Олга Николова Ничева - Милева
Заемана длъжност: Доцент |
Направление: Механика на флуидите |
Стая №: 224 |
Тел.: (02) 979 6433 |
E-mail: olgani@imbm.bas.bg |
Научни степени, организация, година:
Области на професионален интерес (ключови думи): |
Интегрирано управление на водните ресурси:
Допълнителна инфомация
Избрани публикации:
Nitcheva O. (2018) Hydrology models approach to estimation of the groundwater recharge. Case study in the Bulgarian Danube Watershed. Springer, Environmental Earth Sciences Journal 77: 464, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-018-7605-1, ISI IF 1.44;
Nitcheva O., Milev B., Trenkova T., Philipova N., Dobreva P., Koutev V. „Calibration of the Land Surface Model (CLM) throught satellite observed soil moisture (ESA-SM) in Bulgaria“, Proceedings for the 2017 EUMETSATMeteorological Satellite Conference, 2-6 October 2017, Rome, Italy;
Nitcheva O., Milev B., Trenkova T., Philipova N., Dobreva P. (2018), „Kamchia watershed groundwater recharge assessment by the CLM3 model“, NCTAM conference proceedings, Matec, SJR 0.15;
Stoyanova M., Kandilarov A., Koutev V., Nitcheva O., Dobreva P. „Potential of multispectral imaging technology for assessment coniferous forests bitten by a bark beetle in Central Bulgaria“. 145, MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201814501005, SJR:0.15
Nitcheva, O., Milev B., „Computation and monitoring of the Soil Moisture Index on the Bulgarian Territory“, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, 2017, vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 18-26, SJR 0.22
Nitcheva, Olga. The CCM2 river and catcment dataset employed in Bulgarian hydrologic modeling investigations. 2016, http://ccm.jrc.ec.europa.eu/php/index.php?action=view&id=50;
Milev B., Nitcheva O., Chrischev L., 2015, “Study of the variation and monitoring of the anomalies of soil moisture in Bulgaria”, EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Toulouse, France, ISSN 1011-3932;
Nitcheva O., Marinov D., 2014, “Nitrogen pollution in Bulgaria –Characterization and solutions”, Report of the IES JRC “Towards Macro-Regional Integrated Nutrient Management”, ISSN 1831-9424, pp. 26-29, http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/bitstream/111111111/32823/1/lb-na-26822-en-n.pdf;
Nitcheva O., Milev B. 2013, “Modelling the drought soil moisture index on the basis of satellite meteorological data”, EUMETSAT meteorological satellite conference, 16-20 Sep, Vienna, ISSN 1011-3932;
Nitcheva O. and Kazandjiev V. (2013), “Estimation of soil hydraulic characteristics in soil moisture modelling”, Journal of Balkan ecology, ISSN 1311-0527, volume 16, N2, pp. 141-150;
Kazandjiev V. and Nitcheva O., “Assessment of the groundwater recharge to groundwater body Bellene by the CLM model”, Magazine “Water Affairs”, N1, 2013, http://www.stuwa.org/files/magazine/1-2.13_s4.pdf, pp. 141-150, ISSN 1311-0527;
Ioncheva V., Santourjian O. and O. Nitcheva, 2013, “Assessment of the flood waves in the reservoirs in Bulgaria”, Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology, 2013, Volume 16, .
Loos R., Wollgast J., Castro-Jiménez J., Mariani G., Huber T., Locoro G., Hanke G., Umlauf G., Bidoglio G., Hohenblum P., Moche W., Weiss S., Schmid H., Leiendecker F., Ternes T., Ortega A. N., Hildebrandt A., Barceló D., Lepom P., Dimitrova I.,Nitcheva O., Polesello S., Valsecchi S., Boutrup S., Sortkjaer O., de Boer R., Staeb J.. Laboratory intercomparison study for the analysis of nonylphenol and octylphenol in river water. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 27, 1, Elsevier Ltd, 2008, DOI:10/1016/j.trac.2007.10.011, 89-95. ISI IF:7.03 |
Членство в научни организации: The European Water Resources Association (EWRA) |
Награди: Резултатите от ръководеният проект „Оценка на очакваното замърсяване на подземните води с нитрати при земеделско използване на земята при различни норми на торене, с оглед на Нитратната Директива (91/676/ЕИО) за защита на водите от замърсяване” са признати като научно-приложно постижение на НИМХ и е поместено в годишния отчет на БАН за 2011 г.
Лична страница http://www.imbm.bas.bg/index.php/bg_BG/olga-nitcheva |
Последна промяна:21-02-2019