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Събина Чавдарова Чернева

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Секция: Механика на деформируемо твърдо тяло

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Научни степени, организация, година:


Магистър по физика и математика, Софийски университет “Св. Климент Охридки”, Физически факултет, 2001 година.

Доктор по специалност 01.02.04 " Механика на деформируемо твърдо тяло", Институт по механика-БАН, 2009 г.

Доцент, ИМех-БАН, 5  ноември 2015г.

Области на професионален интерес (ключови думи):

механични свойства на тънки покрития, микроиндентация, наноиндентация, метод на крайните елементи, механика на деформируемо твърдо тяло

Допълнителна инфомация

Избрани публикации:

  1. Cherneva, S., Andreeva, R., Stoychev, D. Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Thin Ceria and Phosphate Mono- and Multilayers Deposited on Technically Pure Al 1050. Materials 202518, 424. SJR:0.565, IF: 3.1.
  2. Dyakova, V., Cherneva, S., Mourdjeva, Y., Kostova, Y.. Influence of the Content of Ni as Minority Alloying Element on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Amorphous and Ultrafine Crystalline Al-Cu-Mg-Ni Alloys. Comptes rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences, 77, 6, „Prof. Marin Drinov“ Academic Publishing House, 2024, ISSN:1310–1331, DOI:, 810-816. SJR (Scopus):0.16, JCR-IF (Web of Science):0.3
  3. Cherneva, S., Petrunov, V., Petkov, V., Bogdanov, V., Simeonova, S.. Structure and Mechanical Properties of Milled and 3D-Printed Ti-6Al-4V Alloys for Subtractive and Additive CAD/CAM Manufacturing in Dentistry. Applied Sciences, 13, 21, MDPI, 2023, ISSN:2076-3417, DOI:10.3390/app132111958, SJR (Scopus):0.492, JCR-IF (Web of Science):2.7.
  4. Cherneva, S., Petrunov, V., Petkov, V., Bogdanov, V., Simeonova, S.. MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF 3D-PRINTED DENTAL Co-Cr ALLOYS, PRODUCED BY SELECTIVE LASER MELTING. Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics, 25, 2, Politechnika Wroclawska Oficyna Wydawnicza, 2023, ISSN:1509-409X, DOI:10.37190/ ABB-02259-2023-02, SJR (Scopus):0.317, JCR-IF (Web of Science):1
  5. Cherneva S., Petkov V., Voinarovych S., Alexiev A., Kyslytsia O., Masiuchok O. Mechanical properties of biocompatible titanium-glass-carbon coatings for application in orthopaedic implants and details for osteosynthesis. Russian Journal of Biomechanics, 2022, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 43-52. DOI: 10.15593/RJBiomech/2022.1.04, SJR: 0.25.
  6. Dyakova, V., Cherneva, S. Effect of Minority Alloying Elements Zn and Zr on the Mechanical properties of Amorphous Alloys AlCuMg(Zn) and AlCuMg(Zr) and their nanocrystalline analogues. Engineering Sciences, LIX, 2, Department "Engineering Sciences", basic organization "Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre "Acad. A.Balevski", BAS, 2022, ISSN:1312-5702, DOI:10.7546/EngSci.LIX.22.02.04, 41-52
  7. Cherneva, S., Petrunov, V. Comparison of the mechanical properties of nickel-free orthodontic archwires with application in patients with nickel allergy. Series on Biomechanics, 36, 2, 2022, ISSN: 1313-2458, DOI:10.7546/SB.36.2022.02.07, 78-85. SJR (Scopus):0.201
  8. Georgieva, M., Stoyanova- Ivanova, A., Cherneva, S., Petrov, V., Petrova, V., Andreeva, L., Mihailov, V., Petkov, A., Mikli, V. Characterization and comparison of as received and clinically retrieved Bio-active™ orthodontic archwires. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, Vol. 35, №1, Taylor & Francis (UK), 2021, ISSN: 1310-2818, DOI:10.1080/13102818.2021.1964381, pp. 1301-1311. SJR (Scopus):0.417, JCR-IF (Web of Science):1.632   Q3 (Scopus)
  9. Anestiev, L., Georgiev, J., Valkanov, S., Selecká, M., Cherneva, S., Iankov, R. Diffusion-alloying sintering of Cr–Mo pre-alloyed iron powders with carbon: The effect of the carbon introduction method on the sinter's properties. International Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 112, №1, Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany, 2021, ISSN:18625282, DOI:, pp. 48-56. SJR (Scopus):0.275, JCR-IF (Web of Science):0.748   Q3 (Scopus)
