Избрани публикации:
- O. Nitcheva, P. Dobreva, B. Milev, E. Bournaski, Hydrology models application to solution of the river deviation problem during dam construction, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 50, 2019.
- P. Dobreva, O. Nitcheva, V. Koutev, M. Kartalev, Gas-dynamic interpretation of the ion density variations in the magnetosheath: Comparison with Cluster data, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2075, 060003, 2019.
- O. Nitcheva, A. Yordanova, B. Milev, P. Dobreva, V. Koutev, T. Trenkova, Soil physics simulation as an option for country scale groundwater recharge estimation, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2075, 130016, 2019.
- P. Dobreva, O. Nitcheva, M. Kartalev, A case study of the plasma in the magnetosheath using the numerical magnetosheath-magnetosphere model and THEMIS measurements, MATEC Web of Conferences, 145, 03004, 2018.
- P. Dobreva, M. Kartalev, O. Nitcheva, N. Borodkova, G. Zastenker, Experimental and numerical investigation of plasma parameters in the magnetosheath, MATEC Web of Conferences, 145, 03003, 2018.
- M. Stoyanova, A. Kandilarov, V. Koutev, O. Nitcheva, P. Dobreva, Potential of multispectral imaging technology for assessment coniferous forests bitten by a bark beetle in Central Bulgaria, MATEC Web of Conferences, 145, 01005, 2018.
- P.S. Dobreva, M.D. Kartalev, N.L. Borodkova, G.N. Zastenker, Near-magnetopause magnetosheath in 3D gasdynamic module of the numerical magnetosheath-magnetosphere model, Advances in Space Research, 58(2), pp. 188-195, 2016.
- P. Dobreva, G. Zastenker, N. Borodkova, M. Kartalev, Modelling the magnetosphere response to the passage of an interplanetary magnetic cloud. Interball-1 crossings, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 66(2), pp. 253-260, 2013.
- M. Kartalev, P. Dobreva, V. Keremidarska, M. Dryer, Solar wind-comet exosphere interaction. 2. Could the single-fluid gas-dynamic model be applicable to the Rosetta mission, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 42(1), pp. 71-90, 2012.
- V. Keremidarska, M. Kartalev, P. Dobreva, M. Dryer, Solar wind-comet exosphere interaction. 1. A single fluid gasdynamic model, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 41(3), pp. 65-82, 2011.
- P.S. Dobreva, M.D. Kartalev, D. Koitchev, V.I. Keremidarska, M. Kaschiev, On the modular approach of a 3D model of the system magnetosheath-magnetosphere, Advances in Space Research, 41(8), pp. 1279-1285, 2008.
- M. Kartalev, P. Dobreva, E. Amata, M. Dryer, S. Savin, Some tests of a new magnetosheath model via comparison with satellite measurement, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70(2-4), pp. 627-636, 2008.
- Г.Н. Застенкер , М.Д. Карталев, П.С. Добрева, Н.Н. Шевырев, А. Коваль, Сравнение измерений параметров плазмы в магнитослое с расчетами на основе новой магнитослойно-магнитосферной модели, Космич. Исслед., том 46, N6, стр. 499-513, 2008.
- M. Kartalev, S. Savin, E. Amata, P. Dobreva, G. Zastenker, N. Shevyrev, Magnetopause cusp indentation: an attempt for a new model consideration European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(598), pp. 339-344, 2006.
- P.S. Dobreva , M.D. Kartalev, N.N. Shevyrev, G.N. Zastenker, Comparison of a new magnetosphere - magnetosheath model with Interball-1 magnetosheath plasma measurements, Planetary and Space Science, 53(1-3), pp. 117-125, 2005.