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Position: Professor

Departmen: Fluid Mechanics

Room number: 308

Phone: +359 2 979 6443



Scientific degrees, institution, year:


  • Profеssor in Mathematical modeling and applicaion to mathematics, IMech, BAS, Sofia, 2023
  • Assoc. Prof. in Mathematical modeling and applicaion to mathematics, IMech, BAS, Sofia, 2013
  • Ph. D. in Biomechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (VAK), 2007

Fields of Research:


  • Mathematical modeling of real processes in biology, medicine, economics and social dynamics
  • Theory of dinamical systems
  • Theory of non-linear waves

Extended Information:

Recent Publications:

  1. Elena V. Nikolova, Denislav Z. Serbezov and Ivan P. Jordanov. Nonlinear Spread Waves in Population Dynamics Including a Human–induced Allee Effect. AIP Conference Proceedings 2075, 150004 (2019);
  2. Elena V. Nikolova, Denislav Z. Serbezov and Ivan P. Jordanov. On the Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Interacting Economic Agents: Application of the Modified Method of Simplest Equation. AIP Conference Proceedings 2075, 150003 (2019);
  3. Ivan P. Jordanov and Elena V. Nikolova. On the Evolution of Nonlinear Density Population Waves in the Socio-Economic Systems. AIP Conference Proceedings 2075, 150002 (2019);
  4. Nikolova E. V., Evolution Equation for Propagation of Blood Pressure Waves in an Artery with an Aneurysm, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 793, Springer, Cham, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-97277-0_27, 327-339. SJR:0.184
  5. Nikolova E. V., On nonlinear waves in a blood-filled artery with an aneurysm. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1978(1):470050, 2018, DOI:10.1063/1.5044120, SJR:0.16
  6. Nikolova E. V., Kotev V. K., Nikolova G. S. An Evolution Equation of Blood Flow in a Dilated Artery. EMBEC 2017, NBC 2017. IFMBE Proceedings, 65, Springer, Singapore, 2018, DOI:10.1007/978-981-10-5122-7_53, 209-2013. SJR:0.143
  7. Nikolova E. V.,, Jordanov I. P., Dimitrova Z. I., Vitanov N. K.. Nonlinear Evolution Equation for Propagation of Waves in an Artery with an Aneurysm: An Exact Solution Obtained by the Modified Method of Simplest Equation. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 728, Springer, Cham, 2018, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-65530-7_13, 131-144. SJR:0.246
  8. Ivanov, Tihomir B., Nikolova, Elena V.. Stability Analysis of an Inflation of Internally-pressurized Hyperelastic Spherical Membranes Connected to Aneurysm Progression. In book: Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Chapter: 6,, 681, Springer International Publishing AG 2017, 2017, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-49544-6_6, 14, SJR:0.187
  9. Nikolova E. V., Jordanov I. P., Dimitrova Z. I., Vitanov N. K.. Evolution of nonlinear waves in a blood-filled artery with an aneurysm. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1895(1):070002, American Institute of Physics, 2017, DOI:10.1063/1.5007391, 070002-1-070002-8. SJR:0.198
  10. Nikolova Elena, Elena Goranova, Zlatinka Dimitrova. Assessment of rupture risk factors of abdominal aortic aneurysms in Bulgarian patients using a finite element based system. Comptes rendus de l’Acade'mie bulgare des Sciences, 69, 9, 2016, 1213-1222. ISI IF:0.233
  11. Elena V. Nikolova, Tihomir Ivanov, Mathematical modelling and stability analysis of an inflation of thin-walled hyperelastic tube with applications to abdominal aortic aneurysms, Series on Biomechanics, 29 (4) (2015), pp. 78-84
  12. Tabakova, S., Nikolova E., Radev S., Carreau model for oscillatory blood flow in a tube, International Conference for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences ‐ AMiTaNS ’14,  26.06-1.07.2014, Albena, Bulgaria, AIP Conference Proceedings 1629 336 (2014);,  ISBN: 978-0-7354-1268-2, SJR 0,16.
