Николай Колев Витанов
Заемана длъжност: Професор |
Направление: Механика на флуидите |
Стая №: 116 |
Тел.: (02) 979 6416 |
E-mail: vitanov@imbm.bas.bg |
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Избрани публикации:
Списък на публикациите и цитатите може да се види на https://scholar.google.bg/citations?user=lwklmyEAAAAJ&hl=en
Избрани публикации до 2016 г.:
1.) Science dynamics and research production. Indicators, indexes, statistical laws andmathematical models. Springer International, Switzerland (2016)
by Nikolay K. Vitanov
2.) Box model of migration channelsby Nikolay K. Vitanov and Kaloyan N. VitanovMathematical Social Sciences, 80, 108-114 (2016)
3.) Modified method of simplest equation for obtaining exact analyticalsolutions of nonlinear partial differential equations. Further development ofthe methodology with applications.by Nikolay K. Vitanov, Zlatinka I. Dimitrova, Kaloyan N. VitanovApplied Mathematica and Computation, 269, 363 - 378 (2015)Публикации до 2010 г.1.) On the way to success: The Institute of Mechanics of BAS was awarded as the most innovative
- research organization in Bulgaria for 2009.
by Nikolay K. Vitanov
Journal of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 78, No. 2, 83 - 85 (2010).
- 2.) Modified method of simplest equation and its application to nonlinear PDEs.
- by Nikolay K. Vitanov, Zlatinka I. Dimitrova and Holger Kantz
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 216, 2587 - 2595 (2010).
- 3.) Application of the method of simplest equation for obtaining exact traveling-wave solutions for
- two classes of model PDEs from ecology and population dynamics.
- by Nikolay K. Vitanov and Zlatinka I. Dimitrova
- Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 15, 2836 - 2845 (2010).
- 4.) Science in the service of the government politics: What the time series analysis tells us about
- the present and future economic situation of the Bulgarian scientists.
- by Nikolay K. Vitanov and Kim Gol
- Journal of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 78, No. 1, 68 - 70 (2010).
- 5.) Application of simplest equations of Bernoulli and Riccati kind for obtaining exact traveling-wave solutions
- for a class of PDEs with polynomial nonlinearity.
by Nikolay K. Vitanov
- Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 15, 2050 - 2060 (2010).
- 6.) Optimum fields and bounds on heat transport for nonlinear convection in rapidly rotating fluid layer
by Nikolay K. Vitanov
- European Physical Journal B, 73, 265 - 273 (2010).
- 7.) Bounds for heat transport for convection in rotating fluid layer.
by Nikolay K. Vitanov
- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 39, No. 4, 11 - 20 (2009).
- 8.) On nonlinear dynamics of interacting populations: Coupled kink waves in a system of two populations
- by Nikolay K. Vitanov, Ivan P. Jordanov, Zlatinka I. Dimitrova
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 14, 2379-2388 (2009).
- 9.) Bounds on heat transport for thermal convection in rapidly rotating fluid layer.
by Nikolay K. Vitanov
Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 62, Nr. 6, 709 - 716 (2009).
- 10.) The elite and its educaton
by Nikolay K. Vitanov
Science (Sofia), 19, Nr. 2, 73 - 75 (2009).
- 11.) Spatiotemporal Symmetry and Multifractal Structure of Head Movements during Dyadic Conversation.
by Kathleen T. Ashenfelter, Steven Boker, Jennifer R. Waddell, Nikolay K. Vitanov,Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35, 1072 - 1091 (2009).
- 12.) Optimum theory of turbulence: ideas, methods and results
by Nikolay K. Vitanov,Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 39 Nr. 3, 31 - 62 (2009).
- 13.) Career development and mobility of the scientists - current state, needs and necessary conditions,by Nikolay K. Vitanovр pp. 156 - 167 in Speeches of the national Forum for the Science, Sofia, 27 - 29.04. 2009,Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Sofia (2009).
- 14.) On nonlinear population waves
- by Nikolay K. Vitanov, Ivan P. Jordanov, Zlatinka I. Dimitrova
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215, 2950 - 2964 (2009).
- 15.) On probability for rogue waves in the North Sea.
- by Nikolay Vitanov and Norbert Hoffmann , Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 62, Nr. 2, 185-191 (2009).
- 16.) Differentiation and integration of the scientific knowledge on the border between natural and social sciences: new scientific branches.
- by Nikolay K. Vitanov Science (Sofia), 18, Nr. 3, 33-36 (2008).
