, MATEC Web of Conferences 145, 03006 (2018).
- JULIAN ISERINGHAUSEN, BASTIAN GOLDLÜCKE, NINA PESHEVA, STANIMIR ILIEV, ALEXANDER WENDER, MARTIN FUCHS, MATTHIAS B. HULLIN, 4D Imaging through Spray-On Optics, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36, No. 4, Article 35. Publication date: July 2017.
- Stanimir Iliev and Nina Pesheva, Contact-angle hysteresis on periodic microtextured surfaces: Strongly corrugated liquid interfaces, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 93, 062801 (2016).
- Pavel Iliev, Nina Pesheva, Stanimir Iliev CONTACT ANGLE HYSTERESIS ON ROUGH DOUBLY PERIODIC MICRO-TEXTURED SURFACES, Proceedings of the Forty Fourth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians SOK-Kamchia, April 2–6, 2015, 216-222.
- Stanimir Iliev, Nina Pesheva, Vadim S. Nikolayev, Contact angle hysteresis and pinning at periodic defects in statics, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 90, 012406 (2014).
- Iliev, P., N. Pesheva, S. Iliev, Contact Angle Hysteresis on Sinusoidally Grooved Surfaces, In: Proc. of the 12th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 23-26 September 2013, Saints Constantine and Helena, Varna, Bulgaria.
- Pavel Iliev, Nina Pesheva, Stanimir Iliev A DYNAMIC STUDY OF THE CONTACT ANGLE HYSTERESIS ON SINUSOIDALLY GROOVED SURFACES, Proceedings of the Forty Third Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Borovetz, April 2–6, 2014, 174-179.
- Iliev, D., Pesheva, N., Iliev, S., Contact angle hysteresis and meniscus corrugation on randomly heterogeneous surfaces with mesa-type defects, Langmuir 29 (19) 2013, pp. 5781-5792.
- P. Iliev, N. Pesheva, S. Iliev, Dynamic contact angle on sinusoidally grooved surfaces: numerical analysis by the contact line dissipation approach, University of Plovdiv, VOL. 38, Book 4, 2013 – Physics, 89-93.
- S. Iliev, N. Pesheva, D. Iliev, Equilibrium and quasi static dynamics of liquid, partialy wetting soilid surface, Series in Applied Mathemathics and Mechanics, Volume 1, Institute of Mechanics - BAS, Sofia, 2011, 234 pp.
- Iliev, S., N. Pesheva. Determination of the dynamic contact angle trough the meniscus, Proceedings of the Fortieth Jubilee Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Borovetz, April 5–9, 2011, 281 - 286.
- Iliev, D., S. Iliev, Parallel algorithm for the local variations method, Proceedings of the Fortieth Jubilee Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians Borovetz, April 5–9, 2011, 267 - 280.
- Iliev, S, N. Pesheva. Dynamic meniscus profile method for determination of the dynamic contact angle in the wilhelmy geometry, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 385, 2011, 144 - 151.
- Iliev, S., N. Pesheva. Numerical study of the static contact angle hysteresis in the presence of periodic defects, Comptes rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences, 64, No 4, 2011, 479-486.
- Iliev, S., Pesheva, N., D. Iliev. Asymptotic solutions for the relaxation of the contact line in the Wilhelmy-plate geometry: The contact line dissipation approach, Phys. Rev. E, 81, 2010, 011607
- Iliev, S., Pesheva, N., D. Iliev. Relaxation of the contact line in the Wilhelmy-plate geometry: asymptotic solutions of a combined contact line dissipation model, 11-th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2-5 September 2009. ID:158-303-1-PB.
- Iliev, S., Pesheva, N., V. Nikolayev. Dynamic study of the contact angle hysteresis in the presence of periodic defects, 11-th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2-5 September 2009. ID:154-307-1-PB.
- Iliev, D., S. Iliev. Dumping of capillary-gravity waves in a channel: the wedge dissipation effect, In: Proc. 38 Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Borovetz, April 1-5, 2009, 178-183.
- Iliev, S., Pesheva, N., V. S. Nikolayev. Dynamic modelling of the deformed contact line under partial wetting conditions: quasi-static approach, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 166 (2009) 181-184.
- Iliev, S., N. Pesheva, Dimitar Iliev, On the quasi-static relaxation of the contact line in the Wilhelmy-plate geometry: asymptotic solutions of а contact line dissipation model, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 39, N0 2, pp. 11-20 (2009).
- Iliev S., Pesheva N., Nikolayev V. S. Dynamic modelling of contact line deformation: comparison with experiment, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 78, 021605 (2008)
- Iliev, D., Iliev, S., The wedge dissipation effects in surface gravity waves in a channel, In: Proc. 37 Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Borovetz, April 2-6, 2008, pp 201-206 (2008).
