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Соня Стоянова Табакова



Заемана длъжност: Професор

Направление: Механика на флуидите

Стая: 423

Тел.: (02) 979 6476




Научни степени, организация, година:


  • доктор по Механика на флуидите, СУ "Кл. Охридски", 1981.
  • доцент по Механика на флуидите, Технически Университет-София, 1997.
  • професор по Механика на флуидите, Технически Университет-София,  Институт по механика, БАН, 2012.

Области на професионален интерес (ключови думи):

  • Механика на флуидите - математическо           моделиране
  • Приложна математика в областта на               механиката
  • Устойчивост на течни филми
  • Течения в кръвоносни съдове
  • Реология на полимери и други ненютонови флуиди

Допълнителна информация

Избрани публикации:

  1. Z. Zapryanov, S. Tabakova Dynamics of Bubbles, Drops and Rigid Particles, Kluwer academic publishers, New York, London, Dordrecht, ISBN 0-7923-5347-1, December 1998 (hardcover), 514p.; Springer, Dordrecht ISBN/EAN:978-90-481-5130-1, January 2011 (softcover), 540p.
  2. Tabakova, S., Feuillebois, F., On the solidification of a supercooled liquid droplet posed on a surface, Journal Colloid and Interface Science, 272 (2004), 225-234; 302 (2006) 704. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2003.10.029; DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2006.06.074
  3. Mongruel, A., Daru, V., Feuillebois, F., Tabakova, S., Early post-impact times dynamics of viscous drops onto a solid dry surface, Physics of Fluids, 21 (2009)  032101 (13 pages). DOI: 10.1063/1.3079095
  4. Tabakova, S., Danov, K., Effect of disjoining pressure on dynamics and relaxation of liquid films with mobile interfaces, Journal Colloid and Interface Science, 336 (2009) pp. 273-284. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2009.03.084.
  5. Tabakova, S., Feuillebois, F., Radev, S., Freezing of a Suspended Supercooled Droplet with a Heat Transfer Mixed Condition on Its Outer Surface, First International Conference on Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences (22–27 June 2009, Sozopol, Bulgaria), AIP  Conference Proceedings 1186 (2009), 240-247. ISBN: 978-0-7354-0752-7
  6. S. Tabakova Dynamics and stability of free thin films, AIP Conference Proceedings 1301, 531-542. ISBN: 978-0-7354-0856-2, 2010
  7. S. Tabakova, S. Radev Linear stability of a free viscous film under the van-der-Waals force action, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, BAS, 40, N.1 pp. 23-32, 2010.
  8. Tabakova, S., Feuillebois, F., Radev, S., Freezing of supercooled spherical droplet with mixed boundary conditions, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 466 no. 2116 (2010) pp. 1117-1134. DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2009.0491.
  9. Табакова, С., Радев, Ст., Механика на флуидите, Издателство на ТУ-София, 2011. ISBN: 978-954-438-898-0
  10. S. Tabakova Static equilibrium of thin films on axisymmetric substrates, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, BAS, 41, N.2, 37-48, 2011.
  11. S. Tabakova Nonlinear dynamics and stability of thin films with insoluble surfactants, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, BAS, 41, N.3, 49-64, 2011.
  12. Tabakova, S., F. Feuillebois, A. Mongruel, V.Daru, S.Radev, First stages of drop impact on a dry surface. Asymptotic model, ZAMP Volume 63, Number 2 (2012), 313-330, DOI: 10.1007/s00033-011-0169-5
  13. S.Tabakova, S. Radev On the Nonlinear Instability of Viscous Capillary Films and Jets, Selected papers of the International Scientific Conference On Mechanics "Sixth Polyakhov Readings" Dedicated to the 95thAnniversary of Sergey V. Vallander 31 January - 3 February 2012 Saint-Petersburg, Russia, pp. 140-144, ISBN 978-5-91563-110-5, 2012.
  14. Tabakova, S., F. Feuillebois, V. Daru, S. Radev, freezing of a moving film due to an air flow carrying supercooled droplets, Proceeding of XIV Minsk International Heat and Mass Forum (MIF-14), 10-13 September, 2012, Minsk, Belarus, Section 2, paper 2-74.pdf
  15. Feuillebois, F., Tabakova, S., S. Radev, V. Daru, Entrained film of ice-water slurry with impinging supercooled water droplets, Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 87 (2014), No. 1, 54-68.
  16. S. Tabakova, S. Radev Nonlinear stability of free thin films: thermocapillary and van-der-Waals effects, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, BAS, 44, N.4, pp. 83-96, 2014
  17. S. Tabakova, Е. Nikolova, S. Radev, , Carreau model for oscillatory blood flow in a tube, Sixth AMiTaNS (26.06-1.07.2014, Albena, Bulgaria), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1629, 336-343, 2014.
