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Върбинка Вълева Вълева

Заемана длъжност: Доцент, д-р

Секция: Механика на деформируемото твърдо тяло

Стая: 303

Тел.: (02) 979 6438



Научни степени, организация, година:



Mатематик 1975-1977

Институт по механика и биомеханика,София,


Аспирант Физ-Maт науки 1977-1980

Институт проблем механики, Москва,


Научен сътрудник, д-р 1981-1988

Институт по механика и биомеханика,София,


Ст.н.с. II ст. (доцент), д-р 1989-…

Институт по механика, София, БАН


Области на професионален интерес (ключови думи):

Аналитично и числено моделиране (BEM) на композитни материали и структури;

Идентификация, Хомогенизация на материалните свойства;

Допълнителна инфомация

Избрани публикации:


  1. Valeva, V., J. Ivanova, Influence of the interface gap on the stress behviour of single lap join, Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 69(9), 2016, pp. 1203-1212. ISSN: 1310-1331.
  2. Ivanova , J., V. Valeva, A. Yanakieva, T. Petrova, W. Becker, Damage of bi-material structures and reinforced composites with different industrial applications, J. of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (JSDEWES), 4(1), 2016,  pp. 23-37. ISSN: 1848-9257
  3. Valeva, V., J. Ivanova, A. Yanakieva, Interfacial damage of fiber/matrix composite under mechanical and physical loading, Int. J. Eng, Appl. Sci. (IJEAS), 2(10), 2015, 57 -64, ISSN: 2394-3661
  4. Ivanova, J., V. Valeva.,  T. Petrova, W. Becker, Interfacial debonding of a piezoelastic bi-material structure applicable for wind rotor blades,  Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 22, 2015, 813-818, ISSN:: 1537-6494
  5. Becker, W., V. Valeva.,  T. Petrova, J. Ivanova, Technical damage in wind rotor blade under static load at environment conditions, Chemical Engineering Transaction (CET), 42, 2014, 91-96, ISBN: 978-88-95608-33-4; ISSN: 2283-9216
  6. Becker, W., V. Valeva, T. Petrova, J. Ivanova,  Monitoring of piezo single lap joints under static loading, In: Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES, 20-27 September 2014, Venice-Istanbul,  SDEWES2014.0202, 2014, 0202-1 - 0202-12, ISSN:: 1847-7178 digital proceedings
  7. Ivanova, J., V. Valeva, T. Petrova, W. Becker, Piezo health monitoring of adhesive joints, In: Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES, 20-27 September 2014, Venice-Istanbul, SDEWES2014.0194, 2014, 0194-1 - 0194-11, ISSN:: 1847-7178 digital proceedings
  8. Ivanova, J., V. Valeva, T. Petrova, W. Becker, A. Yanakieva, Interface delamination of bi-material structures with different industrial applications in energy structures, In: Proceedings of the 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SEESDEWES, 29 June - 3 July 2014,  Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 2014, SEE2014.0093, 0093-1 - 0093-12, ISSN: 1847-7178 digital proceeding.
  9. Ivanova, J., V. Valeva, T. Petrova, W. Becker, A. Yanakieva, Interface delamination of bi-material structures with different industrial applications in energy structures, In: Proceedings of the 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SEESDEWES, 29 June - 3 July 2014,  Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 2014, SEE2014.0093, 0093-1 - 0093-12, ISSN:: 1847-7178 digital proceeding.
  10. Valeva, V., J. Ivanova, Shear lag and boundary element methods for study the carbon nanofibre reinforced composites, In: Proc. 12th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 23-26 September 2013, St.St. Constantine and Helena Resort, Varna, Bulgaria, 2013.
  11. Yanakieva, А., V. Valeva, J. Ivanova, Z. Mr?z, Pull-out analysis for Carbon nanotube/metal (ceramic) composites under static and dynamic loading, In: Proc. 12th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 23-26 September 2013, St.St. Constantine and Helena Resort, Varna, Bulgaria, 2013.
  12. Ivanova, J., V. Valeva, T. Petrova, W. Becker. Hygropiezothermoelastic Interface Delamination of a Bi-material Plate. In: Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 22-27 September 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2013, pp. 0929 1-12, ISSN: 1847-7178.
  13. Mroz, Z., A. Yanakieva, V. Valeva, J. Ivanova, Analytical pull-out anlysis for carbon nanotube-cement composites ubder static loading, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 2013, 66(3), pp. 431-438, ISSN: 1310-1331.
  14. Ivanova J., V. Valeva, W. Becker, Elastic-brittle and cohesive interface behavior of a bi-material structure under dynamic time harmonic loading. Application to a wind turbine rotor blade, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 2012, 65(9), pp. 1275-1284, ISSN: 1310-1331.
  15. Valeva, V., J. Ivanova, Modeling of carbon nanotubes reinforced composite. Part 1. Theory – Shear lag, In:  Scientific  Proc. of  Sci. Tech. Union Mech. Eng., 27th Int. Сonf. ”NDT days 2012”, June 11-15 2012, Sozopol, Bulgaria,  year XX, 2012,  Vol. 1 (133), pp. 232-235,  ISSN: 1310-3946.
  16. Gambin B., J. Ivanova, V. Valeva, G. Nikolova, Precracking and interfacial delamination in bi-material structure. Static and dynamic loadings, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2011, 27(1), pp. 80-89, ISSN: 0567-7718.