- Iliev, S., Pesheva, N., Nikolayev, V. S., Quasi-static motion of the contact line in the Wilhelmy-plate geometry: contact line dissipation model, Proc. 36th Spring Conference "Mathematics and education in mathematics" of the Union of Bulgarian mathematicians, St. Konstantin and Elena resort, Varna, April 2-6, pp 246 – 251 (2007).
- Iliev, S., Pesheva N., Nonaxisymmetric drop shape analysis and its application for determination of the local contact angles, J. Colloid Interface Sci., vol. 301, pp. 677-684 (2006).
- Iliev S., Pesheva, N., On the quasi-static relaxation of a drop in a combined model of dissipation, Langmuir, vol. 22, pp 1580-1585 (2006).
- Iliev, S., Pesheva, N., Nikolayev, V., Quasistatic relaxation of arbitrarily shaped sessile drops, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 72, 011606 (2005).
- Iliev, S., Pesheva, N., Asymptotic solutions of the quasi-static relaxation of liquid drops taking into account the dissipation during the contact line motion, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 35, pp. 101-110 (2005).
- Iliev, S., Pesheva, N., Asymptotic Solutions for the Quasi-Static Relaxation of Liquid Drops, Proc.of the 10th Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna, 13-16 September 2005. pp. 479-482 (2005).
- Iliev, S., Pesheva, N., Wetting Properties of Well Structured Heterogeneous Substrates, Langmuir, vol. 19, pp. 9923-9931 (2003).
- Pesheva, N., Iliev, S., Numerical Verification of the Cassie’s Equation for Well Defined Heterogeneous Substrates with “Mesa” defects, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 33, pp. 29-40 (2003).
- Iliev, S., Numerical investigation of the static liquid drops on heterogeneous solid surface. Part II. With quadrilateral patches. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 32, No. 1, 15-20 (2002).
- Iliev, S., Numerical investigation of the static liquid drops on heterogeneous solid surface Part I. With radial patches. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 31 No. 4, 18-26 (2001)
- Iliev, S., Simulated “stick-slip” behavior of the contact line of the liquid drop on a horizontal plate. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 31, No. 1., 31-49 (2001).
- Iliev, S., Stick-slip behavior of the liquid drops on an inclined plane: A Numerical example. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 30, No. 4, 24-35, (2000).
- Iliev, S., The effects of resistance to shift of the equilibrium state of a liquid droplet in contact with a solid, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 213, pp 1-19 (1999).
- Iliev, S., A Hysteresis Model for the Capillary Contact Angle, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, vol. 38, No 4, 674-681 (1998).
- Iliev, S., Static Drops on an Inclined Plane: Equilibrium Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 194, pp 287-300 (1997).
- Iliev, S., Modeling the degree of stability of the equilibrium state of a liquid droplet in contact with a solid, Proceeding BAS, 49, No 7-8 , 19-22 (1996).
- Iliev S., Non-axisymmetric static drops on a horizontal plane: Numerical analysis. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 3, 66-74 (1996).
- Iliev, S., Iterative Method for the Shape of Static Drops, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., vol. 126, pp 251-265 (1995).
- Iliev, S., On a modification of a local variations method. Vestnik Mosk.Univ., ser. Num. Math. and Cybernetics, 4, 54-60 (1991).
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Theory of the Time |
- Ilieva, L.P., Iliev, S.D., Kazarian V.P., The representation of time in the Russian language world model, In: "Philosophy, science, education - 2011", 2012, 332-350. (in Russian) (link2)
- L.Ilieva, S.Iliev, V.Kazarjan "The value aspect of the time" In the Revue of the V-th International scientific conference "Social values and the choice of the time", Kurgan, 14-15 april, 2011 Kurgan, 31-32. (link2) (in Russian)
- Iliev S. Symbiosis of "mythological" and "historical" time and ancient Russian manuscripts, Mosk. Univ., Proceeding Temprology institute, Moscow (2006) (link2) (in Russian)
- Ilieva, L.P., Iliev, S.D., The phenomenology of time in the mythology of Ancient Egypt. Study of Religion, Moscow, 2002, 3, 138-150. (in Russian)
- Ilieva, L.P., Iliev, S.D., About phenomenological problems of the perception of the single entity. The bulletin of the international institute A. Bogdanov, 13, 2003. (in Russian).