  13. Nikolova E., I. Jordanov, Vitanov N., On Nonlinear Dynamics of the STAT5a Signaling Protein, Biomath 3 (2014), ID: 1404131 (11 pages)
  14. NikolovaE. V., R. Herwig, S. G. Nikolov, V. G. Petrov, Predictive Dynamical Modelling microRNAs Role in Complex Networks1, In Bioinformatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, vol. 1, 2013, In Information resources and Management Association(Ed.), Hershey, PA: Medical Information Science Reference (on impact of IGI Global, USA), pp. 1072-1112, ch056, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3604-0.ch056 (ISBN: 978-1-4666-3604-0).
  15. Nikolova, E., I. Jordanov, N. Vitanov, Dynamical Analysis of the MicroRNA-Mediated Protein Translation Process, Biomath, vol. 2 (1), 2013, Article ID: 1210071 (6 pages).
  16. Nikolova, E., I. Jordanov, N. K. Vitanov,  Dynamical features of the quasi-stationary microRNA-mediated protein translation process supported by eIF4F translation initiation factors, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 66 (9), 2013, 1716–1725 (ISSN: 0898-1221, IF 2,069).
  17. Ivan Jordanov, Elena Nikolova, On nonlinear waves in the spatio-temporal dynamics of interacting populations, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2013, 43 (2), pp. 69-76.
  18. Elena Nikolova, Quasi-Steady State Dynamics of IFN- induced JAK-STAT Signal Transduction Pathway, Comptes rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences, 2012, vol. 65, № 1, pp. 33-40,  ISSN 1310-1331, ISI IF 0,219.
  19. Ivan Edissonov , Elena Nikolova,  Sergei Ranchev,  Qualitative Analysis of Biotechnological Process Viscosity, Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Physics & Space Science, 2012, vol. 12,  Issue 2,  pp. 5-11.
  20. E. Nikolova, V. Petrov, I. Edissonov, Mathematical Modeling and Simulations of Tumors Treated by siRNA Infusion, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics , 2011 vol. 41, No. 2, pp.83-92
  21. I. Edissonov, E. V. Nikolova, S. N. Ranchev, N., Fuzzy modeling and identification of biotechnological process at periodical cultivation. Part I. Parameter identification of the model with constant parameters, Series on Biomechanics, 2010, vol. 25, № 1-2, pp. 174-178, ISSN 1313-2458.
  22. I. Edissonov, E. V. Nikolova, S. N. Ranchev, Fuzzy modeling and identification of biotechnological process at periodical cultivation. Part II Advantages of the fuzzy model, Series on Biomechanics, 2010, vol.25, № 3-4, pp. 66-69, ISSN 1313-2458.
  23. Еlena Nikolova, Valko Petrov, Quasi-steady state dynamics of the protein translation repressed by microRNA , Comptes rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences, 2010, vol. 63, No10, pp. 1421-1428, ISSN 1310-1331, ISI IF 0,219.
  24. E. Nikolova, V. Petrov, I. Edissonov, Dynamical modeling of RNA interference and its application to cancer therapy. A review, Series on Biomechanics , Vol. 24, №1, pp. 44-60 (2009).
  25. E. Nikolova, J. Timmer, V. Petrov, Time series analysis of feedback inhibitor data at expression/function levels, Series on Biomechanics, Vol. 24, №1, pp. 79-100 (2009).


Recent Projects:

  • Center of Excellence Mechatronics and Clean Technologies 2018 –
  • “Computational modeling and clinical research of arterial aneurysms in humans”, project I-02/3 with Bulgarian FNI, 2014-2018.
  • Biomedical Robotics and Applications (BioRA) Project ID: 612641, Funded under: FP7-PEOPLE, 2015-2017.
  • PRACE Second Implementation Phase (PRACE-2IP) project, FP7, 2012-2013.



  • Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians
  • SIAM BG (Society for Industrial and Applied mathematics, branch Bulgaria)
  • Bulgarian Society of Biomechanics


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Modified date:24-04-2024