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Dessislava Samuilova Despotova



Institute of Mechanics

PhD Student

Department of Biomechanics

Phone: +359 2 979 6378

Room numbe: 104


Scientific degrees, institution, year:











Bachelor’s degree Kinesitherapy, National Sport Academy, 2007


Master degree Kinesitherapy of Muscle-skeleton dysfunction, National Sport Academy, 2009


PhD Medicine – Biomechanics in Institute of Mechanics, BAS, 2013

Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petko Kirizov -Institute of Mechanics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

PhD Thesis: Biomechanics, kinesitherapy and optimization of human movement

Fields of Research:


Biomechanics of Human Walking; Biomechanics of Human Movement; Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation of Human Movement.


Extended Information

Recent Publications:


  1. Despotova, D., Kiriazov, P., Nikolova, G. "Efficient control learning in sport and rehabilitation", Series on Biomechanics, Vol.29, No.2-3, 2015 ISSN 1313-2458
  2. Despotova, D. “Biomechanical analysis of abnormal human gait: a review” , Series on Biomechanics, vol. 29, No 1, (2015) 45-53. ISSN 1313-2458
  3. Despotova, D., Kiriazov, P. "Motor learning and optimisation in gait control", TAR 2015 - Technically Assisted Rehabilitation, Proceeding Berin, 12-16 March 2015, ISSN 2192-161x
  4. Despotova, D., Kiriazov, P. "Efficient Control Learning in Ballistic-like Motion Tasks" p 97-98, Progress in Motor Control X. 22-25 July, 2015 | Budapest, Hungary ISSN: 2062-9559 ISBN: 978-615-5187-07-0
  5. Despotova, D., Kiriazov, P. “Control Learning in sport and rehabilitation” 9th FIEP European Congress and 7th International Scientific Congress "Sport, Stress, Adaptation", The National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”, Sofia, 9-12 Oct. 2014 ISSN 1310-3393
  6. Kiriazov, P., D. Despotova, A natural approach to efficient motor learning in goal-directed motion tasks, Klinische Neurophysiologie, 2014; 45 - P89, DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1371302, (ISSN 1439-4081)


Recent Projects:

Project BG051PO001-3.3.06-0048/04.10.2012 г. „Construction and development of highly qualified young researchers for effective implementation of biomedical research to improve quality of life "



member of Bulgarian Society of Biomechanics



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Modified date:09-01-2016