  10. Cherneva, S., Stoyanova-Ivanova, A., Gueorguieva, M., Andreeva, L., Petkov, A., Petrov, V., Petrova, V., Mikli, V.. NANOINDENTATION AND SURFACE CHARACTERIZATION OF CLINICALLY RETRIEVED MULTI-FORCE NITI ORTHODONTIC ARCHWIRES. Russian Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 24, No. 3, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation, 2020, ISSN: 1812-5123, DOI: 10.15593/RJBiomech/2020.3.02, pp. 240-256. SJR (Scopus):0.287
  11. Cherneva, S., Petrunov, V. Comparison of mechanical properties of last generation multi-force nickel-titanium archwires. Series on Biomechanics, Vol. 34, No.3, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2020, ISSN: 1313-2458, pp. 28-36. SJR (Scopus):0.197
  12. Stoyanova-Ivanova, A., Cherneva, S., Petrunov, V., Petrova, V., Ilievska, I., Mikli, V., Iankov, R. Investigation of mechanical and physicochemical properties of clinically retrieved titanium-niobium orthodontic archwires. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 22, No.1, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclav, Poland, 2020, ISSN:1509- 409X, DOI:10.37190/ABB-01486-2019-03, 31-39. SJR (Scopus):0.386, JCR-IF (Web of Science):0.968.
  13. S. Cherneva, D. Guergova, R. Iankov, D. Stoychev. Investigation of mechanical properties of mono - and multilayer alumina and ceria films using finite element modeling and nanoindentation experiments. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology-Transactions of the ASME(USA), Vol. 141, No.1, pp. 011006-1-011006-10, doi: 10.1115/1.4040593, ISSN: 0094-4289, January 2019, ISI IF: 1.144, SJR: 0.38.
  14. S. Cherneva, D. Guergova, N. Boshkova, R. Iankov, D. Stoychev. Nanoindentation investigations of electrodeposited on steel substrate corrosion-protective zinc coating, additionally improved by Cr III conversion layer., Proc. of the Sixth Intl. Conf. Advances in Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering - CSM 2018, 28-29 April 2018, Zurich, Switzerland, Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, USA, pp. 67-71, ISBN: 978-1-63248-150-4, doi: 10.15224/978-1-63248-150-4-35.
  15. S. Cherneva, D. Guergova, R. Iankov, D. Stoychev. Study of the mechanical properties of single layer and multi - layer metallic coatings with protective - decorative applications. MATEC Web of Conferences 145, 02002 (2018), DOI:, SJR: 0.151.
  16. M. Natova, I. Ivanov, S. Cherneva, M. Datcheva, R. Iankov. Evaluation by nanoindentation of technological products manufactured by pulse injection molding process. MATEC Web of Conferences, 145, EDP Sciences, 2018, DOI: https: // /10.1051 /matecconf /201814502006, SJR: 0.151.
  17. R.Zaharieva, M. Datcheva, R. Iankov, S. Cherneva, N. Nikolova. Mechanical Properties of Multi - Layered Systems via Nanoindentation. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 25, 3, 2017, ISSN: 0861-9786, 170-181
  18. V. Petrunov, S. Cherneva, R. Iankov. Determination of Mechanical Properties of Nickel - free Orthodontic Archwires by means of Nanoindentation. European Journal of Orthodontics, 39, 5, Oxford University Press, 2017, ISSN: 0141-5387, e192-e192. SJR: 1.279, ISI IF: 2.033.
  19. Markus Reusch, Sabina Cherneva, Yuan Lu, Agnė Žukauskaitė, Lutz Kirste, Katarzyna Holc, Maria Datcheva, Dimitar Stoychev, Vadim Lebedev, Oliver Ambacher. Microstructure and mechanical properties of stress-tailored piezoelectric AlN thin films for electro-acoustic devices. Applied Surface Science, Vol. 407, 15 June 2017, Pages 307–314, ISSN: 0169-4332, Impact Factor: 4.439, SJR: 1.093.
  20. Sabina Cherneva,  Roumen Iankov, Nenad Radic, Bosko Grbic, Maria Datcheva, Dimitar Stoychev.  NANO-INDENTATION INVESTIGATIONS OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THIN TiO2, WO3 AND THEIR COMPOSITES LAYERS, DEPOSITED BY SPRAY PYROLYSIS. MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY(Slovenia), Vol.51, No. 1, 2017, ISSN:1580-2949, pp. 75-83, SJR:0.29, ISI IF:0.590.