  18. S. Tabakova A study of the stability of some free films, Pliska Stud. Math. 25, 41-54, 2015
  19. S. Tabakova, N. Kutev, S.Radev Application of the Carreau viscosity model to the oscillatory flow in blood vessels, 41th Conference Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE'15), (8-13.06.2015, Sozopol, Bulgaria), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1690, 040019-1-040019-7, 2015.
  20. S. Tabakova Nonlinear drainage of some non-Newtonian free films, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1684 (2015), 070008-1-070008-8.
  21. N. Kutev, S. Tabakova, S. Radev Approximation of the Oscillatory Blood Flow Using the Carreau Viscosity Model, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanics - Seventh Polyakhov's Reading, 2-6 February, 2015, Sankt Petersburg, Russia, edited by A.A. Tikhonov, IEEE, ISBN 978-1-4799-6824-4, IEEE Catalog Number CFP15A24-AR, 2015.
  22. N. Kutev, S. Tabakova, S. Radev Velocity and Shear Rate Estimates of Some Non-Newtonian Oscillatory Flows in Tubes, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1773, 080002, 2016.
  23. K. Filipov, S. Tabakova, Numerical simulation of the flow around two bluff bodies separated by a gap, (NTADES 2016, 4-9.07.2016, Sofia, Bulgaria), Pliska Stud. Math. 26 (2016), 113-122
  24. S. Tabakova, P. Raynov, N. Nikolov, St. Radev Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Pulsatile Blood Flow in Arteries with Model Aneurysms, Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics, in Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, 681, pp.187-197, 2017.
  25. N. Nikolov, St. Radev and S. Tabakova Pulsatile Blood Flow in Elastic Artery with Model Aneurysm, ICCMSE 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece, 21-25.04.2017, AIP conference proceedings, 1906, 050005, 2017.
  26. N. Nikolov, S. Tabakova, St. Radev Blood flow and elasticity of carotid artery, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 70 (11), pp.1578-1584, 2017.
  27. S. Radev, S. Tabakova, Kutev N. Asymptotic Study of the Nonlinear Velocity Problem for the Oscillatory Non-Newtonian Flow in a Straight Channel. In: Georgiev K., Todorov M., Georgiev I. (eds) Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 728. pp 159-168, 2018.
  28. Luigi Egiziano, Patrizia Lamberti, Giovanni Spinelli, Vincenzo Tucci, Rumiana Kotsilkova, Sonia Tabakova, Evgeni Ivanov, Clara Silvestre, Rosa Di Maio, Morphological, Rheological and Electrical Study of PLA reinforced with carbon-based fillers for 3D Printing Applications, 9th International Conference “Times of Polymers and Composites", 17-21 June, 2018, Ischia, Italy, AIP Conference Proceedings 1981, 020152 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5046014
  29. Spinelli, G.; Lamberti, P.; Tucci, V.; Kotsilkova, R.; Tabakova, S.; Ivanova, R.; Angelova, P.; Angelov, V.; Ivanov, E.; Di Maio, R.; Silvestre, C.; Meisak, D.; Paddubskaya, A.; Kuzhir, P. Morphological, Rheological and Electromagnetic Properties of Nanocarbon/Poly(lactic) Acid for 3D Printing: Solution Blending vs. Melt Mixing. Materials 2018, 11 (11), 2256,
  30. N. Nikolov, S. Tabakova and St. Radev Gaussian Model Deformation of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Caused by the Interaction between the Wall Elasticity and the Average Blood Pressure, In: Georgiev K., Todorov M., Georgiev I. (eds), Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics, Studies in Computational Intelligence 793, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019.
  31. D. Baltean-Carles, V. Daru, C. Weisman, S. Tabakova, H. Bailliet , An unexpected balance between outer Rayleigh streaming sources, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2019 (in print).



  • Ръководител - «Компютърно моделиране и клинико-диагностични изследвания на артериални аневризми при хора» - проект с ДФНИ И-02/3, 2014-2018, ръководител на проекта: проф. д-р Соня Табакова
  • Участник - H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016-734164 Graphene 3D „Мultifunctional graphene-based nanocomposites with robust electromagnetic and thermal properties for 3D-printing application, Европейски проект по програма Мария Склодовска-Кюри, 2017-2020, ръководител на проекта: проф. дтн Румяна Коцилкова

Членство в научни организации:

    - Съюз на математиците в България

    - Съюз на учените в България

    - Национален комитет по теоретична и приложна механика

    - SIAM BG (Society for Industrial and Applied mathematics, branch Bulgaria)


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