Избрани публикации:
Gospodinov, P. Mironova, M., Kazandjiev, R. Mechanisms of sulfate ionic diffusion in porous cement based composites, Computers and Concrete, Vol.4, No.4, 2007, pp. 273-284
Gospodinov P., Modeling of sulfate ionic diffusion in porous cement based composites: effect of capillary size change, Computers&Concrete, Vol.4, No.2, 2007, pp. 157-166
N. V. Georgiev, P. N. Gospodinov, V. G. Petrov, Multi-variate time series based reconstruction of dynamical systems AMO - Advanced Modeling and Optimization, Vol.8, No.1, 2006, pp.53-64
Gospodinov P., Mironova M., Kazandjiev R., (2005), Mechanisms of sulfate ionic diffusion in porous mineral composites, Proceedings of the 10-th Nat. Congress on Theor. and Appl. Mechanics, Varna 2005, 1, pp.174-179
Gospodinov P., Numerical Simulation of 3D Sulfate Ion Diffusion and Liquid Push Out of theMaterial Capillaries in Cement Composites, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol.35, Issue 3, Elsevier Sc., 2005 ,pp.520-526
N.Georgiev, P.Gospodinov, An Algorithm for Reconstructing Dynamical System. Part Two: Numerical Illustration, Comptue rendus de l’Dcademie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 56, No.5, 2003, pp.31-36
Mironova, P. Gospodinov, R. Kazandjiev, The Effect of Liquid Push out of the Material Capillaries under Sulfate Ion Diffusion in Cement Composites, Cement and Concrete Research, Elsevier Sc.,Vol.32, (1), 2002, pp.9-15
Petrov V., P. Gospodinov, N. Georgiev, RECONSTRUCTING DUFFING SYSTEM FROM GIVEN HARMONIC INPUT WITH OBSERVATIONAL NOISE, Comptue rendus de l’Dcademie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 35, No.8, pp.35-40, 2002
Petrov V., P. Gospodinov, N. Georgiev, RECONSTRUCTING ROSSLER EQUATION FROM A GIVEN CHAOTIC SOLUTION WITH OBSERVATIONAL NOISE, Comptue rendus de l’Dcademie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 35, No.7, pp.21-26, 2002
Abadjiev V., P. Gospodinov, E. Abadjieva, Car crash passenger place identification, Archives of Transport, Vol.1, 1, Warsaw, 2001, pp.5-14
L. Yarin, P. Gospodinov, O. Gottlieb, and M. D. Graham. Newtonian glass fiber drawing, Chaotic variation of the cross-sectional radius; PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, Vol. 11, Issue 11, 1999, pp. 3201-3208,
Gospodinov P., Kazandjiev R, Partalin T., Mironova M., Diffusion of sulfate ions into cement stone regarding simultaneous chemical reactions and resulting effects, Cement and concrete research Vol.29, Issue 10, 1999, pp 1591-1596,
Stefanov, P.Gospodinov and C.Cercignani, Monte Carlo Simulation and Navier-Stokes finite difference solution of Rarefied Gas Flow Problems; PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, Vol.10, Issue 1, 1998 pp. 289-300