17.) Mathematical models of intergroup conflicts.by S. Panchev and Nikolay K. Vitanov Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 61 Nr. 8, 993-1002 (2008).18.) Generalization of the model of conflict between two armed groups.
by Nikolay K. Vitanov and S. Panchev. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 61, N r.9, 1121-1126 (2008).19.) Social dynamics without formulas - 360 pagesby N. K. Vitanov, Z. I. Dimitrova, S. Panchev. Prof. Mardin Drinov Academic Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia (2008)20.) SSA, PCA, TDPSC, ACFA: Useful combination of methods for analysis of short and nonstationary time series
by Nikolay K. Vitanov, K. Sakai and Z. I. Dimitrova Chaos Solitons & Fractals 38, 187-202 (2008).21.) Short time prediction of wind speeds from local measurementsby H. Kantz, D. Holstein, M. Ragwitz and N. K. Vitanov Chapter 16 (p.p. 93-98) in J. Peinke, P. Schaumann, S. Barth (eds) Wind Energy, Springer, Berlin (2007).22.) On the Bulgarian scientific system
by N. K. Vitanov, Z. Dimitrova and S. Panchev Science (Sofia) 17, Nr. 6, 64-69 (2007).23.) Shall we survive?
by N. K. Vitanov Science (Sofia) 17, Nr. 5, 3-7 (2007)24.) Analysis of a Japan government intervention on the domestic agriculture market
by N. K. Vitanov, K. Sakai, I. P. Jordanov, S. Managi, K. Demura Physica A 382, 330-335 (2007) .25.) Physics and social dynamics
by N. K. Vitanov Physics (Sofia) 32, 71-76 (2007)26.) The Matrix
by N. K. Vitanov Science (Sofia) 17, 34-37 (2007)27.) Analytical and numerical investigation of two Lorenz-like dynamical systemsby S. Panchev, T. Spassova and Nikolay K. Vitanov Chaos Solitons & Fractals 33, 1658-1671 (2007)28.) Transition of chaotic motion to limit cycle by intervention of economic policy: An empirical analysisby K. Sakai, S. Managi, Nikolay K. Vitanov and K. Demura Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and Life Sciences 11, 253-265 (2007).29.) On the trap of extinction and its eliminationby Nikolay K. Vitanov, Zlatinka I. Dimitrova and H. Kantz Phys. Lett. A 346, 350-355 (2006)30.) Multifractal analysis of the long-range correlations in the cardiac dynamics of Drosophila melanogasterby Nikolay K. Vitanov and Elka D. Yankulova Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 28, 768-775 (2006)31.) How Bulgarian Scientists cope with the EU research systems- problems and opportunitiesby Nikolay K. Vitanov Science (Sofia) 16, N1, p.p. 18-23 (2006)32.) The Empire of knowledge I: The scientific politics of Japanby Nikolay K. Vitanov Science (Sofia) 16, N 3, 12-21 (2006)33.) The Empire of knowledge II: Reforms in the system of science and technology in Japanby Nikolay K. Vitanov Science (Sofia) 16, N4, 14-24 (2006)34.) Hoelder-exponent-MFDFA-based test for long-range correlations in pseudorandom sequencesby Nikolay K. Vitanov, Khristo Tarnev and Holger Kantz Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 36, N 2, 47-64 (2006)35.) Application of physics methods to social phenomenaby Nikolay K. Vitanov, Z. I. Dimitrova, I. P. Jordanov p.p. 123 - 128 in Advances of physics and astrophysics of the 21 st century. edited by I. Zhelyazkov, Heron Press, Sofia (2006)
36.) Upper bound on the heat transport in a heated from below fluid layerby Nikolay K. Vitanov p.p. 37 - 40 in J. Peinke, A. Kittel, S. Barth, M. Oberlack (eds.) Progress in Turbulence (Springer, Berlin) (2005).37.) Predicting probability for stochastic processes with local Markov propertyby Holger Kantz, Detlef Holstein, Mario Ragwitz and Nikolay K. Vitanov p.p. 95-98 in J. Peinke, A. Kittel, S. Barth, M. Oberlack (eds.) Progress in Turbulence (Springer, Berlin), (2005).38.) Shilnikov chaos in a generalized system for modeling dynamics of competing populationsby Zlatinka I. Dimitrova and Nikolay K. Vitanov Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 58, N 3, 257-264 (2005).37.) Investigation of Alexander's law in the human caloric nystagmus: First resultsby Stefan Hegemann, Anja Kusterer, Nikolay K. Vitanov, Veneta Todorova Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 58, N 4, 457-462 (2005)40.) Challenges to contemporary physics: Econophysics and sociophysicsby Nikolay K. Vitanov, Zlatinka I. Dimitrova, Stoicho Panchev Science (Sofia) 15, N2, 13-23 (2005).41.) Population dynamics and national security - 151 pagesby Nikolay K. Vitanov, Zlatinka I. Dimitrova and Stoicho Panchev. Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia (2005)42.) On correlations and fractal characteristics of time seriesby Nikolay K. Vitanov, Kenshi Sakai, Elka D. Yankulova Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 35, N2, 73-90 (2005).43.) Numerical upper bounds on convective heat transport in a layer of fluid of finite Prandtl number. Confirmation of Howard's analytical single-wavenumber boundby Nikolay K. Vitanov Physics of Fluids 17, Article Number 105106 (2005)44.) Asymptotic properties of some complex Lorenz systemsby S. Panchev and Nikolay K. Vitanov Journal of Calcutta Mathematical Society 1 181-190 (2005)45.) Upper bounds on the turbulent convective heat transport in a rotating fluid layerby Nikolay K. Vitanov and Friedrich F. Busse in Ivanov Ya. , Manoach E., Kazandjiev R.(eds.) Proceedings of the X-th jubilee congress on theoretical and applied mechanics,Varna, Bulgaria, 13-16.09.2005, Vol. 1, p.p. 618-623 (2005)46.) On the Alexander's law in the human caloric nystagmusby Nikolay K. Vitanov, Veneta Todorova, Stefan Hegamann and Anja Kusterer in Ivanov Ya., Manoach E., Kazandjiev R. (eds.) Proceedings of the X-th jubilee congress on theoretical and applied mechanics, Varna, Bulgaria, 13-16.09.2005, Vol. 2, p.p. 207 - 212 (2005)47.) On the nonlinear dynamics of agent systems: Case of competing populationsby Zlatinka I. Dimitrova, Nikolay K. Vitanov and Ivan P. Jordanov in Ivanov Ya. , Manoach E., Kazandjiev R. (eds.) Proceedings of the X-th jubilee congress on theoretical and applied mechanics, Varna, Bulgaria, 13-16.09.2005, Vol. 1, p.p. 41-46 (2005)48.) Extreme events in surface wind: Predicting turbulent gustsby H. Kantz, D. Holstein, M. Ragwitz and Nikolay K. Vitanov p.p. 315-324 in Experimental chaos, eds. S. Boccaletti, B. J. Gluckman, J. Kurths, L. M. Pecora, R. Meucci, O. Yordanov. American Institute of Physics, Conference Proceedings 742, Meliville, New York (2004).49.) Chaotic pairwise competitionby Z. I. Dimitrova and Nikolay K. Vitanov Theoretical Population Biology 66, 1-12 (2004).50.) Markov chain model for turbulent wind speed databy H. Kantz, D. Holstein, M. Ragwitz and Nikolay K. Vitanov Physica A 342,. 315-321 (2004).51.) Convective heat transport in a rotating fluid layer of infinite Prandtl number: optimum fields and upper bounds on Nusselt numberby Nikolay K. Vitanov Phys. Rev. E 67, Article Number 026322 (2003)52.) Upper bounds on the numbers of significant degrees of freedom of noise influenced oscillations of moving machinesby Nikolay K. Vitanov and K. Sakai Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation (SAMS) 43, 815-828 (2003)53.) On the optimum fields in rotating systems with heat convectionby Nikolay K. Vitanov Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Science 56 , N2, 31-36 (2003)54.) On some properties of the point correlation dimensionby Nikolay K. Vitanov and E. Yankulova Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 56, N2, 25-30 (2003)55.) Dynamical properties of nystagmusby Nikolay K. Vitanov and V. Todorova Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 56, N 1, 25-30 (2003)56.) Population dynamics and its unexpected applicationsby Zlatinka I. Dimitrova and Nikolay K. Vitanov Science (Sofia), 12, N5, 2-31 (2002)57.) The power of scienceby Nikolay K. Vitanov Science (Sofia) 12, N4, 22-26 (2002).58.) Topological analysis of the chaotic behavior of Shinriki oscillatorby Nikolay K. Vitanov, M. Siefert and J. Peinke Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 55, N 9, p.p. 31-36 (2002).59.) Low-dimensional chaos in zero-Prandtl-number Benard-Marangoni convectionby T. Boeck and Nikolay K. Vitanov Phys. Rev. E 65, Article Number 037203 (2002).60.) Dynamical analysis of a noise influenced Shinriki oscillatorby Nikolay K. Vitanov, M. Siefert, J. Peinke Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 55, N 7, 15-20 (2002)61.) Upper bounds on the convective heat transport in a rotating fluid of infinite Prandtl number: Case of large Taylor numbersby Nikolay K. Vitanov European Phys. Journ. B 23, 249-266 (2001)62). Adaptation and its impact on the dynamics of a system of three competing populationsby Z. I. Dimitrova and Nikolay K. Vitanov Physica A 300, 91-115 (2001)63.) Dynamical consequences of adaptation of the growth rates in a system of three competing populationsby Z. I. Dimitrova and Nikolay K. Vitanov J. Phys A: Math. Gen 34, 7459-7473 (2001)64.) Bounds on the convective heat transport in a rotating layerby Nikolay K. Vitanov and F.H. Busse Phys. Rev. E 63 , 016303 (2001)65.) Upper bounds on the convective heat transport in a rotating fluid of infinite Prandtl number: case of intermediate Taylor