  17. Valeva V., J. Ivanova, B. Gambin, BEM and Shear lag method for interface problem of bi-material structure under static loading, J. Theor. Appl. Mech. (Poland), 2011, 49(1), pp. 17-29, ISSN: 1429-2955.
  18. Ivanova J., L. Weiler, J. Pouquet, V. Valeva, D. Gross, R.H. Martin , Validation of an analytical model for sliding wear of ceramic-metal composites with experimental data,, Compt. rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 2010, 63(8), pp. 1211-1218, ISSN: 1310-1331.
  19. Ivanova J., V. Valeva, F. Pastrone, Wave Propagation in Ceramic-Metal Composites with Interpenetrating Microstructure, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci.,  2009, 62(3), pp. 385-392, ISSN: 1310-1331.
  20. Ivanova J., V. Valeva, D. Gross, Analytical Model for Sliding Wear of Ceramic-Metal Composite, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 2008, 61(5), pp. 653-660. ISSN: 1310-1331.
  21. Nikolova G., J, Ivanova, V. Valeva, Z. Mroz, Mechanical and thermal loading of two-plate structure, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 2007, 60(7), pp. 735-742. ISSN: 1310-1331.
  22. Ivanova J., V. Valeva, Z. Mroz, Mechanical modeling of the delamination of bi-material plate structure,  J. Theor. Appl. Mechanics, Sofia, 2006, 36(4), pp. 39-54. ISSN: 1313-9665.
  23. Valeva V., J. Hristova, J. Ivanova, Numerical prediction of the strain state of thermoset matrix/mineral filler composite plates, Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2005, 41(2), pp. 145-156. ISNN: 0191-5665.
  24. Ivanova J., V. Valeva, Z. Mroz, Interphase Model for a Multilayer Structures Applied in Heat Conduction Problems, J. Theor. Appl. Mechanics, Sofia, 2004, 34(4), pp. 15-30, ISSN: 1313-9665.
  25. Valeva V., J. Ivanova, Z. Mroz, Parametric Analysis of the Decay Rate of End Effects in Heat Conduction for Multi-layered Semi-infinite Sandwich Structures, J. Theor. and Appl. Mechanics, Sofia, 2002, 32(4), pp. 39-52. ISSN: 1313-9665
  26. Hristova J., V. Valeva, J. Ivanova, Aging and filler effects on the creep model parameters of thermoset composites, J. Composite Science and Technology, 2002, 62, pp. 1097-1103. ISSN: 0266-3538.
  27. Baltov A., V. Valeva, J. Ivanova, Modeling of materials sensitive to the type of rheological processes, Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanics, Automatic Control and Robotics, 2000, 2(10), pp. 1283-1291. ISSN: 0354-2009.
  28. Baltov A., V. Valeva, J. Ivanova, On the Modelling of Masonry as a Sensitive to the Type of Loading Composite. Part II. Mechano-Mathematical Modelling and Applications, J. of Material Sciences and Technology, 2000, 8(1), pp. 12-19. ISSN: 0861-9786.
  29. Baltov A., V. Valeva, J. Ivanova, On the Modelling of Masonry as a Sensitive to the Type of Loading Composite. Part I. Basic Assumptions and Homogenization, J. of Material Sciences and Technology, 1999, 7(4), pp. 3-13. ISSN: 0861-9786.
  30. Valeva V., J. Ivanova, Strength numerical analysis of a composite material with holes. In: STRENGTH THEORY: Application, Development & Prospects for 21st Century, M.H. Yu and Fan S.G. ed., Science Press, New York and Beijing, 1998, pp. 359-364.
  31. Valeva V., J. Ivanova, F. Pastrone, Numerical modeling of wave scattering from a separated inclusion in a copmposite material, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 1997, 50(7-8), pp. 13-16. ISSN: 1310-1331.
  32. Valeva V., J. Ivanova, BEM for Determination of Elastic Effective Characteristics of Composite Material, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 1997, 50(5), pp. 17-20. ISSN: 1310-1331.
  33. Valeva V., Modelling the Separation of Physically Nonlinear Material from the Inclusions by BEM, (Int. Conf. on Mechanics, Physics and Structure of Materials, August 19-24, 1990, Thessaloniki, Greece, Abstracts pp. 117-118), J. of Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 1994, 5(2), pp. 129-139.
  34. Valeva V., J. Ivanova, Problem of wave scattering from a separated inclusion, Trans. 12th Int. Conf. on SMiRT, MPA, August 15-20, 1993, Stuttgart, Karl F. Kussmaul (ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North-Holland, vol. B: Computational Mechanics, 1993, pp. 345-360.
  35. Valeva V., L. Hadjikov, On the problem of separation of physically nonlinear matrix from the inclusion using BEM, J. of Advances in Engineering Software, 1992, 14, pp. 285-289. ISSN: 0965-9978.
  36. Ivanova J., P. Dineva, V. Valeva, L. Hadjikov, Design sensitivity analysis for shape optimization by the BEM, Int. J. of Engineering Analysis with BE, U.K., 1991, 8(5), pp. 218-223. ISSN: 0955-7997.



ДФНИ №  Е02/10 121214, Механо-математично моделиране поведението на интелигентни би-материални структури (ръководител: доц. д-р Ана Янакиева)

DFG Projects (2012, 2013, 2014)

KMM-NoE Project no. NMP3-CT-2004-502243

Joint research projects with University of Torino (Italy)

Joint research projects with Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw (Poland)
IMCO Copernicus ERBICC15CT9

Членство в научни организации:

Съюз на математиците в България

Последна промяна:19-07-2018