Избрани публикации:
- Ivanova,Y. Damage Detection in Free–Free Glass Fiber Fabric Composite Beams by measuring Flexural and Longitudinal Vibrations, Engineering. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 13, 3, 2023, DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.5788, 10685-10690. JCR-IF (Web of Science):1.5 Друго (Web of Science) Линк
- Ivanova,Y. Application of Ultrasonic Methods for Evaluation the Anisotropy of Materials. ISRES Publishing, 22, The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, 2023, DOI:https://doi.org/10.55549/epstem.1350957, 258-267 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus) Линк
- Ivanova,Y. Study of Mechanical Stresses in Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels Using Ultrasonic Methods. Materials Research, 25, 5, SciELO, 2022, ISSN:Online 1980-5373, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2021-0495, 1-8. SJR (Scopus):0.35, JCR-IF (Web of Science):1.54 Друго (Scopus) Линк
- Ivanova,Y. Investigation of Heat-Treated Steels Using the Magnetic Noise Method. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL "MACHINES. TECHNOLOGIES. MATERIALS", 4, 138, Scientific Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering" Industry 4.0", 2022, ISSN:ISSN 1314-507X, 138-141 Друго (Друга база (не влиза в К2)) Линк
- Ivanova,Y. Defect detection by frequency analysis of flexural vibrations of free-free composite beam. SCIENTIFIC-TECHNICAL UNION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING “INDUSTRY 4.0”, Year VII, 3, 1, SCIENTIFIC-TECHNICAL UNION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING “INDUSTRY 4.0”, 2022, ISSN:2535-0161, 320-322 Друго (Друга база (не влиза в К2)) Линк
- Lаkov, L, Jivov, B, Ivanova,Y, Toncheva,K. Alternative possibilities for application of foamed silicate materials. Machines. Technologies. Materials, 15, 1, Scientific Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering" Industry 4.0", 2021, ISSN:WEB ISSN 1314-507X; PRINT ISSN 1313-0226, 25-27 Национално неакадемично издателство (Друга база (не влиза в К2)) Линк
- Lаkov, L, Ivanova,Y, Partalin, T, Aleksandrova,M, Lepkova,T, Mutafchieva,G. Study of the thermal and sound insulation properties of ceramic plates with cavities designed for beehives. Mathematical Modeling, 5, 2, Scientific Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering" Industry 4.0", 2021, ISSN:WEB ISSN 2603-2929; PRINT ISSN 2535-0986, 59-61 Друго (Друга база (не влиза в К2)) Линк
- Lakov, L., Ivanova, Y. Study of sound absorption and reflection coefficients and thermal conductivity of porous composite material obtained from household glass waste and burnt ricegrains husk. International Scientific Journal "Industry 4.0", 5, 5, Scientific Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering" Industry 4.0", 2020, ISSN:Web 2534-997X; Print 2534-8582, 227-229 Национално академично издателство (Друга база (не влиза в К2)) Линк
- Lakov,L., Ivanova,Y., Ovcharov,K., Zheng, Sh. Еlastic and static characteristics of innovative balistic boron carbide ceramic articles. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL "INNOVATIONS", 2019, ISSN:2603-3763, 108-110 Национално академично издателство
- Lakov,L., Ivanova, Y., Guo, Ning, Hristov, P.. Elastic and static characteristics of innovative corundum ceramic products. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL "MATERIALS SCIENCE. NON-EQUILIBRIUM PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS", V, 4, 2019, ISSN:2367-749X, 142-145 Национално академично издателство
- Lakov, L., Jivov, B., Ivanova,Y.. Composite Materials Obtained from Foamed Silicate Products. International Journal “NDT Days”, II, 2, 2019, ISSN:2603-4018, 188-194 Международно академично издателство
- Lakov,L, Jivov, B, Aleksandrova, M, Ivanova,Y, Toncheva, K. An innovative composite material based on sintered glass foam granules. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 53, 6, 2018, ISSN:1314-7471, 1081-1089. SJR:0.331 SJR, непопадащ в Q категория (Scopus) Линк
- Ivanova, Y. Non-destructive monitoring of tensile of mild steel samples by magnetic Barkhausen and ultrasonic methods. 145, 05007, MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201814505007, SJR (Scopus):0.15 SJR, непопадащ в Q категория (Scopus) Линк
- Ivanova, Y, Vitchev,P, Hristodorova, T. Study on the sound absorption characteristics of wood from scots pine. Proc. of IX International Scientific and Technical Conference “Innovations in woodworking industry and engineering design”, University of Forestry-Sofia, 2018, 183-189 Национално академично издателство
- Ivanova, Y., Vitchev, P., Hristodorova, T. Study on the influence of some factors on the sound absorption characteristics of wood from scots pine. Proc. of XI International Science Conference “Chip and chipless woodworking processes”, 11, 1, Technical University in Zvolen, 2018, ISSN:2453-904X (print), 65-72 Международно академично издателство Линк
- Ivanova, Y., Partalin, T., Lakov, L., Jivov B. Airborne sound insulation of new composite wall structures. 145, 05013, MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201814505013, SJR:0.15 SJR, непопадащ в Q категория (Scopus) Линк
- Ivanova, Y., Partalin, T., Georgiev, I. Comparison of NDT techniques for elastic modulus determination of laminated composites. Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 728, Springer Intern. Publishing AG, 2018, DOI:doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65530-7-8, 79-89. SJR:0.17 SJR (Scopus) Линк
- Ivanova, Y., Partalin, T., Pashkuleva, D. Acoustic investigations of the steel samples deformation during the tensile. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Volume 53, Issue 1, Springer, 2017, DOI:doi:10.1134/S1061830917010077, 39-50. ISI IF:0.785 Q3 (Web of Science) Линк