  21. Cherneva, S., Iankov, R., Georgiev, M., Dobrovolska, T., Stoychev, D.. Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Electrochemically Deposited Au-In Alloy Films using Nano-indentation. MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY(Slovenia), Vol. 50, No.5/2016, 2016, ISSN:1580-2949, pp. 689-693. SJR:0.27, ISI IF:0.436.
  22. Cherneva, S., Stoychev, D., Dobrovolska, T., Iankov, R.. Nanoindentation investigation of the mechanical properties of electrodeposited In-Co alloy coatings. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Vol.24, No. 2, Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre "Acad. A. Balevski", Bulgarian academy of Sciences, 2016, ISSN:0861-9786, pp. 99-107.
  23. Natova, M., Ivanov, I., Iankov, R., Datcheva, M., Cherneva, S.. Evaluation via nanoindentation of improved technological procedure for manufacturing polymer packagings for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2016, 1, 6, 2016, ISBN:978-619-7105-68-1, ISSN:1314-2704, DOI:DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2016/B61/S24.015, 111-118. SJR:0.195.
  24. Anestiev L., J. Georgiev, M. Selecka, S. Cherneva, R. Iankov. Effect of the carbon introduction method on the mechanical properties of sinters produced from iron based powders, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 27-42,  2016, ISSN 0861-9786.
  25. Cherneva S., D. Stoychev, Ts. Dobrovolska, R. Iankov, Nanoindentation investigation of the mechanical properties of electrodeposited In-Co alloy coatings, Proceedings of Fifth national conference with international participation “Materials science, hydro- and aerodynamics and national security ’2015”, 22–23 October 2015, Sofia, pp. 78-82, ISSN 1313‑8308.
  26. G. Zamfirova, S. Cherneva, V. Gaydarov, T. Vladkova, Influence of crosslinking on micromechanical characteristics of liquid silicone rubber. Numerical simulations of microindentation process, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 47, Special Issue B (pp. 433–441) 2015,  ISSN: 0324-1130, impact factor=0.221
  27. Jennifer Hay, Sabina Cherneva, Chapter 1. In Vitro Complex Shear Modulus of Bovine Muscle Tissue, Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials, Volume 7, Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series 2015, Editors: Francois Barthelat, Chad Korach, Pablo Zavattieri, Barton C. Prorok,  K. Jane Grande-Allen, Springer International Publishing, ISSN: 2191-5644, Print ISBN: 978-3-319-06973-9, Online ISBN: 978-3-319-06974-6, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06974-6_1,  pp. 1-6, SJR: 0.15.
  28. Cherneva S., R. Iankov, D. Stoychev. Investigation of the influence of the concentrations of Sn in electrochemically deposited CuSn alloy films on their mechanical properties, Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1684(2015), pp. 030003-1–030003-7, doi: 10.1063/1.4934287, ISBN: 978‑0‑7354‑1331‑3, SJR:0.198.
  29. G. Zamfirova, S. Cherneva, V. Gaydarov, N. Djourelov, Nanocomposites based on epoxy resin. Simulation of Microindentation process, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects(Elsevier), Vol.460, 20 october 2014, pp.254-264, impact factor=2.75.
  30. S. Cherneva, R. Iankov, N. Radic, B. Grbic, D. Stoychev, ”Nanoindentation investigation of mechanical properties of ZrO2, ZrO2-Y2O3, Al2O3 and TiO2 thin films deposited on stainless steel OC 404 substrate by spray pyrolysis”, Materials Science and Engineering B(Elsevier), Volume 183, April 2014, Pages 12–16, impact factor=2.169.
  31. R. Iankov, M. Datcheva, S. Cherneva, D. Stoychev, Finite Element Simulation of Nanoindentation Process, In: Numerical Analysis and its Applications, I. Dimov, I. Farago and L.Vulkov(Eds.):NAA 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8236, pp. 319-326, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013, ISSN:0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-642-41514-2, SJR:0.316.
  32. G. Zamfirova, S. Cherneva, V. Gaydarov, Simulation of microindentation process for nanocomposites based on polypropylene, Proceedings Volume 1:Section Materials, X International Congress “Machines, Technologies, Materials 2013”, September 18-20 2013, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 44-47, ISSN 1310-3946.