numbersby Nikolay K. Vitanov Phys. Rev. E 62, 3581-3591 (2000)66.) Influence of adaptation on the nonlinear dynamics of a system of competing populationsby Z. I. Dimitrova and Nikolay K. Vitanov Phys. Lett A 272, 368-380 (2000)67.) Upper bound on the heat transport in a layer of fluid of infinite Prandtl number, rigid lower boundary, and stress-free upper boundaryby Nikolay K. Vitanov Phys. Rev. E 61, 956-959 (2000)68.) Bounds on the turbulent heat transport in a porous mediumby Nikolay K. Vitanov Physica D 136, 322-339 (2000)69.) Convective heat transport in a fluid layer of infinite Prandtl number: upper bounds for the case of rigid lower boundary and stress-free upper boundary.by Nikolay K. Vitanov European Phys. Journal B 15, 349-355 (2000)70.) Bounds on energy dissipation in turbulent shear flow under the action of rotationby N.P. Hoffmann and Nikolay K. Vitanov Physics Letters A 255, 277-286 (1999)71.) Breather and soliton wave families for the sine-Gordon equationby Nikolay K. Vitanov Proc. Roy. Soc. London A 454, 2409-2423 (1998)72.) Bounds for turbulent convectionby Nikolay K. Vitanov and F.H. Busse Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ZAMM) 78, S787-S788 (1998)73.) Complicated exact solutions to the 2+1-dimensional sine-Gordon equationby Nikolay K. Vitanov Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ZAMM) 78, S789-S790 (1998)74.) Upper bound on the heat transport in a horizontal fluid layer of infinite Prandtl numberby Nikolay K. Vitanov Physics Letters A 248, 338-346 (1998)75.) Upper bounds on heat transport in a horizontal fluid layer with stress-free boundariesby Nikolay K.Vitanov and F.H. Busse Journal of Applied Mathematical Physics (ZAMP) 48, 310-324 (1997)76.) On the solitary waves in the sine-Gordon model of the two-dimensional Josephson junctionby Nikolay K. Vitanov and N.K. Martinov Zeitschrift fuer Physik B: Cond. Matt. 100, 129-135 (1996)77.) On traveling waves and double-periodic structures in two-dimensional sine-Gordon systemsby Nikolay K. Vitanov J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 29 , 5195-5207 (1996)78.) New class of running-wave solutions of the 2+1-dimensional sine-Gordon equationby N. Martinov and Nikolay K. Vitanov J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 27 , 4611-4618 (1994)79.) On the self-consistent thermal equilibrium structures in two-dimensional negative-temperature systemsby N. Martinov and Nikolay K. Vitanov Canadian Journal of Physics 72, 618 -624 (1994)80.) Analysis of the standing-wave solutions of the one-dimensional sine-Gordon equationby N. Martinov and Nikolay K. Vitanov Bulgarian Journal of Physics 19, 48-56 (1992)81.) Running-wave solutions of the two-dimensional sine-Gordon equationby N.Martinov and Nikolay K. Vitanov J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 25, 3609-3613 (1992)82.) On some solutions of the two-dimensional sine-Gordon equationby N. Martinov and Nikolay K. Vitanov J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 25, L419 - L426 (1992)83.) On the correspondence between the self-consistent 2D Poisson-Boltzmann structures and the sine-Gordon wavesby N.Martinov and Nikolay K. Vitanov J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 25, L51-L56 (1992)
- National Scientific Program Information and communication technologies for a single digital market in science, education and security 2019 -
- Center of Excellence Mechatronics and Clean Technologies 2018 –
- COST CA15109 COSTNET Cooperation for statistics of network data science 2015-
- COST CA16228 GAMENET European network for game theory 2016 -
- COST MP0801 Physics of Competition and Conflict (European Science Foundation): Member of the Managing Committee from Bulgaria, 2008-2012
- COST MP0806 Turbulence and Particles (European Science Foundation): Member of the Managing Committee from Bulgaria, 2008-2012
- DO 02/338 Variational methors in fluid mechanics (NSF of Republic of Bulgraia) 2008-2011, participant
- COST P10 Physics of Risk (European Science Foundation): Member of the Managing Committee from Bulgaria, 2004-2008
- MM1201/02 (NSF of Republic of Bulgaria): Extraction of information from time series, 2002-2005 – Head of the Project
Членство в научни организации:
- Society for industrial and applied mathematics (SIAM), USA
- Съюз на математиците в България
- Съюз на учените в България
Награда за върхови научни постижения на Съюза на учените в България, 2008, 2017.
Лична страница http://www.imbm.bas.bg/index.php/bg_BG/vitanov
Последна промяна:22-02-2019