- Ilieva, L.P., Iliev, S.D., The notion of the time in Ancient Egypt, Mosk. Univ., Proceeding Temprology institute, Moscow (2001). (in Russian)
- Ilieva, L.P., Iliev, S.D., Le caractère temporaire de la perception. Le rôle du concept "maintenant", Lire, comprendre, interpréter, Brno, (parution 2002) (in French) (in Russian)
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The Logic of the Multiplex Systems |
- Ilieva L., S.Iliev, About some characteristics of the qualitative theory of the information and communication, Burgas, Management and education, 2011 Vol. VII (3), p.227-232. (in Bulgarian)
- Iliev, S. D. The philosophical cradle of purposal logic. In: Smirnov’s reading, 4 international conference, Moscow, 2003, 130-132. (in Russian)
- Iliev S.D. About multiplex logic. In: Modern logic: problems of the theory, history and application in the science. VII Russian scientific conference. St. Petersburg, 2002, 449-451. (in Russian)
- Iliev, S. D. Information - quality - time. In: The information - communications – society. St. Petersburg, 2002, 123-124. (in Russian)
- Iliev, S. D. About communicative logic. In: Methods of the modern communications: problems of the theory and social practice. Moscow, 2002, 43-45. (in Russian)
- Iliev S.D., Logic structures in Multiplex systems.The bulletin of the international institute A. Bogdanov, 6, 2001. (in Russian) (in Russian) (link2)
- Iliev S.D. The Logic without Non-contradiction and Excluded middle Laws. In: Modern logic: problems of the theory, history and application in the science. V Russian scientific conference. St. Petersburg, 1998, p. 128-131. (in Russian) (in Russian) (in Bulgarian)
- Iliev S.D., Some modern aspects of the buddhist perception logic, Philosophical alternatives, 5-6, 1997, p. 94-99. (in Bulgarian)
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Epistemology |
- L.P. Ilieva, S.D. Iliev CLASSICAL SAMKHYA FROM THE PERSPECTIVEOF THE COGNITIVE THEORY OF EMOTION, Religious studies almanac, 11, Moscow, 2023, 172-208. (in Russian)
- Ilieva L.P., Iliev S.D. Emotions from the point of view of the pragmatic theory of information and communication, Highly Availabile Systems, Vol. 18, No. 3, Moscow, 2022, 45-58. (in Russian)
- Ilieva L.P., Iliev S.D. Emotions from the point of view of the pragmatic theory of information, Bionics – 60 years. Results and prospects. Collection of articles of the First International Scientific and Practical Conference, 17-19 December, Moscow, 2021, Moscow, 2022, 30-40. (in Russian)
- Liubov Ilieva, Stanimir Iliev. Demanipulation in NLP: Complex System approach In: Communication strategies of the information society : Proceedings of the Xth International scientific-theoretical conference, October 26–27, 2018. –St. Petersburg : POLYTECH-PRESS, 2018. 323 – 328. (in Russian)
- Liubov Ilieva, Stanimir Iliev, Valentina Kazaryan. Person and manipulation in the informa-tional society: cyber and synergetic approach In: Communication environments of the information society: Trends and traditions: Proceedings of the International scientific-theoretical conference, October 28 - 29, 2016. Saint Petersburg: The Publishing House of Polytechnic University, 2016. 237-243. (in Russian)
- Ilieva, L. P., S. D. Iliev, and V. P. Kazaryan. "Meaning Units of Text as Temporal Units." Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya: ‘Prostranstvo i vremya teksta’ [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time: Space and Time of Text’] 10.1 (2015). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast10-1.2015.41>. (In Russian). ( Link2)
- Ilieva L., S.Iliev, Les éléments psychanalytiques dans les oeuvres de G. Bachelard: particularité et fécondité, Implications philosophiques, Paris, ISSN : 2105-0864, Publié le 8 juin 2012.
- Ilieva, L.P., Iliev, S.D., Kazarian V.P., Psychoanalysis of the Spirit of Science and Epistemology of Gaston Bachelard, Svobodnaya Misl, 4, 1998, 113-121. (in Russian) (in Russian)
- Iliev, S.D., Kichovich. M. M., Conception systems and reality. Philosophical alternatives, 5-6 (1998), 52-56. (in Bulgarian) (in Russian)
- Ilieva, L.P., Iliev St.D., Elements of the Psychoanalysis of the Science, Philosophical alternatives, 5 (1996), 114-122. (in Bulgarian) ELEMENTS DE LA PSYCHANALYSE DE LA SCIENCE.
- Ilieva, L.P., Iliev, S.D., The Spirit of Science in Rationalism of K.Popper and G.Bachelard, In Philosophy, History, Humanism, Sofia, 1996, p. 149-153. (in Bulgarian)
- Ilieva, L.P., Iliev, S.D., Ka, Ba. In: Philosophical and the theory of Religion dictionary, Moscow, Publishing Mosk. Univ., 2004, (in Russian) in print.
- Ilieva, L.P., Iliev, S.D., The religion of the ancient Egypt. In: Religion Dictionary, Moscow, 2004, (in Russian) in print.
- Ilieva, L.P., Iliev, S.D., The Egyptian book of the dead. In: Religion Dictionary, Moscow, 2004, (in Russian) in print.
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Modified date:18-08-2024