  33. R. Iankov, S. Cherneva, M. Datcheva, D. Stoychev, “Mechanical Characterization of Layers and Thin Films via Nanoindentation and Numerical Simulations”, book chapter in: "Mechanics of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology", thematic collection, "Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics ", Volume 3 (2012), ISSN: 1314-3034, Publisher Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia.

  34. R. Iankov, S. Cherneva, M. Datcheva, D. Stoychev. Identification of Material Model Parameters of Electroless Deposited Cobalt Films via Nanoindentation Test and Finite Element Modeling, "Nanoscience& Nanotechnology –Nanostructured materials application and innovation transfer” issue 12(2012), (ISSN: 1313-8995), pp.173-177.

  35. S. Cherneva, D. Stoychev, R. Iankov. Investigation of mechanical properties of electrochemically deposited ZrO2, Ce2O3-CeO2 and La2O3 films by means of nanoindentation. Chemické listy, 106 (S3), 2012, 438-441. (ISSN: 0009-2770; IF:0.453, SJR:0.213).

  36. С. Чернева, Р. Янков, Д. Стойчев. Локално охарактеризиране на материални свойства на тънки слоеве посредством наноиндентация. Сборник с доклади от ІІ Международна конференция “Металознание, нови материали, хидро- и аеродинамика’2012”- Институт по металознание-БАН, 31 май-1 юни 2012, София, pp 130-134.(ISSN: 1313-8308)

  37. M.Datcheva, S. Cherneva, D. Stoychev, R.Iankov, M. Stoycheva. “Determination of Anodized Aluminum Material Characteristics by Means of Nanoindentation Measurements”, Materials Sciences and Applications, Vol. 2 (2011), No.10, pp. 1452-1464, Scientific Research Publishing, USA, ISSN Online: 2153-1188, DOI: 10.4236/msa.2011.210196.

  38. S. Cherneva, M. Stoycheva, R. Iankov, D.Stoychev. “INFLUENCE OF THE CONDITIONS FOR DEPOSITION ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CHEMICALLY DEPOSITED THIN COBALT LAYERS”, International Virtual Journal “ Machines, Technologies, Materials”, Year V, Issue 8 (2011), pp.41-44, ISSN 1313-0226.

  39. M. Йорданов, П. Чобанов, Д. Гергова, Д. Стойчев, С.Чернева, Р. Янков. “Структура и механични свойства на електролизно отложени слоеве от ZrO2 върху стомана 316L”, Машиностроене и машинознание, Том 2(2011), стр.51-54, ISSN 1312-8612 .


  41. Sabina Cherneva, Milko Yordanov, Dimitar Stoychev, Rumen Iankov, „ Experimental-numerical approach for characterization of mechanical properties of thin electrochemically deposited chromium and copper films”, Solid State Phenomena, Vol. 159 (2010), pp. 157-162, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/, impact factor(2005)= 0.493, SJR(2010)=0.194.

  42. Йорданов М.,  П. Чобанов , E. Стоянова, Д. Стойчев, Р. Янков, С. Чернева, “Влияние на условията на получаване върху механичните свойства на анодно формирани слоеве от Al2O3 върху алуминий АД3”, Машиностроене и машинознание, ISSN 1312-8612, т.10, 2010.

  43. S. Cherneva, R. Iankov, D. Stoychev, “Characterization of mechanical properties of electrochemically deposited thin silver layers”, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, Birmingham, England, Vol. 88(2010), No.4, pp. 209-214, impact factor=1.62.

  44. S. Cherneva, R. Iankov, D. Stoychev, „Determination of mechanical properties of electrochemically deposited thin gold films”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia,  Vol. 39(2009), No. 4, pp. 65–72.

  45. S.Cherneva, R. Iankov, D. Stoychev, “ Finite-element modeling of microindentation for determining the mechanical properties of electrochemically deposited thin nickel films”, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Vol.17( 2009), No.3, pp.237-244.

  46. R. Iankov, S. Cherneva, D. Stoychev. “Investigation of material properties of thin copper films through finite element modeling of microindentation test”, Journal of Applied Surface Science-Elsevier, Vol.254 (2008), No. 17, pp.5460-5469, impact factor(2008)=1.576

  47. С. Чернева, “Идентификация на параметри в материални модели чрез числено моделиране на експерименти на микротвърдост”- автореферат на дисертация за присъждане на образователната и научна степен “доктор по специалност 01.02.04 “Механика на деформируемо твърдо тяло”, 2008.

  48. Sabina Ch. Cherneva, Rumen Zl. Iankov. "Investigation influence of boundary conditions by simulation with finite element method of micro indentation process", Proceedings of the Thirty Sixth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, St. Konstantin & Elena resort, Varna, pp. 197-202, April 2-6, 2007.

  49. С. Чернева, Р. Янков, Д. Стойчев."Числено моделиране на експериментални резултати за микротвърдост на метали и сплави", Юбилейна научна конференция по случай 65-годишнната на УАСГ, София, стр.257-267 , 17-18 май 2007г.

  50. S. Cherneva, R. Iankov, V. Kavarjikov, D. Stoychev. " Numerical modeling of microindentation experiment for determination mechanical characteristics of metals and alloys", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, Vol. 37(2007), №2, pp. 45-58.


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